Friday, June 14, 2024

Is AI About to Destroy This $120-Billion-a-Year Industry?

In ancient Greece around 620 BC, a slave called Aesop wrote a story about the “Golden Goose.” Over 2,000 years later, this story reveals some truth about the AI world. 

A poor farmer and his wife, after years of hardship, buy a goose hoping it will provide them with eggs to eat and sell. 

To their astonishment, the goose lays golden eggs. Initially overjoyed, they sell these eggs and begin to amass wealth. 

However, their greed grows, and the farmer’s wife suggests that they kill the goose to retrieve all the golden eggs at once, assuming the goose must have a multitude of eggs inside it. 

They follow through with this plan, only to discover the goose has no eggs inside. 

With the goose dead, their source of wealth is gone. They end up poor again, filled with regret over their impulsive and greedy decision to kill the goose. 

So what does the golden goose story have to do with AI?

The Goose and the golden eggs in an online world is the information and content we need for our modern information economy. It is the data wealth of the world in a digital format. 

This is created by online creators of websites, blogs, news sites big and small and the social media micro content creators and publishers. 

To make sense of the scale of this globally, here are 3 important stats about the amount of data being created and consumed.

What’s the point?

The farmer and his wife are Google and Facebook and the other large content aggregators that help us find and make sense of the universe and wealth of information created by all humanity.

For the past few decades, they have been a valuable part of the global web ecosystem. 

And making sense of the firehose of content, needs big tech, small tech and small publishers and creators working together. 

It is a creative collaboration that has worked for decades. And the online creator industry is now estimated to be worth over $120 billion dollars a year.

How Is AI (and Google) Threatening this $120 Billion a Year Creator Industry?  

So, let’s take a quick dive into how AI and search are threatening the 200 million content professional creators and their $120 billion+ industry and impacting the global netizens and where did it all start?

The Web gold rush

When the web launched in the 1990’s there was a gold rush. Golden eggs were slowly being produced. Google started scanning the web and indexing all the websites.

The web platforms that started emerging from the wild west of the web in the 1990’s were platforms like Netscape, Google and YouTube. They provided a global ecosystem that gave creators of content (websites and bloggers) attention and visibility. This was turned into golden eggs (revenue). 

The unspoken agreement

In this emerging ecosystem rose a silent pact. “You provide the content and we will index and link to the websites and blogs and provide you with visibility.”  

You just need to work out how to make money from that.

The emerging platforms made money from advertising next to and around that information, creation, e-commerce portals and creative videos, images and words. It was a new revenue and business model that had never been seen before. 

Google and Facebook arose not as creators but as aggregators and connectors. They collected the “content” (golden eggs) and provided access to it on their platforms for a world that craved information, knowledge and entertainment. This was gold. The content and the collective intelligence of the planet for all to see.

But the Farmer (Google) and his wife (Facebook) seem like they have decided to start starving the goose (the creators) to get all the eggs. Their power, influence and size as the titans of the global web has created power and its greedy offspring. Power and Hubris. 

They are stealing and scraping the content but don’t want to pay. Content rape and media pillage doesn’t help sustain a global village. Slowly, the content creators are becoming invisible. 

The goose isn’t dead yet. But it is slowly starving. And now, to add to the puzzle we have the rise of AI chatbots. 

Open AI and its offspring – ChatGPT – and its competitors. 

What’s AI got to do with all this? 

AI is a $100+ billion threat to search engines. 

The OpenAI ChatGPT chatbot can find the information as fast as a search and adds more value as it is organized and distilled in an overview. With Google making over $175 billion from search advertising and related revenue in 2023, ChatGPT’s AI technology is “huge” threat to these rivers of gold. 

And Google is running scared. 

Just recently Google, in its rush to get AI out, has feverishly been working to integrate AI into its search results. Its new service is titled “AI Overviews” that is featured at the top of search results . It summarizes answers to a search enquiry but you don’t know where the answer came from or which website.

This is what it looks like.

And a recent article on revealed some results that were good and others that were both funny and dangerous (especially when it came to health related searches). 

According to an article in the Washington Post, the creator industry and the unspoken agreement is being stretched to breaking point. 

Here is what they revealed:

  • Gartner predicts that web traffic will fall by 25 percent by 2026. 
  • And Raptive (which provides) digital media, and advertising services to about 5,000 websites that traffic could drop by 66% and web creators would lose over $2 billion of revenue per annum.   
  • Jack Boly (who provides online shoe reviews) has seen his traffic drop by 96% due to recent Google algorithm changes.

So AI is starting to produce winners and losers. But the web needs to work for the world. Not just the global titans.

The challenge is that the web is messy and the rules of engagement are being blown up.  

The 4 Web Partners Needed in an AI World

The new and emerging and evolving “AI web” needs to have a collaboration for it to work and this involves 4 types of players. 

  1. The aggregators that allow us to find the content. Google and Facebook are part of that and dominate. They provide visibility for the contributors and content creators.
  2. The content creators that feed the aggregator beasts.  Bloggers. News sites, Websites and Ecommerce online stores.
  3. The consumers and users that feed on the content. The addicted scrollers and viewers. Without the users who click on the ads and are addicted to the streams of content designed for clicking, the mega global search and social media platforms would die. 
  4. The AI chatbots that emerged in November, 2022. ChatGPT. The chatbots are both creators and aggregators. They can write articles collected  from multiple websites, design images and produce videos. It is multimodal. But often without attribution. And there lies a problem. 

The unspoken agreement that has worked since the 1990’s for content contributors and the aggregators to collaborate is starting to fall apart. The unwritten contract between creators and aggregators is creaking at the edges. 

Let’s have a closer look at the 4 partners involved in this game of creating, providing visibility, and making money at a scale the world has never seen. 

#1. Aggregators  

These are the mega platforms of Google, Meta (Facebook) and TikTok and many more. The platforms we go to to find information that entertains, inspires, informs and educates. It is a scroll and a search. 

#2. Professional Creators 

There are also 200 million content creators that write text, create videos and share images online. Often they  live or die depending on the algorithms.  

The numbers

  • The creator economy is estimated at over $120 billion dollars a year
  • The news sites. New York Times and Getty Images and many more.

#3. Consumers  

And there are the consumers of content – The social media scrollers, the online searchers and YouTube watchers.

The numbers

  • There are 5.35 billion people on the web in 2024. That’s all of us.  We are the consumers and users.
  • But the consumers also add their content to the web platforms via social media and sometimes YouTube. 

#4. The AI Chatbots

And now there is the  “prompt”. This is where we go to the Chatbots of ChatGPT and others to find information that gets answers, organizes and distills the content. It also allows the users to “create”.  Text, images and videos.

Data (code for content) is how we provide value on the open web. It is also how we train the new AI robots. They need content and data. And lots of it. 

The large language models (LLMs) are already being challenged in the court by the New York Times and many other large media companies for scraped news content. Getty Images is suing OpenAI for copyright violations i.e. using its images to train the chatbots and producing images and videos with no payment.

Who is suing OpenAI for stealing content (and copyright infringement)?

Currently there are 9 newspapers suing OpenAi for copyright infringement in training its chatbot ChatGPT.

These include, according to The Guardian.

  1. The New York Daily News
  2. The New York Times
  3. Chicago Tribune
  4. Mercury News
  5. Denver Post
  6. Orange County Register
  7. St Paul Pioneer Press
  8. South Florida Sun Sentinel 

Their opening shot across the bows of the AI content scrapers are:

We’ve spent billions of dollars gathering information and reporting news at our publications, and we can’t allow OpenAI and Microsoft to expand the Big Tech playbook of stealing our work to build their own businesses at our expense,” Said a written statement from Frank Pine, executive editor for the MediaNews Group and Tribune Publishing.

Who is being paid?

There are two routes to getting paid as a content creator. Sue or negotiate. Both cost a lot of money and an expensive gang of lawyers. NY Times and Getty Images are amongst the many who are suing. 

The AI aggregators and large language model content scrapers such as OpenAI have started to pay and negotiate with the bigger media players for access for their content

Why? Bbecause they have leverage, deep pockets, lawyers in the hip pockets and  negotiating power. 

Who has negotiated a payment?

And there are many more in that cohort but have not publicized their settlement. 

Who is not being paid?

The small players, who have no power at all. These are the 200 million+ small professional creators. And there are also billions of consumer contributors who add their content everyday for free. 

The winners 

The large aggregators – This includes Google, Facebook and Microsoft’s Bing. 

Large websites, large media such as Reddit, News Corp and Pinterest have struck some deals as large as $250 million, because they have the ability to sue and have leverage 

The losers

These are the small content creators. 

Their fall in traffic has been an existential crisis for many. We are sometimes talking about 90-95% drops in website traffic. They don’t have any negotiating power. 

Maybe it is time for a global class action by the small web creators to take on the illegal use and abuse of content aggregation monsters and monopolists. 


In an opinion piece on, a Google strategist (who quit recently) slammed the company’s AI work as motivated by fear and greed.  

Slowly but surely the search algorithms and AI chatbots are choking the creators. Their motivator was to create content and monetize attention.

Greed for more revenue by the global behemoths is slowly but surely making the content producers invisible. There are no links or attributions in many cases. 

The big players are turning the screws. 

  • Google “Snippets” replace links. (maybe with a link as an afterthought)
  • AI Reviews aggregate information and don’t mention the sources. 
  • One algorithm tweak at a time is destroying the 100 of millions of small website players. 
  • The email list building has gone from easy to impossible. Choked by imperfect algorithms that send many good emails to spam or trash.  

Google seems to want it all. 

So what do we do?

The web has been an experiment that escaped the lab and has produced global companies of a scale we have never seen before. We are no longer talking billions but trillions in market value that exceeds the GDP of many countries. The social contract between the small and the large has worked well for over 30 years.  But cracks are emerging. 

Is Google about to destroy the global ecosystem and village that feeds it with content? Impose a self-inflicted injury? Claim the web’s content as its own?

Because it has the power and money to do that. Will absolute power corrupt absolutely?

Are they stupid enough to think that starving the creators will work over time? Obtain short-term gain and profit but maybe inflict long-term pain? Will the sucker punch turn into a content crunch?

Or is this a race where no one wins? Where the small and medium creators no longer show up?

The big question they are starting to ask is:

Why should they create when that content will inevitably be stolen?

We now need to work out how to make the new AI web work. 

Create new global web business models that serve everyone. 

It needs to be a win/win. 

Is it time for governments to step up and lean in? 

Because the wealth filtering down isn’t working.

The post Is AI About to Destroy This $120-Billion-a-Year Industry? appeared first on

* This article was originally published here

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

WordPress Themes 101: Free vs. Premium and Everything in Between

Do you want to learn about WordPress themes and how they can take your website to the next level? If so, you’re in the right place! 

There’s no question that choosing the right WordPress theme is vital for building a website that not only looks great but also offers your customers the best experience possible. 

But as a beginner or someone looking for a change, this process can be overwhelming, after all, there are thousands of themes to choose from!

We believe that by understanding themes and the important factors around them, you’ll be better prepared to choose one that aligns with your goals. Today, we will give you the full rundown on WordPress themes. Keep reading, and you’ll learn everything you need to know about finding the perfect theme for your site.

Let’s begin!  

Understanding WordPress themes

At its core, WordPress themes are a collection of files that define the appearance and functionality of a WordPress website. Themes control everything from the layout and color scheme to the typography and navigation menus. They are the visual and structural foundation that dictates how content is presented to visitors.

Not only do themes determine the look of your site, but they have a direct impact on performance and your overall user experience (UX).

Choosing the best WordPress themes can enhance the overall branding, improve readability, and provide a seamless browsing experience across different devices. But a quick look at the ecosystem will show you that the possibilities are quite endless. You can find sleek and minimalist themes as well as incredibly in-depth, feature-rich options and everything in between. 

One way to start exploring your options is to see what themes your favorite websites use. There are various tools and resources available that can help you with your research. A popular option is “What WordPress Theme Is That?,” which allows users to enter a website URL and quickly discover the active theme. Additionally, “WordPress Theme Detector” can automatically detect and display the theme information for any WordPress site you visit.

Adobe Stock

Choosing the right theme

Now that you know a bit more about themes, let’s talk about some of the major factors you need to know when choosing one for your website. 

  1. Responsive Design: Did you know there are over 5.48 billion mobile users? This statistic highlights why it’s essential to choose a theme that offers a responsive design that looks great and works perfectly across all devices and screen sizes.
  2. SEO Optimized: You’ll want to find a WordPress theme that can help with search engine optimization (SEO). For example, some themes come with a schema markup alongside the theme.  This feature can give your website a competitive edge in search engine rankings and lead to more traffic.
  3. Customizable Design: Depending on your needs, you may want to choose a theme that allows for easy and flexible customization, whether through theme options, page builders, or the ability to modify the code directly. This feature can help you add some personal flair and style to your site. 
  4. Compatibility with WordPress plugins: WordPress plugins can add powerful functionality to your website, so it’s crucial to choose a theme that is compatible with the plugins you plan to use or might need in the future. Trust us, you don’t want to buy a theme that isn’t compatible with what you’re currently using. 
  5. Loading Times: Research shows that 53% of people will leave a website if it takes too long to load. So, this means a fast-loading website is crucial for boosting engagement, sales, and your search visibility. When looking for a theme that can help, choose one with optimized code and a lightweight design.

Free vs. premium themes

When it comes to choosing the best WordPress themes for your site, you’ll need to balance the factors above with the decision to use a free or premium option. Both have their advantages and drawbacks that you should know.

Here’s a quick overview of each, as well as when you should use them on your site: 

Free WordPress Themes:

  • Cost-effective solution, which can be helpful for people on a tight budget.
  • A wide range of free themes are available in the official WordPress directory and third-party repositories. This means you’ll have options, even if you decide to take the free route.
  • Ideal for basic websites or those with limited customization needs.
  • Free themes are usually not updated as often, which can pose security risks if not maintained properly.
  • There are limited support options, so you’ll need to check out forums if you get stuck. 

When to choose a free theme:

  • You’re on a tight budget and have basic website design needs
  • You’re comfortable with limited customization options, or don’t need advanced customization
  • You’re willing to take precautions to keep your site safe and maintained due to the lack of support and updates

Premium WordPress themes:

  • Typically come with more advanced features, which means you can tweak your site in a way that perfectly matches your needs. 
  • Outside of standard page building, these themes are often highly customizable with various built-in options and integrations.
  • Provide access to dedicated support and step-by-step guides when you have a specific problem. 
  • It can be more expensive, ranging from one-time fees to recurring subscriptions.

When to choose a premium theme:

  • You require advanced features and functionality.
  • You value regular updates, support, and maintenance.
  • You need a highly customizable and unique design.
  • Your website handles a lot of sensitive information or traffic. 

Ultimately, the decision between a free or premium WordPress theme will depend on your specific needs, budget, and the level of customization and support you require for your website. Both have a place in the community. 

Now that you know a little more about themes and how they work, let’s have a look at some of the best themes and how they can help you take your website to the next level.


Price: Free + $59 per year

Astra theme is a multipurpose and lightweight theme that has become extremely popular among WordPress users due to its performance, customizability and compatibility with popular page builders such as Elementor, Beaver Builder etc. 

The free version of the theme offers basic yet important features such as responsive layout, typography controls, different layouts etc. The premium version of Astra, Astra Pro, offers advanced features such as custom layouts, header builder, footer builder, typography options etc. Weighing less than 100KB, this theme is one of the fastest WordPress themes and is suitable for any type of website.


Price: Free + $59 per year

Another modern and popular theme, GeneratePress, is known for its speed and ease of use. The free version already has an integrated layout builder, typography options, and basic pages such as services, portfolio, and contact.

GeneratePress is also an ideal WordPress theme for website layout because of its visual page builder in the premium version. Some of the premium features of this theme include a site library, custom layouts, sections, headers, typography, pricing tables, WooCommerce support, and advanced theme settings. If you’re looking for WordPress eCommerce themes, this is an excellent option.


Price: Free + $44 per year, $176 for life

A multipurpose theme with strong eCommerce and online store capabilities, OceanWP offers a range of pre-built website demos in the free version, as well as WooCommerce integration and all the customization options you’d expect from a popular WordPress theme. 

Further premium features include a pop-up builder, sticky headers, content slider, icon box, feature grid, table of contents and more. The theme also includes premium add-ons for integrating with some of the most popular plugins such as MonsterInsights, WP Rocket, and AIOSEO. Overall, OceanWP is a powerful theme suitable for business websites and online stores.


Price: Premium $69 per year

Avada is a top-selling theme on ThemeForest. It is a fully packed, highly functional, responsive, and versatile premium WordPress theme with a visual page builder, dozens of pre-built website layouts, tons of custom options, header builder, footer builder, and e-commerce shopping cart options. 

Out of the box, Avada comes with lots of layout possibilities and you can create any type of website from business and corporate sites to e-commerce stores, restaurants, cafes, product showcases, portfolio sites, travel and wedding sites, medical and law firms, SEO and marketing agencies, and any type of responsive website.

We like the Visual Pagebuilder, which allows users complete creative freedom to build stunning and highly effective web pages. In addition to that, it offers Header Builder and Footer Builder as well. Avada is a complete theme which will fulfill all your requirements.


Price: 30-day free trial, $89 per year

Divi is a bestselling premium WordPress theme by ElegantThemes which comes with a great drag-and-drop page builder. This enables complete control over your website’s design along with remarkable layout choices. 

The user-friendly visual builder helps create personalized layouts, incorporate animations, and take advantage of the pre-designed layouts and modules. Other advanced options that Divi offers are split testing, custom CSS controls, and robust theme options. All these make Divi a versatile choice for agency websites, designers, and for everyone looking for a totally customizable web solution.

Thrive Themes

Price: $149 per year

Thrive Themes offers a great theme builder that can help you create stunning, high-performing websites. It comes with a list of designer-made and tested themes that can be installed with a click. Set global website branding effortlessly, including smart brand colors, global font sets and pairings, and dark/light brand logos.

With Thrive Themes, you can visually edit all your theme template files, including blog posts, headers, footers, sidebars, 404 pages, and more. The theme builder allows you to edit and style blog lists with ease and make sweeping changes across your entire website or fine-tune each pixel.

Ideal for marketers and eCommerce business owners, Thrive Themes provides the flexibility and power to create engaging, conversion-optimized websites. It integrates seamlessly with other popular WordPress plugins, making it a great choice for both new and established businesses.


Price: Free + $149 per year

Specialized WordPress themes

WordPress themes are very versatile, but sometimes you need something more targeted – a specialized WordPress theme just for your site and its unique purpose.

With that thought in mind, let’s look at some of the top theme choices for some of the most common website types, including blog, e-commerce, and business themes.

WordPress blog templates

Perhaps your #1 priority is to create a successful blog. In that case, you need a WordPress theme that’s optimized for writing and blogging. Here are some of the top WordPress blog themes featuring user-friendly elements that bloggers will love:

  • Design elements that encourage readability and content discovery
  • Built-in featured posts, related posts, and popular posts widgets
  • Integration with social networks for sharing
  • Easy customization of author boxes
  • Integrated email/newsletter signup forms

Some of the most popular WordPress blog templates include Editorial, Novelty, and Poseidon. Many of the best blog themes emphasize clean design and minimal distractions for readers while still offering plenty of customization and tools.

WordPress Ecommerce templates

If you’re ready to create an online store, you’ll need an eCommerce WordPress theme. All of the best WordPress eCommerce templates are optimized for shopping and include integration with the popular WooCommerce plugin and other shopping cart systems.

Other features include:

  • Product catalogs and shopping carts
  • Secure checkouts
  • Advanced product filters and search
  • Cross- and upselling
  • Customer reviews and ratings

Astra Pro, OceanWP, and Divi all offer strong eCommerce support, while dedicated eCommerce templates like Shoptimizer and GrooveKart are specifically designed for this.

When choosing an eCommerce WordPress theme, consider the size of your product catalog, the payment options you need, and any other functionality like memberships or subscriptions.

WordPress business and corporate templates

Whether you’re a business, agency, or professional, your WordPress theme can make or break your credibility and trust with clients and customers.

Many of the best WordPress themes for business and corporate sites feature professional designs and useful business tools, including:

  • Clean, corporate layouts
  • Staff profile pages
  • Team portfolio and case studies
  • Testimonials and client logo sliders
  • Advanced contact forms and map integrations

Neve, Customizr, and the Divi theme are all popular choices for business templates. The latter offers a whole suite of professional layouts and designs for many types of industries.

When selecting a business WordPress theme, consider your industry niche, whether you need eCommerce, and your branding and design style. All of this information will help you determine the right theme for your site. 

Ultimately, picking the right template can help you start your website strong, whatever it may be. We suggest doing some additional research and looking for themes targeting your specific niche – it will be worth your time, and your visitors will appreciate the fact that your site is optimized for them. 

Theme selection based on content needs

Apart from special use cases like blogs or e-commerce websites, you can also consider the type of content you’ll publish and choose the theme that best fits your needs.

Let’s consider some good themes for posts/comments and visual content like portfolios and galleries.

Best themes for posts and comments

Do you think user comments and community engagement will be a major part of your workflow? If so, you should pick a theme that prioritizes posts and comments.

The best themes for posts and comments WordPress provides customizations like blog layouts, commenting, social sharing, related feature tabs, and customizable user profiles.

Some well-known themes in this category include Editorial, Zine, and Suffice. These themes will give you a blank slate for long-form content to go alongside engagement via comments, sharing buttons, and related posts.

Best themes for visual content

On the other hand, if your website is going to contain a lot of visual elements like photography, designs, or graphics, you need a theme that helps in showcasing this type of content.

The themes that are best for websites with lots of visual content usually come with the following features: gallery and portfolio project system, lightbox, grid options, distraction-free modes, and slider integrations.

Some of the well-known themes for websites with lots of visual content include Divi, Neve, Astra, and specialized portfolio themes like Accountor and Imprint. Many of them make use of WordPress’ native media handling while adding better visual layouts and display features.

When selecting a theme that focuses on visual content, consider the type of media you’ll be displaying (images, videos, 3D models, etc.), whether you need proofing areas for clients, and whether print/download options will be needed.

Regardless of the type of content you’ll be publishing, investing time in identifying a theme well-suited to managing how you organize and present that content can lead to a much better user experience for your target audience.

Affordable options

Creating a website needn’t be expensive. There are high-quality, cheap WordPress themes available that ensure your website looks professionally crafted without compromising on performance or usability.

Startups, small enterprises, and people with limited budgets need cost-effective solutions when it comes to choosing WordPress themes. Here are some guidelines on how to find cheap, responsive WordPress themes:

Visit free theme repositories

The official theme repository is the first place you should consider. There are thousands of free themes available there. Free doesn’t necessarily mean the theme is of low quality. There are well-coded, responsive, and regularly maintained themes in the repository if you’re willing to look and be aware of ones that haven’t been updated in a while.

Check for developer/student discounts

Most premium theme providers give attractive discounts to developers, agencies, students, and beginners. Ask if there are special discounts available even if you don’t see any listed.

Freemium themes

There are WordPress theme companies which provide themes based on a freemium model. Kandance from our list above is one such option. You can start with the free version and upgrade to premium features as and when your resources permit.

Watch out for sales and bundles

If you have a flexible deadline, you can wait for the next sale or bundle offer from prominent theme providers. Many of them offer attractive discounts (as much as 30-70%) around various festive seasons like Black Friday and so on.

Wrapping it up

Choosing the very best WordPress theme for your website is a key part of the design process. Not only does your theme determine the appearance of your site but it also determines the experience you build with visitors.

Whether you are creating a blog, an online store, a business website, or a portfolio that is heavy on images, choosing the right WordPress theme from the start will make all the difference to the success of your site.

In this article, we’ve covered the different types of WordPress themes available, some of the popular choices, specialist themes, and even some free alternatives.

So, take the time to research, experiment, and use the advice and resources we shared today. With the right WordPress theme in hand, you’ll be well on your way to creating a thriving website that resonates with your audience.

Additional resources

Theme libraries

  1. Theme Directory: The official WordPress theme repository with thousands of free themes.
  2. ThemeForest: A vast marketplace for premium WordPress themes across various categories.
  3. Elegant Themes: Home to the popular Divi theme and other premium themes and plugins.

Tools for detecting themes

  1. What WordPress Theme Is That?: A free online tool to detect the theme and plugins used by a WordPress site.
  2. WPThemeDetector: Another tool for identifying the theme and plugins on a WordPress site.

Theme comparison and review sites

  1. WPBeginner: Offers reviews and comparisons of various WordPress themes and plugins.
  2. SeedProd: Provides curated lists and reviews of free and premium WordPress themes.
  3. IsItWP: Helps you find the best WordPress themes and provides in-depth reviews.


What is a WordPress theme?

A: A WordPress theme is a collection of templates and stylesheets used to define the appearance and display of a WordPress-powered website.

How do I install a WordPress theme?

A: To install a theme, go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Themes, click “Add New,” search for a theme, and click “Install.” Once installed, click “Activate” to apply the theme to your site.

What is the difference between free and premium WordPress themes?

A: Free themes are available at no cost and offer basic features and customization options. Premium themes come with advanced features, dedicated support, and regular updates but require a purchase.

Can I customize my WordPress theme?

A: Yes, most WordPress themes offer customization options through the WordPress Customizer or theme-specific settings. You can change colors, fonts, layouts, and more.

What should I consider when choosing a WordPress theme?

A: Consider factors like design, responsiveness, customization options, compatibility with plugins, SEO friendliness, speed, and support.

How can I find out which theme a website is using?

A: You can use online tools like “What WordPress Theme Is That?” or “WPThemeDetector” to identify the theme and plugins used by a WordPress site.

Can I use multiple themes on my WordPress site?

A: Typically, you can only activate one theme at a time for your entire WordPress site. However, you can use different themes for different sections of your site with plugins or custom coding.

Guest AuthorSyed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. With over 10 years of experience, he’s the leading WordPress expert in the industry. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.

The post WordPress Themes 101: Free vs. Premium and Everything in Between appeared first on

* This article was originally published here

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

3 Best sites to Buy Website Traffic (Targeted & Instant)

In the ever-expanding digital landscape, website traffic is the lifeblood of online businesses. Without a steady flow of visitors, your website might as well be hidden in the darkest corners of the internet. 

That’s why many businesses want to buy website traffic as a viable strategy to increase their visibility with online presence. 

In this article, we’ll explore the top 3 places to buy website traffic and help you make informed decisions to boost your online success.

The importance of website traffic

Before we dive into the best places to buy website traffic, let’s briefly discuss why it’s so crucial for your online business. 

Website traffic is not just about numbers; it represents potential customers or clients interacting with your content, products, or services. Here’s why it matters:

  • Conversions and Revenue: The more targeted traffic you have, the higher the chances of converting visitors into customers. Increased conversions mean more revenue for your business.
  • Brand Exposure: A significant online presence through website traffic helps build brand recognition and trust among your audience.
  • SEO Benefits: Search engines often prioritize websites with higher traffic, making it easier for your site to rank well in search results.

Now that we understand the significance of website traffic, let’s explore the pros and cons of buying it.

The pros and cons of buying website traffic


  • Quick Results: Buying website traffic can provide instant results, helping you achieve your goals faster.
  • Control Over Traffic Volume: You have the ability to adjust the amount of traffic you want, ensuring your website can handle the influx.
  • Potential for Targeted Traffic: Many services allow you to specify the type of audience you want to target, increasing the chances of attracting relevant visitors.


  • Quality Concerns: Not all purchased traffic is high-quality. Some sources may provide low-engagement, non-converting visitors, which can be a waste of resources.
  • Cost Considerations: Buying traffic can be expensive, especially if you want high-quality, targeted traffic.
  • Risk of Penalization: Search engines like Google may penalize your website if they detect that you’re buying low-quality or spammy traffic.

Top 3 places to buy website traffic

Now, let’s explore the top 3 places to buy website traffic:

1. UseViral

Next up is

Getting good traffic for your website can be really tough and take a lot of time. But here’s where UseViral comes in. They offer a way to get traffic to your website that looks just like real people visiting.

Boosting your website’s traffic can be made quick and easy. This leads to better interactions on your site and improved stats for how well it’s doing. One great option for doing this is by using UseViral, the automated tool that generates website traffic.

2. Sidesmedia

Now, let’s talk about another website called

SidesMedia is a place where you can buy website traffic and improve your social media stats. They also provide tools to help you manage your online presence and get more people to visit your website.

But here’s the big question: Is it safe to use SidesMedia to get more visitors to your new website?

The answer is yes! Buying traffic for a new website is a trustworthy way to boost its performance and get it noticed.

This tool from SidesMedia is also great for increasing your social media numbers like followers, likes, comments, and views. Plus, it can help your website rank higher on search engines.

3. Simple Traffic

Simple Traffic is a powerful platform for purchasing website traffic. It allows you to generate sales and increase engagement with high quality traffic that is demographically targeted.

Here’s why Simple Traffic is our top choice:

  • Generate revenue: The traffic they deliver is 100% real and has the chance to convert into sales, leads and sign ups.
  • Improve search rankings: Improve your position on Google and other search engines by proving your website receives visitors.
  • Receive more clicks: The visitors you receive can navigate your website and click on your links, unlike bots or fake visitors.
  • Boost in analytics: Our traffic will be visible in your Google Analytics so you can measure your success.

Tips for maximizing ROI

Regardless of where you buy website traffic, it’s essential to maximize your return on investment (ROI). Here are some tips:

  • Optimize Your Website: Ensure your website is user-friendly, loads quickly, and has compelling content.
  • Track and Analyze: Use analytics tools to monitor traffic sources, user behavior, and conversions.
  • Conversion Strategies: Have clear calls to action (CTAs) and landing pages designed to convert visitors into customers or leads.

Final thoughts

Website traffic is the lifeblood of online success, and buying traffic can be a valuable strategy when done correctly. 

As you explore these top 3 places to buy website traffic, remember to choose the source that aligns with your goals, monitor your results, and adjust your strategy accordingly. 

With the right approach, buying website traffic can be a powerful tool to grow your online presence and achieve your business objectives.

Faqs about buying website traffic

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about buying website traffic:

What is website traffic, and why is it important for my website?

Website traffic refers to the number of visitors who come to your website. It’s important because it can lead to increased brand exposure, higher chances of conversions, and improved search engine rankings.

Why would I consider buying website traffic?

Buying website traffic can be a strategy to quickly boost your website’s visibility and potentially increase conversions. It can save time compared to organic methods.

Is buying website traffic legal and safe?

Generally, buying website traffic is legal, but it’s important to ensure you’re obtaining traffic through legitimate and reputable sources. Some low-quality or spammy traffic sources can harm your website’s reputation.

What are the different sources for buying website traffic?

There are various sources, including pay-per-click (PPC) advertising like Google Ads, social media advertising like Facebook Ads, traffic exchanges, influencer marketing, and specialized traffic service providers like those in the list above.

How do I choose the right source for buying traffic for my website?

Consider your target audience, budget, and goals. Research and test different sources to find the one that aligns with your objectives.

What is targeted traffic, and why is it important?

Targeted traffic consists of visitors who are genuinely interested in your website’s content or offerings. It’s important because it has a higher likelihood of converting into leads or customers.

What are some potential risks of buying website traffic?

Risks include receiving low-quality traffic that doesn’t engage with your site, overspending on ineffective campaigns, and the possibility of search engine penalties if traffic sources violate guidelines.

How can I track and measure the effectiveness of the traffic I buy?

You can use analytics tools like Google Analytics to monitor traffic sources, user behavior, conversion rates, and other relevant metrics.

Are there any best practices for buying website traffic?

Yes, best practices include setting clear goals, targeting the right audience, regularly analyzing performance data, and adjusting your strategy based on results.

Can buying traffic improve my website’s search engine rankings?

It can indirectly help by increasing your site’s engagement metrics and visibility. However, long-term SEO efforts are essential for sustained high rankings.

What is the cost of buying website traffic, and how do I budget for it?

Costs vary depending on the source and the quality of traffic. Establish a budget based on your objectives and test different sources to determine cost-effectiveness.

Are there any ethical considerations when buying website traffic?

It’s important to be transparent with your audience about purchased traffic and ensure that it aligns with your website’s content and values.

What is the impact of bought traffic on my website’s overall performance and conversion rates?

The impact can vary, but it has the potential to increase overall performance metrics and conversion rates if the traffic is high-quality and relevant to your audience.

The post 3 Best sites to Buy Website Traffic (Targeted & Instant) appeared first on

* This article was originally published here

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Monday, June 10, 2024

3 Best Sites to Buy Quora Accounts (Aged, Bulk & PVA)

Quora presents a unique platform for engaging with individuals in your community and obtaining valuable answers to your queries. 

It serves personal and business purposes, offering numerous compelling reasons to utilize its features. 

However, the road to effectively harnessing Quora’s potential is not always straightforward, especially given the abundance of competition.

Achieving visibility and popularity for your questions requires dedicated effort and commitment. 

Suppose you find yourself lacking time to invest in this endeavor. In that case, an alternative solution is leveraging a reputable company’s services that facilitate the purchase of established Quora accounts.

Continue reading to find the best sites to buy Quora accounts.

3 Best sites to Buy Quora Accounts

Lets explore in detail the top 3 best sites we carefully tested:

1. UseViral

UseViral is a great platform that offers an extensive range of features and benefits for individuals seeking to purchase Quora accounts. 

With its unparalleled services and comprehensive solutions, UseViral has established itself as a top-tier provider.

When buying Quora accounts, UseViral stands out due to its exceptional offerings. The platform provides a convenient marketplace for purchasing accounts and offers many unique and advanced features that set it apart from other providers.

UseViral ensures that every account available for purchase on its platform is of the highest quality. 

The accounts undergo a meticulous verification process, ensuring their authenticity, credibility, and adherence to Quora’s terms of service. 

This dedication to quality ensures that users can confidently acquire reliable and legitimate accounts.

Moreover, UseViral understands the importance of diversity and caters to various needs and preferences. 

They offer a wide selection of Quora accounts, each with distinct characteristics, such as different levels of expertise, reputation, and niche interests. 

This allows buyers to find the perfect match for their specific requirements, whether for personal use, marketing purposes, or establishing expertise in a particular field.

In addition to the impressive range of accounts, UseViral provides exceptional customer support. The platform has a team of knowledgeable professionals to assist users throughout the purchasing process. 

They offer guidance, answer queries, and ensure a seamless experience for buyers, making UseViral a reliable and trusted platform in the industry.

Furthermore, UseViral employs secure and transparent transactions to guarantee the safety of its users’ information and financial transactions. 

The platform utilizes robust encryption protocols and follows strict privacy guidelines, ensuring that personal data remains confidential and protected.

Key Features

  • High-Quality Accounts: UseViral ensures that all the Quora accounts available for purchase on its platform undergo a meticulous verification process. This guarantees that the accounts are authentic, credible, and comply with Quora’s terms of service. Buyers can trust that they are acquiring accounts of the highest quality.
  • Diverse Account Selection: UseViral offers Quora accounts catering to multiple needs and preferences. Buyers can choose from versions with different levels of expertise, reputation, and niche interests. This diversity allows users to find the perfect match for their specific requirements, whether for personal use, marketing campaigns, or establishing expertise in a particular field.
  • Exceptional Customer Support: UseViral prides itself on providing outstanding customer support. The platform has a dedicated team of knowledgeable professionals who can readily assist buyers throughout the purchasing process. They offer guidance, answer queries, and ensure a seamless experience, providing buyers with peace of mind and reliable assistance.
  • Secure and Transparent Transactions: UseViral prioritizes the security and privacy of its users. The platform employs robust encryption protocols and follows strict privacy guidelines to safeguard personal information and financial transactions. Buyers can confidently engage in secure transactions, knowing that their data remains confidential and protected.


  • High-quality and verified accounts.
  • A diverse selection of accounts to choose from.
  • Exceptional customer support for a seamless experience.
  • Secure and transparent transactions, prioritizing user privacy.
  • Enhances online presence, credibility, and engagement on Quora.
  • Offers a comprehensive ecosystem with additional services for maximizing benefits.


  • The availability of specific account types may vary.
  • Pricing may vary depending on the account’s characteristics and demand.

2. SidesMedia

Allow me to provide you with a more comprehensive and unique description of SidesMedia, a website that offers account purchasing services while prioritizing reputation preservation for its users.

At the forefront of our list is SidesMedia, an excellent platform committed to assisting individuals in acquiring accounts while safeguarding their online reputation. 

With an unwavering dedication to propelling your online presence, SidesMedia has emerged as a trusted ally in the digital realm.

Unlike other conventional account purchasing platforms, SidesMedia sets itself apart by recognizing the significance of reputation preservation. 

Whether you possess a well-established online presence or are just starting, SidesMedia understands the value of maintaining a positive image. 

The platform employs a multifaceted approach to ensure your reputation remains intact throughout your account acquisition journey.

SidesMedia’s commitment to excellence is evident in its meticulous selection process for its accounts. 

Every account available on the platform undergoes thorough scrutiny, adhering to stringent quality standards. 

By meticulously curating a diverse range of accounts, SidesMedia caters to individuals’ unique needs and preferences from various fields and industries.

Moreover, SidesMedia places paramount importance on user satisfaction. The platform goes above and beyond to foster a seamless and secure transaction experience. 

With their user-friendly interface and transparent policies, SidesMedia ensures that users can confidently navigate purchasing accounts without compromising their privacy or security.

Key Features

  • Reputation Preservation: SidesMedia understands the importance of maintaining a positive online image. The platform ensures that the available accounts meet stringent quality standards, allowing users to enhance their online presence while safeguarding their reputation.
  • Diverse Account Selection: SidesMedia curates a wide range of accounts to cater to individuals’ unique needs and preferences from various fields and industries. Whether you’re looking for social media accounts, email accounts, or other digital assets, SidesMedia offers a diverse selection.
  • User-Friendly Interface: SidesMedia prioritizes user convenience and provides a seamless and intuitive interface. The platform is designed to make purchasing accounts straightforward, allowing users to navigate and complete transactions quickly.
  • Transparent Policies: SidesMedia maintains a transparent approach, ensuring users clearly understand the platform’s policies and procedures. Users can rely on transparent pricing structures, refund policies, and terms of service, instilling confidence and trust in every transaction.


  • Reputation preservation
  • Diverse account selection
  • User-friendly interface
  • Transparent policies
  • Privacy and security measures
  • Personalized guidance and support


  • Limited account availability
  • Reliance on third-party accounts

3. Growthoid

Growthoid offers a unique and comprehensive solution for individuals seeking to acquire Quora accounts. 

With its wealth of in-depth features and exceptional assistance, Growthoid is an invaluable tool for purchasing Quora accounts.

In today’s digital landscape, Quora has emerged as a powerful platform for knowledge-sharing, fostering vibrant discussions, and connecting individuals from diverse backgrounds. 

As a result, the demand for established Quora accounts has grown exponentially, leading many to seek reliable avenues to obtain them.

Enter Growthoid is a trailblazing service that goes beyond mere account procurement. What sets Growthoid apart is its commitment to providing users with a profoundly holistic experience, ensuring every account acquisition process is seamless, efficient, and tailored to their unique needs.

One of the standout qualities of Growthoid lies in its emphasis on quality and authenticity. Rather than resorting to dubious methods or unreliable sources, Growthoid meticulously handpicks Quora accounts from genuine, active users with a proven credibility and expertise track record. 

This dedication to authenticity ensures that users who purchase accounts through Growthoid gain access to a rich and reputable Quora presence right from the start.

Moreover, Growthoid’s commitment to in-depth information goes far beyond the surface level. By thoroughly vetting each Quora account, Growthoid offers potential buyers a comprehensive overview of the account’s history, engagement metrics, and expertise areas. 

This detailed analysis empowers users to make informed decisions based on their specific requirements, allowing them to align their purchased Quora accounts with their personal or professional goals.

Key Features

  • Authentic and Credible Accounts: Growthoid ensures the accounts it offers for purchase are sourced from genuine, active users with a proven track record of credibility and expertise on Quora. This guarantees that users who buy accounts through Growthoid gain access to established and reputable Quora profiles.
  • In-Depth Account Analysis: Growthoid provides users with a comprehensive overview of each Quora account before making a purchase. This includes detailed information on the account’s history, engagement metrics, expertise areas, and other relevant data. This thorough analysis empowers users to make informed decisions based on their specific requirements.
  • Personalized Search Options: Growthoid understands that different users have unique goals and preferences. Growthoid allows users to customize their account search based on niche relevance, follower count, activity level, and other criteria to cater to these needs. This level of personalization ensures that users can find Quora accounts that align precisely with their desired audience or topic.
  • Seamless Integration: Users can seamlessly integrate into the Quora community by purchasing accounts through Growthoid. With accounts that match their goals and expertise, users can establish a presence quickly and effectively, contributing to discussions and engaging with the Quora user base.


  • Authentic and credible Quora accounts.
  • In-depth analysis for informed decisions.
  • Personalized search options for tailored results.
  • Seamless integration into the Quora community.
  • Dedicated customer support.
  • Continuous platform improvement.


  • Dependency on an external service.
  • The potential cost involved.

Advantages and disadvantages of buying Quora accounts

Quora, a widely-used question-and-answer platform, allows users to share knowledge and discuss various topics. 

However, some individuals may be enticed to purchase Quora accounts to expedite their growth and reputation on the platform. 

The advantages and disadvantages of buying Quora accounts are crucial to making an informed decision. This article delves into the pros and cons of this practice.

Advantages of buying Quora accounts

Instant Credibility

By purchasing a Quora account with an established reputation, you gain instant credibility within the community. 

Owning an account with a history of insightful answers and upvotes positions you as an expert in your field. This credibility can boost your visibility and attract more attention to your content.

Increased Visibility

Buying an account with many followers expands your reach on Quora. It allows you to tap into an existing audience, which can benefit content promotion and engagement. 

By leveraging an established account, you can quickly gain exposure without going through the initial stages of building a reputation.

Time Efficiency

Acquiring an existing Quora account saves you the time and effort required to establish credibility from scratch. You can bypass the initial hurdles of gaining followers and generating engagement. 

This time-saving advantage lets you immediately interact with the Quora community, contributing to discussions and sharing your knowledge without delay.

Disadvantages of buying Quora accounts

Lack of Authenticity

One major drawback of purchasing Quora accounts is the question of authenticity. When using a bought account, there is skepticism regarding your expertise and the integrity of your answers. 

Other users may perceive your contributions as lacking genuine knowledge and experience, which can undermine trust within the community.

Community Backlash

Quora has a vigilant user base that actively detects artificially boosted accounts. If your purchased account raises suspicion, it may lead to community backlash. 

Users might view your actions as manipulative or unethical, potentially resulting in criticism and ostracism. 

The practice of buying accounts can be frowned upon and may harm your reputation in the long run.

Limited Personalization

Purchased accounts may not align with your personal tone and style of engagement. Maintaining authenticity becomes challenging when the account you acquire has a distinct voice and history. 

Additionally, relying on a purchased account restricts your personal growth and improvement on the platform. 

Building your account organically allows for a more personalized approach to interacting with the Quora community.

Is it safe to buy Quora accounts?

Buying Quora accounts can be a safe option, provided certain considerations are considered. While it is important to be cautious and conduct thorough research before making a purchase, there are potential benefits to acquiring established Quora accounts.

One of the main advantages of buying a Quora account is immediate credibility. With a reputable account, you gain instant recognition within the community, which can be particularly advantageous if you want to establish yourself as an expert or promote your brand or business.

Another benefit is the time and effort saved. Building a reliable Quora account from scratch can be a lengthy process. 

By purchasing an established account, you can bypass the initial stages of building followers and acquiring upvotes, allowing you to focus on engaging with the community and providing valuable insights immediately.

Additionally, buying a Quora account can provide access to a targeted audience. Established accounts often have a dedicated following in specific niches. By purchasing such an account, you gain direct access to an already engaged audience interested in the topics you specialize in. This can be valuable for businesses or individuals looking to promote their products or expertise.

To ensure safety, it is crucial to research and choose a reputable seller. Look for sellers with positive reviews and a track record of delivering authentic accounts. 

This helps minimize the risk of scams or fake accounts. Verifying that the purchased account is legitimate and not associated with any suspicious activities is also essential. 

Verified accounts offer an added layer of security, as they are less likely to be flagged or suspended.

Frequently asked questions

Can buying a Quora account provide immediate credibility?

Yes, purchasing an established account can provide instant recognition within the community. It positions you as an expert and can benefit personal branding or business promotion.

Does buying a Quora account save time and effort?

Yes, acquiring an existing account bypasses the need to build followers and generate engagement from scratch. This lets you focus on engaging with the community and providing insights immediately.

Does buying a Quora account provide access to a targeted audience?

Yes, established accounts often have a dedicated following in specific niches. By purchasing an account, it gives you direct access to an engaged audience interested in your specialized topics. This is valuable for promoting products or expertise.


Quora possesses the immense potential to elevate your brand and establish a credible presence within your specific industry. 

It is an invaluable tool, enabling you to promote your business, foster a thriving community, and drive substantial traffic to your website. 

If you buy Quora accounts through a reliable service provider, you significantly enhance your prospects of achieving success on the platform, instantly expanding your reach and connecting with a broader audience within your community.

The post 3 Best Sites to Buy Quora Accounts (Aged, Bulk & PVA) appeared first on

* This article was originally published here

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Friday, June 7, 2024

Just Starting Out on LinkedIn? Here’s How to Make The Most of Your Profile

LinkedIn stands as the world’s premier professional networking platform. With over 900 million registered members, LinkedIn connects millions of individuals and businesses across the globe.

It’s more than a job board. It’s a space where you can build relationships with like-minded individuals in your industry and help you discover countless opportunities.

Whether you’re an individual seeking career advancement or a company aiming to broaden your horizon, mastering LinkedIn is crucial for growth. A well-crafted profile showcases your skills and expertise, making you discoverable to recruiters and potential clients.

Engaging with content and building a strong network can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and even new career paths.

We’ll dive into the strategies and tactics that will empower you to create an outstanding LinkedIn profile and use it to its full potential.

From writing a compelling headline to building a robust network, you’ll learn how to harness LinkedIn’s features to achieve your personal and professional goals.

Get ready to transform your LinkedIn presence from a mere digital resume into a powerful tool for success.

Setting up your LinkedIn account

Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started on LinkedIn:

1. Creating a LinkedIn account

  1. If you don’t have an account, head to LinkedIn’s sign up page
  2. Enter your phone number or valid email address and create a secure password, then click “agree and join.” Alternatively, you can also sign-up using your Google account.
  1. Enter your real first and last name and then your location and recent job title.
  1. Confirm your email using the code LinkedIn will send you.
  2. Indicate if you’re looking for a new job.
  1. Select up to 5 job titles and locations for the type of jobs you’re looking for.
  1. Decide whether you want recruiters to know you’re open to new jobs.
  1. You’re essentially done! After the last step, LinkedIn will recommend downloading the up and connecting or following certain people. These are totally optional.

2. Choosing the Best LinkedIn Headlines

A great LinkedIn headline goes beyond a simple job title. It’s a concise and compelling snapshot of your professional identity that conveys your expertise. It should be keyword-rich, making it easier for recruiters and potential connections to find you in searches.

A great headline also sparks curiosity and encourages viewers to click on your profile to learn more about you. This can be achieved by using action words, highlighting your accomplishments, or using buzzwords. Ultimately, it should leave a lasting impression and be an accurate representation of you and your experience.


3. Writing a Summary for LinkedIn

Your summary, on the other hand, is your chance to tell your story and share your career aspirations. Your LinkedIn summary is your opportunity to make a personal connection with potential employers and collaborators. Write your story in the first person, using phrases like “I am” or “My passion is” to create an engaging narrative.

Break your summary into concise paragraphs for easy readability. Focus on summarizing your relevant experience, highlighting your most valuable skills, and articulating your career aspirations. Remember, this is your chance to showcase your experience and value and leave a lasting impression.


Here’s a hypothetical example of a good LinkedIn summary:

“Caffeine-powered biomedical engineer with a proven track record in developing user-friendly medical devices that don’t require a PhD to operate.

I thrive on merging the worlds of biology and engineering to create innovative solutions that improve patient outcomes and make healthcare more accessible.

Experience Highlights:

  • Led a cross-functional team in designing and developing a novel implantable insulin pump for Type 1 Diabetes patients, resulting in a 30% reduction in hypoglycemic events and a 20% increase in patient satisfaction.
  • Spearheaded the optimization of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine user interface, resulting in a 50% reduction in user errors and a 40% increase in patient adherence to therapy.

When I’m not in the lab, you can find me tinkering with 3D printers, geeking out over the latest sci-fi novel, or exploring the exciting possibilities of nanotechnology in drug delivery. Let’s connect and build a healthier future together!”

This summary hits all the right spots without being too long. It highlights the author’s current role, their passion, and their life outside of work. The added humor makes the summary more relatable and reveals more of the person behind the job.

Extra tips for an optimized LinkedIn profile

Once you have your headline and summary down, make sure you do the following to optimize your LinkedIn profile:

  1. Complete All Sections: Fill out all sections of your profile, including your education, experience, skills, and volunteer work.
  2. Recommendations: Request recommendations from colleagues, clients, or supervisors to add credibility.
  3. Skills Endorsements: Endorse the skills of your connections, and they’ll likely reciprocate.
  4. Share Content: Post relevant articles, industry news, or insights to showcase your knowledge and engage with your network.

Enhancing your LinkedIn profile

Once you have the basics in place, it’s time to elevate your profile and make it stand out from the rest.

Using background images for LinkedIn

A LinkedIn banner, also known as a LinkedIn background photo, is the large horizontal image displayed at the top of your LinkedIn profile. It acts as a visual backdrop for your profile picture and headline, serving as a virtual billboard to showcase your personal brand or professional interests. It’s akin to Facebook’s cover photo.

Choose an image that aligns with your professional brand or industry. It could be a photo of you in action, a workplace scene, or a visual representation of your brand or company. There are many websites offering free, high-quality images perfect for LinkedIn backgrounds, such as Unsplash or Pexels. Just make sure your image is the correct size: 1584 x 396 pixels.

Designing a Canva LinkedIn banner

If you’re design-savvy, create a custom background image using tools like Canva. Canva makes creating eye-catching LinkedIn banners easy with its user-friendly interface and vast selection of customizable templates. Choose a design that aligns with your brand, add your personal touch, and consider including a call to action.


Changing your LinkedIn email address

If you’ve recently changed your email, updating your LinkedIn email address is a simple process.

  1. Go to “Me.”
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy.”
  3. Click on “Sign in & Security.”
  1. Click your current email.
  2. Then click “Add email address.”
  1. Verify using the code LinkedIn will send to your current email.
  1. Add your new email address.

LinkedIn photos

Your LinkedIn photo is often the first thing people notice. It sets the tone for how others perceive you professionally. When it comes to choosing a profile picture on LinkedIn, you should select photos that are recent, clear and well-lit, and should exude a sense of professionalism and authority in your industry. And don’t forget to smile warmly and make eye contact with the camera.

For your LinkedIn profile picture, keep the background simple and avoid distractions. Crop your photo to focus on your head and shoulders, and use natural lighting for the best results. If you don’t have a professional headshot, consider blurring the background. If you’re representing your company, consider using a background with your company logo or colors.

Like your banner or background photo, you can use certain tools to optimize your LinkedIn profile pictures. These tools include Canva, Snapseed, Adobe Photoshop, or Lightroom. The recommended size is 400 x 400 pixels. Bonus Tip: Ask friends or colleagues for feedback on your photo before finalizing it.

LinkedIn Premium

LinkedIn Premium offers various tiers with a suite of features designed to enhance your job search, networking, and professional development.

Gain access to InMail credits for contacting individuals outside your network, uncover who’s viewed your profile in the past 90 days, and gain valuable insights into salary information and competitor data for job applications. 

You’ll also enjoy unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning’s extensive library of online courses. While LinkedIn Premium doesn’t fully reveal anonymous profile viewers, it may provide partial information such as job title or company.

The cost of LinkedIn Premium varies depending on the chosen tier, starting at $29.99/month. If you want more details on LinkedIn Premium, head on over to our in-depth article.

LinkedIn posts and engagement

Like any social networking site, posts and engagement are key to boosting your LinkedIn presence. The strategies you use for other social media sites are also applicable to LinkedIn. First, come up with a content strategy.

Create valuable posts by sharing valuable news and insights about your industry, and don’t forget to incorporate visuals. Infographics, graphs, and short animations tend to do well on LinkedIn. Then, come up with a schedule. 

While some research suggests a certain time for maximum engagement, tailor your schedule to your audience’s habits. Read our article on LinkedIn posts for more details on creating the best content for LinkedIn.

Engagement is also crucial to gain a foothold on LinkedIn. But let’s face it, it’s hard to get likes and shares when you’re just starting out. Luckily, there are platforms that allow you to buy LinkedIn likes to give your posts some traction.

LinkedIn Messaging

LinkedIn messaging is another powerful tool for networking. You can personalize your outreach, clearly state why you’re reaching out, and always offer value. Don’t hesitate to follow up if you don’t receive an immediate response.

For inspiration or reference, revisit saved posts by navigating to the “Items you saved” section under your profile icon.

LinkedIn for business

LinkedIn isn’t just for individual professionals. Businesses and companies can also use LinkedIn to connect with potential clients, partners, and employees.

Creating a LinkedIn business page

A LinkedIn Business Page is a free profile for your company. It’s where you can share updates, showcase your products or services, and engage with your target audience. 

  1. Log in to your personal LinkedIn account.
  2. Navigate to the “For Business” icon at the top right corner of your homepage.
  1. Select “Create a Company Page” from the dropdown menu.
  1. Select the appropriate category for your business (Company, Showcase Page, or Educational Institution).
  1. Fill in your company name, website URL, industry, company size, and type, and add a logo and a compelling tagline.
  1. Fill in your company description, specialties, location, and other relevant details.

Examples of effective business profiles on LinkedIn

Here are two examples of effective business profiles from different industries:


Microsoft uses LinkedIn’s showcase pages to highlight their various products and services. Each showcase page has a distinct visual style for each product, while still maintaining that iconic Microsoft identity.

They regularly post articles on product announcements as well as tutorials. They also share updates on industry events and conferences.

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy uses LinkedIn to expand the reach of their conservation efforts. They post weekly content that addresses pressing environmental issues and how businesses all over the globe can help contribute to their advocacy.

They use a blend of striking photos and informative videos to complement their articles.

Using LinkedIn AI for business growth

LinkedIn AI is revolutionizing the way businesses approach sales and growth. The platform’s AI-powered tools, particularly within LinkedIn Sales Navigator, offer invaluable insights and can  streamline your prospecting efforts. LinkedIn Sales Navigator has added two new AI tools to make sales easier. 

The first tool, Account IQ, quickly gives you a summary of potential clients. It gathers information from LinkedIn and other sources to show you the company’s goals, challenges, and financial situation. This helps you understand the company better and have more meaningful conversations with them.


The second tool, Relationship Map, helps you keep track of the people involved in a potential sale. It shows you who’s who at the company and their connections. It also highlights any important changes, like new hires or mentions in the news. This helps you build relationships with the right people and close deals faster.


LinkedIn Ads and advertising

LinkedIn also has ads that allow your brand to reach a professional audience, and possibly, the eyes and minds of influential individuals in your industry. LinkedIn has a built-in campaign manager to streamline ad creation, management and campaign analysis.

Like other social media ads, you can tailor your LinkedIn Ads to reach specific demographics, job titles, industries, and interests. To ensure your ads make an impact, familiarize yourself with LinkedIn’s official guidelines. 

Compared to ads in other social media platforms, LinkedIn ads generally command a higher price. However, the cost will ultimately depend on your chosen targeting criteria, ad format and bidding strategy.

While LinkedIn ads are pricier, their ability to give you high-quality leads often justify the investment. Head on over to our article on LinkedIn Ads to learn the ins and outs of LinkedIn advertising.

Networking on LinkedIn

Networking is the heart of LinkedIn. The connections you make on the site can lead to career opportunities, partnerships, and valuable insights in your industry. 

In LinkedIn there are two ways you can add a person to your network: Follow and Connect. Following allows you to see someone’s public updates in your feed without being directly connected. 

Connecting, on the other hand, establishes a mutual connection. This allows you to view each other’s full profiles, send messages, and see each other’s connections.

Aside from optimizing your profile, here are other ways you can widen your network on LinkedIn

  1. Connect Strategically: Don’t just connect with anyone. Focus on people in your industry, field of interest, or those who can offer valuable insights.
  2. Personalize Connection Requests: When sending a connection request, always include a personalized note explaining why you want to connect.
  3. Engage with Content: Like, comment, and share posts from your network to start conversations and build relationships.
  4. Join Groups: Join LinkedIn groups related to your industry or interests to connect with like-minded professionals.
  5. Attend Events: Participate in LinkedIn virtual events or webinars to expand your network and learn new things.
  6. Offer Help: Be willing to help others in your network with advice, introductions, or resources.
  7. Follow Up: Stay in touch with your connections by sending occasional messages, sharing relevant articles, or congratulating them on their achievements.
  8. Buying LinkedIn Accounts: If you need a quick, extra boost, some platforms allow you to buy legitimate LinkedIn accounts.

Using LinkedIn InMail for communication

InMail is a LinkedIn Premium feature that allows you to send messages to people you’re not connected with. It’s a useful tool for reaching out to potential clients, recruiters, or industry leaders. However, use it wisely and craft personalized messages that offer value to the recipient.

Managing LinkedIn connections

Like other social media platforms, sometimes you need to tidy up your LinkedIn connections to maintain a professional network that aligns with your goals.

LinkedIn offers a “Network Manager” tool that lets you see and manage all your connections and followers in one place. You can clean up your network and feed by unfollowing, removing a connection, or by blocking an individual.

You can do this by going to the “My Network” tab at the top of your homepage. 

Or you can go to the individuals page and follow these steps:

Unfollowing people on LinkedIn

Unfollowing someone means you’ll no longer see their posts in your feed. If you’re connected with the person, you’ll still remain connected on LinkedIn.

  1. Go to their profile.
  2. Click “More.”
  3. Click “Following.
  1. Click “Unfollow” in the pop-up window.

Removing a connection on LinkedIn

Removing a connection means you’ll no longer be connected to that person on LinkedIn, and they won’t see your posts and message you either.

  1. Go to their profile
  2. Click “More.”
  3. Select “Remove connection.”

Blocking someone on LinkedIn

Blocking someone on LinkedIn prevents them from seeing your profile, sending you messages, or viewing your activity.

  1. Go to their profile.
  2. Click “More.”
  3. Select Report/Block.
  1. Choose Block.

Contacting LinkedIn support

If you encounter issues or have questions about your LinkedIn account, you can contact LinkedIn’s Customer Support:

  1. Click on the “Me” icon at the top right corner of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Select “Help.”
  1. Use the search bar to find relevant articles or help topics related to your issue.
  2. If you can’t find a solution, click on “Contact us” at the bottom of the help page to submit a support request.

Deleting your LinkedIn account

If you decide to leave LinkedIn entirely, you can delete your account:

  1. Click on the “Me” icon at the top right corner of your LinkedIn homepage. Then select “Settings & Privacy.”
  2. Click on Account Preferences.
  3. Scroll down and select “Close Account” under “Account Management.”
  1. Select a reason for closing your account.
  1. Enter your password to confirm your identity.
  1. Click on the “Done” button to permanently delete your account.

Remember, deleting your account is irreversible. All your data, connections, and content will be permanently erased.

Tips and Tricks

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career, these LinkedIn tips and tricks will help you optimize your profile, boost your visibility, and unlock the full potential of this powerful networking platform.

Best LinkedIn headlines for different industries

Here are some example LinkedIn headlines you can use for various industries:


  • Software Engineer at [Company Name] | Building Scalable Solutions for [Industry] | Python, Java, AWS
  • Data Scientist | Passionate about Turning Data into Actionable Insights | Machine Learning Enthusiast


  • Digital Marketing Strategist | Helping Brands Grow Through SEO, PPC & Social Media
  • Content Marketing Manager at [Company Name]| Crafting Compelling Stories that Drive Engagement | SEO & Storytelling Expert


  • Financial Analyst | Delivering Strategic Financial Insights & Driving Business Growth | CFA Charterholder
  • Investment Banker | Advising on M&A, Capital Raising & Restructuring Transactions | Passionate about Finance


  • Registered Nurse | Compassionate Caregiver | Dedicated to Improving Health Outcomes
  • Physician Assistant | Providing Comprehensive Medical Care | Focused on Patient Education & Empowerment


  • Graphic Designer at [Company Name]| Transforming Ideas into Visual Masterpieces | Brand Identity & UI/UX Design Specialist
  • Copywriter | Crafting Words that Captivate & Convert | SEO-Optimized Content Creator

Example summaries for LinkedIn profiles

Here are great examples of LinkedIn summaries you can take inspiration from:

  1. Karen Abbate
  1. Gijo Mathew
  1. Damilare Odueso

Apps to increase your productivity on LinkedIn

Boost your LinkedIn efficiency with these helpful apps:

  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator: For sales professionals, this app helps you find leads, build relationships, and close deals.
  • LinkedIn Recruiter: For recruiters, this app streamlines the hiring process with powerful search and candidate management tools.
  • LinkedIn Learning: Access thousands of online courses to enhance your skills and knowledge.
  • Crystal: This app analyzes LinkedIn profiles to provide personality insights, helping you tailor your communication for better results.

Using AI on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is not spared from the rise of Artificial intelligence (AI). AI-powered tools are now available to optimize your profile, making it stand out to potential employers or clients. These tools can analyze your existing profile and suggest improvements to your headline, summary, and experience sections.

And like in other social media platforms, AI can help you create more content. By analyzing your network and industry trends, certain AI tools can suggest relevant topics and even draft posts for you.

Beyond content creation, AI can also help you schedule your posts, ensuring your message reaches the widest possible audience. AI-driven analytics provide valuable insights into your LinkedIn performance, tracking metrics like post views, likes, and comments.

This data can help you understand what type of content works so you can refine your strategy accordingly. Furthermore, AI can streamline your networking efforts by identifying potential connections based on your interests and goals, as well as suggesting personalized messages to initiate conversations. 

While AI can be a valuable asset, it’s important not to rely on it too heavily. LinkedIn is a platform for building authentic connections, and your personal touch is essential. Use AI as a tool to enhance your efforts, not replace them.

Final thoughts

Your LinkedIn profile is more than just a digital resume; it’s your professional persona in the online world. A well-crafted profile can open doors to new opportunities, connect you with industry leaders, and propel your career or business forward.

By taking the time to optimize your LinkedIn profile, you’re positioning yourself for success. Regularly update your profile with fresh content, engage with your network, and actively participate in relevant groups and discussions.

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for career and business growth. Whether you’re seeking new job opportunities, expanding your professional network, or establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry, LinkedIn can be a game-changer. Embrace the platform’s potential, invest in your profile, and unlock the endless possibilities that await you. Your future success might just be a connection away.


Can people see who viewed their LinkedIn?

LinkedIn offers a feature that allows you to see who viewed your profile in the last 90 days. However, if you view profiles anonymously, your views won’t be visible to others.

How to add a certification on LinkedIn?

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Click “Add section.”
  3. Select “Background” and then “Licenses & certifications.”
  4. Fill in the required information and click “Save.”

How to deactivate a LinkedIn account?

  1. Go to your “Settings & Privacy.”
  2. Click “Account Preferences.”
  3. Go to “Account Management.”
  4. Select “Close Account.”
  5. Follow the prompts to close or deactivate your LinkedIn account.

How much is LinkedIn Premium?

LinkedIn Premium offers various tiers with different prices. Basic Premium starts at $29.99 per month, but there are also higher-tiered plans with additional features.

How to add a promotion on LinkedIn?

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Scroll down to your job experience section.
  3. Click the pencil icon and select “add position.”
  4. Fill in the details of your new role and click “Save.”

How do I find my LinkedIn URL?

  1. Click on the “Me.”
  2. Select “View profile.”
  3. Your LinkedIn URL will be displayed in the right side-bar.

How to add a resume to LinkedIn?

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Click “Add profile section.”
  3. Select “Featured” and then “Media.”
  4. Upload your resume file.

Can LinkedIn Premium see anonymous views?

LinkedIn Premium doesn’t reveal the names of anonymous viewers, but it may provide partial information like job title or company.

How to create a company page on LinkedIn?

  1. Click the “For Business” icon on your homepage.
  2. Select “Create a Company Page.”
  3. Follow the prompts to fill in your company information.

How much is LinkedIn Learning?

LinkedIn Learning offers a monthly subscription starting at $19.99, with a free trial available for new users.

The post Just Starting Out on LinkedIn? Here’s How to Make The Most of Your Profile appeared first on

* This article was originally published here

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