Tuesday, November 30, 2021

What Is Bitcoin and How Does It Work?

What Is Bitcoin and How Does It Work?

The world of cryptocurrency may seem like the wild west to some, but for those that take the time to understand how it operates, the investment opportunities are vast.

In this article, we’re taking a look at the world’s most well-known cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. We’ll cover what it is and some pros and cons of investing in it.

Disclaimer: The investment information in this article is offered solely for educational purposes. We do not provide advisory or brokerage services, or suggest or advise investors on which stocks or assets to purchase or sell.

What is bitcoin (BTC) and what does it stand for?

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that eliminates the need for intermediaries such as banks and governments, instead of relying on a peer-to-peer computer network to validate transactions directly between users.

The government that issues fiat money (like the dollars in your bank account) backs and regulates it. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is based on a combination of networking technology and software-driven cryptography, which is the science of sending secret data that can only be read by the sender and receiver. This results in a currency that is backed by code rather than actual assets such as gold or silver, or by faith in central financial institutions.

What is Bitcoin and how does it work?

Each Bitcoin (trading symbol “BTC,” albeit “XBT” is sometimes used) is a digital file saved in a computer or smartphone’s digital wallet. To understand how bitcoin works, you’ll need to know the following words and some background information:

Bitcoin is based on blockchain, an open-source technology that provides a shared public ledger of transactions grouped into “blocks” that are “chained” together to prevent manipulation. This technology, which maintains a permanent record of each transaction, is at the core of the more than 10,000 cryptocurrencies that have sprung up in the aftermath of bitcoin.

A Bitcoin wallet has both a public and private key, which operate together to allow the owner to initiate and digitally sign transactions while also giving proof of authorization.

Bitcoin miners: Using high-speed computers, miners – or users of the peer-to-peer protocol – independently confirm the transaction, usually within 10 to 20 minutes.

What is the source of Bitcoin’s revenue?

Bitcoin’s value is determined by supply and demand, and because demand fluctuates, the cryptocurrency’s price is very volatile.

Apart from bitcoin mining, which necessitates technical skill and the purchase of high-performance computers, the majority of individuals buy bitcoin as a kind of currency speculation, wagering that the market value of one bitcoin will be higher in the future than it is now. However, this is difficult to forecast.

Hot wallets vs. cold wallets for Bitcoin storage

There are two types of digital wallets that may be used to store Bitcoins:

  • Hot wallet: A trustworthy exchange or provider stores digital currency in the cloud, which may be accessed via a computer browser, desktop, or smartphone app.
  • Cold wallet: A portable encrypted device, similar to a thumb drive, that allows you to download and carry your bitcoins.

A hot wallet is one that is linked to the internet, whereas a cold wallet is not. To download Bitcoins into a portable cold wallet, you’ll need a hot wallet.

Pros and Cons of Purchasing Bitcoin

It’s preferable to start with why you should be cautious with a speculative asset class like bitcoin:

Cons of Bitcoin

Volatility in prices. While the value of bitcoin has increased considerably over the years, investors’ fortunes have varied greatly depending on when they invested. Those who purchased bitcoin in 2017 when the price was approaching $20,000, for example, would have to wait until December 2020 to recoup their losses. Even though bitcoin had a successful year in 2021, it lost half of its value between April and July before rebounding and reaching new highs in November.

Concerns about hacking. While supporters claim that Bitcoin’s blockchain technology is more secure than traditional electronic money transfers, hackers have found Bitcoin hot wallets to be a lucrative target. Numerous high-profile thefts have occurred, including the announcement in May 2019 that more than $40 million in bitcoin was taken from several high-net-worth accounts on cryptocurrency exchange Binance (the company covered the losses).

Use is limited (but rising). AT&T became the latest company to accept Bitcoin payments in May 2019, joining Overstock.com, Microsoft, and Dish Network. These businesses, however, are the exception rather than the rule.

SIPC does not provide any protection. If a brokerage collapses or money is stolen, the Securities Investor Protection Corporation guarantees investors up to $500,000, but Bitcoin is not covered.

Pros of Bitcoin

Transactions are private and secure at all times, with fewer possible fees. You may send Bitcoins to anybody, anywhere, at any time, lowering the time and possible cost of every transaction. Personal information such as a name or credit card number is not included in transactions, which removes the possibility of customer information being taken for fraudulent purchases or identity theft. (Keep in mind, though, that in order to buy Bitcoins on an exchange, you’ll usually need to link your bank account first.)

There’s a lot of room for expansion. Some investors who purchase and keep Bitcoin are wagering that as the currency matures, more confidence and broader use will follow, increasing Bitcoin’s value.

Decentralization. Following the financial crisis and the Great Recession, some investors are eager to adopt a decentralized currency that is fundamentally independent of traditional banks, governments, and other third parties.

Should you buy bitcoin?

Bitcoin is an incredibly speculative and volatile buy. It’s worth remembering that stock trading can give you a similar thrill – and picking stocks of established companies is generally less risky than investing in Bitcoin. But if you want to give it a go, you can download a Bitcoin wallet and start trading.

Guest author: Asher Fergusson is a Full-Stack developer with eight years of experience working alongside Fortune 500 companies’ tech teams.

The post What Is Bitcoin and How Does It Work? appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Monday, November 29, 2021

How to Scale Your Business by Recalibrating Operations

How to Scale Your Business by Recalibrating Operations

“Change is constant” is one of the most popular proverbs we hear, but the same applies to today’s business world. Every entrepreneur wishes for more money. They desire more money to expand their business operations, run ads, pay for highly skilled employees, and anything else in between.

Adoption of changes is highly important as it is the key to business longevity. As technology changes, entrepreneurs also should be ready to change as there are many illustrations of enterprises thinking themselves in a top position but ending up irrelevant.

The business world is changing rapidly, from modern technology tools to internet marketing to remote work and whatnot. Growth and upscaling are key goals for entrepreneurs, but how can you upscale business in today’s lackluster and saturated economy?

Upscaling seems a daunting task, but it is necessary to thrive. Consider the ongoing pandemic situation. Before the outbreak, business owners were skeptical about digital solutions, but now we can see how everyone is foraying into that to survive and following some important business tips to adjust to this new normal.

Upscaling is very important in business because technology and people’s preferences are changing daily, and businesses need to revamp their strategies to run the business smoothly.

Before we jump into the strategies to upscale your business, it’s important to understand what upscaling a business is and why it is necessary.

What is upscaling in business?

It’s not just about growth when it comes to scaling your business. While your business can grow, this does not mean that you will be able to handle the increased output, and growth can backfire if your staff cannot handle such workloads and products.

Scaling refers to taking on more work cost-effectively and meeting the business needs without sacrificing quality and performance. The goal is to establish a comfortable balance between the increased workload, customers, and users and deliver on it.

For instance, in order to be more efficient in marketing to a wider audience, a company scaling could gain $50,000 in new revenue with $5,000 invested in marketing automation tools. In addition to growing, the company scaled as its profits surpassed its losses.

Adding resources incrementally while adding revenue rapidly is how an organization scales. Companies such as Google, Salesforce.com, and Citrix have successfully scaled their businesses. In order to achieve consistent growth and increasing margins over time, they are masters at adding customers while adding fewer resources.

Perks of upscaling your business

It is much more likely that your business will survive if it is prepared to accommodate growth. It has not only the potential to drive short-term growth, but it will also be able to remain successful through durability and longevity.

Here we have jotted down powerful advantages of upscaling a business,

  • Consistency
  • Improved efficiency
  • Adaptability
  • Longevity
  • Competition

Upscaling gives voice to your business and enables entrepreneurs to accurately gauge emerging changes with their presence to satisfy the demands of their patrons as a valuable part of your market research.

Harness these ways to scale your business

Following the Industrial Revolution, business remained pretty much the same for 100 years or so, but it’s reasonable to say that will never happen again. It’s impossible to avoid being swept away by the exponential rate at which technology develops, mutates, and adapts throughout 2020-whether you’re ready or not.

Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Social Media, cloud computing, driverless cars, sales through drones, collaboration tools, customer relationship management, and robotics in manufacturing and receptions are examples of how the business world is changing.

 In order to keep their operation moving, many companies turn to information technology. And innovation is shown in the fields of medicine, restaurants, consumer products, eCommerce, finance, and real estate, to name a few.

Rapid upscaling does not happen overnight, but there are a few ways you can adopt to keep your organization going forward. Consider the following suggestions.

Bring Automation

Many of your business processes are similar to other small businesses, so you have some things in common with them. In consequence, it is very easy to perform the process, but it takes a lot of time, and it should be repeated several times. Businesses of any size benefit greatly from automation. Automation and its benefits are all set to be adopted by businesses with the ease of technology available today.

The biggest advantage of automating your business is that all manual tasks will be performed efficiently and effectively. In addition to uptime and reliability, automation also eliminates errors. Emerging technologies such as

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Chatbots

From the usage of live chat software solutions to impersonal messages on LinkedIn, the business world is changing. As your businesses, competitors use automation (often in a negative way), the entire market is shifting. Things are changing, and new technologies are introducing, and enterprises must prepare for this.

Pay Attention to Mobile-first Business Environment

Mobile-first is here to stay for a long time. With the right software, smart devices or tablets can be used to manage every aspect of your business remotely. They are all in one place, from managing sales tasks to marketing content to customer relations and back-end processes such as shipping and invoicing. Your consumers are also impacted by mobile, not just you.

Mobile devices are increasingly used to buy, sell, shop, find local businesses, and share their retail experiences on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, especially by Generation Y (Millennials). This approach has also increased the ease with which businesses can stay in touch.

A hyper-real web of real-time information has been created by merging mobile technology and communication software to give workers and employees instant access via text/video chat and targeted promotional emails sent to nearby customers.

Employees will Need Different Skills

Buying cheap means buying twice; this is an old proverb. In addition to applying the phrase to tools and garments, similar logic can be applied to hiring employees. When a company offers too low a wage to key members of staff, it may not be able to attract skilled talent. These are the people who can drive a business toward its own success.

In scaling your company, bringing in talented, determined employees have been more important. Businesses that are entering a phase of expansion have very little margin for error, so they need to fill every position with the very best candidates.

Hiring skilled and determined people brings you the following,

  • Customer centricity
  • Alignment of product and service development with market needs
  • Boost selling efficiency
  • It could go on….

According to the World Economic Forum, creative skills will be among the most in-demand skills of workers in 2020. Employees will have to acquire new skills as more and more industries undergo radical transformations due to technology.

Maintain Public Image Using Content Marketing

As the business grows, entrepreneurs worry that they will lose their personal touch, and this will decrease the level of emotional investment and engagement from their customers. But usage of social media for business offers many perks and ensures that the voice and identity of your business remain intact even as it grows.

By offering prospects something for nothing in the form of blogs, video posts, or white papers, you not only ensure consistency with your brand but increase the likelihood that demand will match your growth.

Creating and bombarding content on Facebook and Instagram will not drive any results. But businesses can build customer trust and gain unexpected leads by regularly updating their website and responding to customers’ messages, queries, and complaints.

Enable Remote Working


Image Source: Miro

The trend of remote work has been increasing steadily over the past 15 years, but Covid-19 forced companies who didn’t have an established remote working policy to proceed sooner than anticipated.

Sara Sutton, the founder and CEO of FlexJobs, said that remote work continues to be a preferred strategy for companies of all types, whether they are private, public, nonprofit, or startup businesses, and with good reason.

For companies, pivoting quickly meant ensuring their teams had access to the right technology, infrastructure, and tools for remote access, video conferencing, and project management tools, so they could continue to work on projects and communicate status.

In fact, Stanford researchers revealed that remote workers have an incredible productivity boost equivalent to one full day’s work every week! The company has also saved money on real estate costs, reduced carbon emissions, and improved agility and scalability.

Upscaling your business is a wave: Either ride it or wipe out

Irrespective of your personal opinion – Luddite or Technophile – the rapid advancement of digital technology will not slow anytime soon. 

Upscaling business is all about knowing when to embrace emerging changes and having the resources to do so. If businesses don’t prepare to scale, then they will fail in the coming years. It’s simple.

Upscaling is also compared with the mindset. No doubt, you also need the best system, people, and solid business plans. You can unleash your dreams, earn a great deal of money, and have fun doing it with a scalable business. Scalability becomes far easier once you put your mind to it.

Guest author: Brijesh Vadukiya is the tech activist, blogger, and internet marketing officer of Elluminati Inc for more than three years. My major concern is to educate people who are interested in technology. I am fond of writing useful and informative content that helps brands to grow their business.

The post How to Scale Your Business by Recalibrating Operations appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Web and the Rise of Modern Creative Careers

The Web and the Rise of Modern Creative Careers

Technology has improved by leaps and bounds over the past two decades. While our personal lives have been revamped thanks to personalization and engagement algorithms, the corporate world has remained relatively stable. We still think of a high-paying job as something that requires a university education coupled with many hours spent building a corporate persona.

However, Gen Z and Millennials are turning this thought on its head. Well-versed with technology from a young age, these generations are changing the way we think of creatives. Needless to say, the internet is where these new-age creatives express themselves.

Research conducted by Elementor discovered that 55% of Millennials surveyed identified web creation as their full-time job while Boomers were more likely to view this task as a side hustle. These findings give rise to the question: Who are these new web creators?

The changing role of designers

Websites these days are critical for any business. Thanks to the power of the internet, anyone can create a shop and begin running an enterprise with customers worldwide. These advances have led to a growing demand for web designers who understand the nuances of various niches.

For instance, website designers are expected to do much more than just create a pretty-looking website. They must understand aspects of microcopy, UX, and niche-specific UI elements. In essence, these new-age designers aren’t just designing a website. They’re designing a journey that must appeal to a niche’s audience.

Executing these tasks calls for a wide range of knowledge. Designers must have traditional design skills but must also understand the basics of copywriting and technical understanding of responsive design. For instance, a designer must understand how design elements react to the various platforms users access a website from.

Some features might work well on mobile but not on a tablet. It’s a designer’s job to anticipate and solve these issues before the website is live. Prior experience using websites helps, of course. Perhaps this is why Elementor’s survey highlighted that 67% of new-age web creators were Gen-Zers or Millennials.

Technical skills married to design

In the past, web development was hardly thought of as a creative skill. While it took creative ability to get code to work, it was the realm of technically trained professionals who didn’t fit the stereotype of the typical creative.

However, this picture is changing. A website’s success hinges on its performance and ability to rank high on search results. Thanks to search engines prioritizing website speed, technical abilities such as web programming are in high demand. Of course, it isn’t enough for a website to merely run quickly: It has to look great as well.

A new breed of creative is emerging these days. These people have deep backend development knowledge throughout the stack but also understand the nuances of frontend design. Any complex website project typically requires input from both elements. This modern creative is replacing entire teams these days as they bring all necessary skills to the table.

Elementor’s recently launched Web Creators campaign spotlighted this breed of creative by highlighting how a website’s backend functionality married to the front end creates spectacular results. The most interesting aspect of this new-age creative is that they marry marketing, technical, and design skills to form an unbeatable package.

As part of the campaign, Elementor has launched a hub for creator stories that promise to engage this community. It also features design templates for striking websites, digital swag, and other interactive features including learning opportunities for web creators. The campaign is a part of Elementor’s commitment to helping web creators realize their full potential.

Conversion scientists

Elementor’s survey highlighted that 80% of Millennials admitted that their families are happy with their choice to pursue a new-age web creator career. There’s a good reason for this: These professionals are in high demand, and web creation careers pay well.

Central to this demand is the modern creative’s ability to understand buyer psychology and implement experiments to test their assumptions. Conversion optimization might sound like esoteric expertise, but it cuts to the heart of marketing and design.

Conversion optimization professionals immerse themselves in design aspects such as button colors, shapes, and page positions. They use data to test different design options and measure effectiveness. Thus, the modern creative marries science and art to create highly-effective buyer experiences that boost business profits.

For instance, a new-age creative might test different versions of a product description or a checkout button on a website. They might change their color, shape, or the text on the button. Software these days allows creative to create multiple versions of a page and deploy them to select audiences.

Thus, design isn’t about “what looks good” anymore. It’s about measuring data and scientifically plotting your way to the top.

An evolving space

Creativity has never been stationary. It has always evolved, and the latest evolution is perhaps the most exciting one yet. By bringing various aspects of web design under a single roof, new-age web creators are set to leave a mark on our digital world.

As with all content creation and marketing, it all comes down to catering to the needs of your audience. Not only is it important to have the necessary tools and solutions in place for creating your content, but it’s also just as important that it’s easy to access and deliverable right to your audience.

Guest author: Zac Johnson is a world-renowned blogger and entrepreneur with nearly 20 years of experience in the online marketing space and has helped his readers generate millions of dollars online. He shares his story and guidance at ZacJohnson.com

The post The Web and the Rise of Modern Creative Careers appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

6 B2B Marketing Trends You Can Expect in 2022

6 B2B Marketing Trends You Can Expect in 2022

We can already see how digital transformation and the eCommerce boom are set to revolutionize the way we’ll sell in 2022. B2B trends have also permanently evolved to reflect new market behavior. After being forced to innovate to survive the devastating effects of coronavirus on businesses, marketers now hope that emerging B2B trends will help them cruise through this stage of lightning-fast innovations. 

As a marketer, you must always be prepared to adjust and adapt to the needs of your B2B clientele because they make larger purchases but take their time when deciding to buy. Read on to explore some popular B2B marketing trends that can help you flourish in 2022.

#1. Personalization

In 2022, customers will have even more channels that bring marketing content to them. This gives B2B marketers diverse ways to communicate your brand to the intended audience and engage them in your message.

It’s imperative to find out what channels your audience prefers and then pick the ones that provide you the opportunity to tailor your message to their needs. This should also allow you to present your products and services in a way that’s most appealing to the target audience.

For instance, you may have noticed that podcasting has been on an upward trend. You can gauge the interests of prospects who fall within your target range and use the resulting information to your advantage. But not everyone will be listening to your podcasts, so make sure you know what they are doing (watching stories, creating TikToks, etc.) and cater to them accordingly.

When used correctly, personalization can be pretty impactful for your business, helping you generate quality leads and drive conversions.

#2. Marketing automation

More data-driven B2B marketing campaigns are being deployed across industries, and this trend will only strengthen in the future. Implementing automation in your online marketing strategies can make it more effective and efficient by spending less effort and time on mundane tasks.


Image Source

To implement automation effectively, you must develop ideal customer profiles and nurture them as they move down the sales funnel. The “one size fits all” approach is becoming increasingly useless as people expect more personalization. So, it’s time to formulate different content and strategies for the specific audience groups you plan to cater to in 2022.

As customers become savvier, it is vital to remind them of your brand when searching for related information about your products and services. For that, you need automation tools to track what your customers search online. Look at the article links and titles shared from social media posts or other websites to help your customers in decision-making.

To smoothly integrate automation into your existing practices, you can leverage client management platforms that come with critical features such as reports and dashboards, sales analytics, and sales force automation. Strong metrics will help you build and maintain stronger relationships with your audiences through personalized, triggered marketing communications.

#3. Emerging lead generation channels

Generating quality leads and driving conversions remain the highest priorities of B2B marketers. However, lead generation and conversion practices are likely to change considerably in 2022.


Image Source

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of how businesses operate. While some companies pivoted to digital events, others chose to cancel or delay in-person ones. All B2B marketers had to quickly adapt to the reality that events in-person were not a feasible option for generating leads.

Today, many marketers are executing personalized and highly targeted lead generation strategies as more platforms develop tools for the B2B marketer the way they do for B2C marketers. These resources can successfully deliver niche content to highly-targeted audiences for maximum impact. You can also leverage CRM platforms and scheduling apps to manage increasingly personalized B2B lead generation and conversion.

#4. Innovative interactions with B2B customers

As technology advances, so will the need to leverage increasingly high-tech communication methods. This includes both how you send and receive messages from your B2B prospects.

For example, in 2022, optimizing for new forms of search – like audio and image – will be vital to capture traffic. Additionally, marketing chatbots and AI can help marketers get in touch with more customers and minimize their wait time.

Interactive emails can also increase conversions and improve ROI, helping your business get more out of each communication. AMP emails that enable B2B marketers to provide application-like functionality in a message are standard methods to implement and deliver this interactivity. These are just a couple of examples of how technology will make it easier to reach businesses in 2022.

#5. Mobile-first strategies

Digital and mobile advertising continues to be essential for business-to-business marketing efforts. According to one study, about 70% of B2B decision-makers and buyers prefer digital or remote interactions with suppliers.

By 2025, Gartner projects that this number will increase by 10% as customers respond to mobile-first digital marketing tactics more enthusiastically. As the number of millennials in buying and decision-making roles has risen, so has the number of customers who want a vendor-free experience. This strategy prioritizes content and mobile advertising over more traditional and offline methods. While this will result in growing ad spend, the results will make it all worth your while.

#6. Top-quality content and original research

Blogs, online resource centers, content hubs, and more have become valuable assets for online businesses. And by 2022, original research will likely be even more vital for marketing efforts.

B2B buyers look to the original content from brands when making purchasing decisions. As a result, this has become a considerable trust marker that signals the buyers that a particular company has good organizational experience and knowledge.

While content marketing is critical to the success of a business, merely writing posts to generate leads and traffic may not be sufficient. Instead, you need to add well-researched information to entice buyers to investigate your brand further and get in touch with your sales team.

Multiple content strategies will also be essential to provide high-quality info relevant to your B2B buyers’ interests. Video content remains a top performer, overtaking infographics and blog posts in popularity. Aim for the diversity of content with white papers, video, and other rich media to engage your target audience.

Wrapping up

Marketing is an ever-evolving field, and what might have worked in the past may not work today or in the future. Today, the marketing world is becoming increasingly digital and personal. AI is driving more meaningful insights, helping you better customize campaigns and generate quality content.

The key is to integrate new B2B trends strategically that move your brand toward growth goals. Increase engagement and brand trust with high-quality, personalized content into your digital marketing campaigns and automate the grunt work to save yourself time. This, in turn, can help you keep up with the emerging marketing landscape.

Guest author: Lee Li is a project manager and B2B copywriter from ShenZhen, China, and is currently based out of Singapore. She has a decade of experience in the Chinese fintech startup space as a PM for TaoBao, MeitTuan, and DouYin (now TikTok).

The post 6 B2B Marketing Trends You Can Expect in 2022 appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Monday, November 22, 2021

The 7 Best SEO Software for 2022

The Best SEO Software for 2022

The marketing and content industry has undergone many changes in the past few years, and usage of SEO software is one of them.

SEO was previously a manual task that required deep knowledge and understanding of the domain. But with the help of new-age custom software development services and applications made by them, it has become quite simple.

With a few clicks and an understanding of the domain, you can create exquisite strategies to rank your web pages higher using SEO software.


Search engines use complex algorithms to rank websites on their results page, and everyone wants to stay at the top. Companies need to be advanced in order to rank at top positions. In this post, you’ll learn what SEO software is, why it is so helpful, and you’ll also discover the best SEO software for 2022.

Some quick facts about SEO to get started

  • The SEO industry is more than $80 billion yearly.
  • Better SEO strategies can increase conversion rates by 14.6%, and place you among the elite websites.
  • Images with alt text and object detection drive your website higher on the search engine results page.
  • Relevant meta descriptions make websites groupable, and crawlers rank such websites higher.

Let’s set the stage by learning about SEO software.

What is SEO software?

SEO software is a suite of tools that help content managers and marketers gain insights from their campaigns and use the right strategies to increase reach. SEO software is highly regarded to find relevant keywords and strategies that can boost your website’s ranking on a search engine results page.

The ultimate goal of SEO is to drive more traffic to your websites, and you can achieve this with the help of special software. SEO software doesn’t come with a single-use. There are different modules and features inside SEO software that help to create and manage SEO strategies to rank higher.

It is a one-stop-shop for all content marketers and managers that work in the SEO department.

Let’s look at why SEO software is important for every website.

Why is SEO software important?

Rank Higher


If you want to flaunt your business on a search engine results page, it is vital that you dive into SEO. SEO helps crawlers classify and group your website according to the genre and makes it accessible.

When your website’s content is easily identifiable, crawlers rank your website higher, so you get more visibility.

Target Specific Audience


If your goal is to target a specific audience, then SEO is a must. You can research keywords that are used profoundly by your target audience and place them on your website.

When you have an excellent identifiable website, search engines will rank your website whenever there is a search for your keywords. This way, you can target a specific audience using keyword research and SEO.

Lower Ad Costs

If you want to lower your marketing costs and redirect those funds to other activities, it is vital that you indulge in SEO. Using SEO, you can rank your website higher organically, and you won’t need to pay for ads to drive traffic. It will almost become an automated solution, and you won’t have to spend a buck behind driving traffic to your website.

Today, 53% of the trackable web traffic comes from organic sources using SEO.

The Best SEO Software for 2022

Now that you know why SEO is essential, you should have a look at the best SEO software for 2022. This software will help you realize the many benefits of SEO. 

#1. SEMrush


SEMrush is one of the most loved and easy-to-use SEO software. It was developed back in 2018 when SEO software was just gaining market attraction, and hence, it has been a leading software in the marketing industry.

It has different tools that help you research keywords, generate website reports, bounce rates, and other things. With SEMrush, you can analyze your website’s performance, the pages that get viewed most, and even the backlinks.

All the information is presented in a way that is easy to understand on a simple dashboard. This dashboard is enough for all content marketers and even managers to gain insights into the website’s performance.

#2. Ahrefs


A big part of SEO is about defining backlinks for website content or blog. This is where the Ahrefs tool comes in handy. It is an SEO tool that has one of the largest databases of backlinks.

It has site crawlers that are as high quality as Google, so you can imagine the results from this tool will definitely help you rule the top spot. Backlinks are essential because crawlers group websites with valuable and relevant external links that are secure and trustworthy. This helps in ramping up your position on the results page.

Ahrefs also comes with a website evaluator/checker feature that helps you find mistakes and other things on your website. It helps you identify broken links that can impact your rankings and keyword placements that can improve ranking.

#3. Google Analytics


Google Analytics is a unique software offered by Google itself. This software is a must if you want to analyze your website and marketing campaign’s performance. As it is from the tech giant who rules the search engine space, it comes with a free and a premium version too.

Like the other software on this list, Google Analytics offers features to check website performance, backlinks, pages that generate the most traffic. One of the best features of Google Analytics is that it removes spam traffic before generating a report so that you get the correct report for your website.

During report generation, it piles up the organic traffic and non-organic traffic your website has received during the period. This will help you identify key target areas where you need to work and solidify your SEO strategies.

#4. Screaming Frog


Another upcoming SEO tool in this list, Screaming Frog, is a comprehensive SEO tool with various applications. It is easier to conduct website checks and find faults that can impact your rankings using Screaming Frog.

With the Screaming Frog SEO application, you can generate XML sitemaps that are useful for defining a website flow. You can find duplicate content on your website that impacts your website’s rankings on the results page and generate relevant crawler-friendly meta descriptions for every page on the website.

Plus, the reports generated by the Screaming Frog tool can be exported and downloaded as excel files, which makes it easy for everyone to go through the metrics and performance statistics.

#5. MOZ Pro


One of the oldest and most trusted SEO tools, MOZ Pro, was founded in 2004, and since then, it has been helping content marketers and SEO experts. It basically provides keyword research features that help marketers find the trending keywords for their content and add them so that they can rank better on search results pages.

MOZ Pro also features a backlink checking tool that helps you analyze your website’s backlinks and external links. The software has different subscription models, and the basic model is free with limited features.

#6. Yoast SEO


If you are looking for a free WordPress plugin, there is no better option than Yoast SEO. It’s a plugin that keeps checking whether every page on the website is optimized or not. It is an easier way to produce and publish SEO-friendly web pages.

Yoast is a smart plugin, and using it you can add your primary keyword and find out ways your content and website can rank higher.

#7. Google Search Console


Google Search Console is a revamped version of Google Webmaster tools. It helps marketers by providing crucial information like keyword ranking, click rate, bounce rates, number of clicks based on a keyword, and more.

If you are looking for a simpler analysis of your website, the Google Search Console’s results will prove sufficient. It derives many analytics and features from the Google Analytics platform but provides it in a much more understandable format.

Wrapping up

Whether you want to build internal or external links, or you want to check your website’s SEO performance, the software listed here will definitely help you. You’ll see an increase in your website’s traffic and reach once you start using this software along with your SEO strategies.

Guest author: Jigar Agarwal is a passionate writer at AgencyMat. He wants to unlock the world of technology and social media where every day there is a new possibility as well as innovation. Follow Him on Twitter.

The post The 7 Best SEO Software for 2022 appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Sunday, November 21, 2021

Where Do Ideas Come From? (And What Should You Do With Them)

Where Do Ideas Come From? (And What Should You Do With Them)

Last night I sat down and had a chat with an entrepreneur who has changed the way Swedes think about rubbish. In fact, she has influenced their culture to the extent that the Japanese word “Bokashi” (it is a process that converts food waste and similar organic matter into fertile soil) was included in the Swedish dictionary in 2018 by the organization responsible for the Nobel prize.

Jenny Harlen started Bokashi.se in 2007 after she had been inspired by the Spanish gardens she experienced on her trek on the El Camino trail. She said, “The soil spoke to her.” When she got back to her small hut in the quiet backwoods of Sweden she started experimenting with her food waste to create rich soil for a garden that had poor dirt.

She also had a deeper purpose and that was to make the planet sustainable. She wanted to make a difference. And that’s where energy rises. It’s a place of connectedness that sometimes feels like you are just a channel to something bigger than yourself. You can’t force it but you can tap into it if you are willing to listen. And it will not shout but whisper.

Her idea was ready for the world due to an intersection of her experience, expertise, and a passionate purpose for a world that was waiting. She was curious, she was ready and she acted from a powerful place. The heart, an intuition that whispered on that ancient walk in Spain.

So where do ideas come from?

Two Americans were waiting in the rain on a cold wet Paris night. The frozen wind cut to the bone and no taxis were responding to phone calls and the only ones driving past were occupied or finishing up their shift. That underwhelming experience by Travis Kalanick and Garret Camp in 2008 was the formation of the idea that became Uber. The inspiration was born out of being conscious of what most of us have observed and felt but didn’t see as a global opportunity.

So ideas do emerge from a life of or challenge that is seeking a solution but you need to be looking for the problem and then developing a solution.

Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia had just arrived in San Francisco from New York in August 2008 and were unemployed and desperate for cash. They noticed that there was a big conference in town and all the hotels were fully booked. They quickly built a website “Air Bed and Breakfast.” And after buying some air beds they booked their first three guests. Airbnb was launched. 


Survival instincts are a great source of ideas. 

Ideas, they come from everywhere, but these three speak to me.

  • Observing a problem that needs a solution.
  • Raw survival instincts that need a visceral response to put food on the table.
  • Accidental inspiration in a quiet moment when you least expect it that intersects with experience, expertise and passionate purpose.

Acting on ideas is how we change the world and our lives.

What should you do about your ideas?

Ideas can be just fun thought bubbles or they can change your life. We all have them. 

But some people are better at turning them from a thought into reality. Ideas can be turned into anything that the human creative spirit can imagine. Create art, go on an adventure or even start a business. Ideas are just mind energy manifesting as a thought. You can’t touch it and you can’t see it. Acting on a thought and moving it forward is where energy manifests into tangible reality.

The challenge is taking the first step as often fear and doubt get in the way. The magic happens when you convert the mumbling thought into meaningful momentum. Jenny Harlen had an idea that was an intersection of her expertise, passionate purpose, and experience that showed up in a quiet curious moment on the El Camino Trail. When she got home to her hut in the Swedish woods she took some simple actions. 

When are you taking action on your big ideas that matter?

The post Where Do Ideas Come From? (And What Should You Do With Them) appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

How to Calm Your Nerves Before Your Next Virtual Presentation

How to Calm Your Nerves Before Your Next Virtual Presentation

Virtual presentations can be a source of anxiety.

It can feel weird because, unlike face-to-face presentations, there’s a lack of audience feedback.

You don’t see people nodding along, and it’s harder to make eye contact.

You’re just staring at the camera and what’s worse is you can’t hear the people listening to your presentation.

The lack of feedback leads to this dreadful feeling of disconnection.  As a result, you feel more anxious about presenting virtually.

Plus, presenting to an audience makes you vulnerable and increases your chance of rejection. As humans, we fear rejection.

Keep reading as we explore actionable and science-backed tips to help calm your nerves before your next online presentation.

7 Steps to manage online presentation anxiety


Can’t sleep days before your presentation? Or do you break into a cold sweat just thinking about the presentation?

The good news is you’re not alone – fear of public speaking, whether virtual or in-person, is the most common type of phobia.

Experienced public speakers may also feel the same way. However, the difference is they have mastered the following steps to manage and tame their nerves before a presentation.

1. Identify the root cause of your nervousness

The first step in calming your nerves before your presentation is to get to the bottom of your anxiety.

To start, write them down on a piece of paper or your notes software. Here are some examples:

  • I’m afraid I’ll look stupid.
  • I’m nervous about not being able to answer the audience’s questions. What if my presentation is boring for the audience?
  • What if I look awkward on camera?
  • What if my sales report slides won’t work on the day of the presentation?

After writing them down, dig a little deeper into each concern on your list.

For example, if you’re afraid that you’ll look awkward and unattractive on camera, take steps to look good on video. Dress the part, adjust the camera angle, or face the room’s source of light.

On the other hand, if you’re worried about the barrage of questions after your presentation, make a list of all the possible questions your audience will ask ahead of time and brainstorm your answers.

2. Know the ins and outs of your topic

You are less likely to feel nervous about your presentation if you’re an expert or have above-average knowledge of the topic you’re presenting.

“The better you understand what you’re talking about – and the more you care about the topic – the less likely you’ll make a mistake or get off track. And if you do get lost, you’ll be able to recover quickly,” shares clinical psychologist Craig N. Sawchuk, Ph.D., L.P.

If possible, pick a topic that interests you. Researching a topic that you like feels less of a chore, and you’ll be more enthusiastic to talk about it during your virtual presentation.

3. Practice to boost your confidence

When you’re confident about your presentation, you’re likely to feel less anxious about talking in front of your laptop or computer camera.

Rehearsing your presentation multiple times before the actual presentation is one great way to ramp up your confidence.

The following steps are confidence boosters:

  • Act out the entire presentation and don’t just gloss over the main points or mumble as you practice.
  • Speak out loud and use gestures.
  • Record yourself on camera, so you’ll know which parts you have trouble explaining, and you can make improvements during the actual presentation.
  • Practice in the location where you’ll be presenting. For example, if you’re presenting from your home office, practice in advance in that room.  Meanwhile, if you’re going to present virtually from a coworking space, rehearse in the exact location.
  • Have a family member, colleague, or friend listen to you. Ask for their feedback. Let them ask questions, so you’ll get used to the Q and A portion of your presentation.

Finally, the Grand Valley State University Speech Lab recommends that you familiarize yourself with your presentation deck, including your visual aids and the sequence of the slides. By doing so, you’ll have an idea of what comes next, and you’ll feel more confident.

4. Tidy up your space

According to Professor Jeremy Bailenson, founding director of the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab, video chats dramatically reduce physical mobility.

When you’re on the same spot and have less room to move, this can often result in Zoom fatigue. As a result, you feel more nervous and have a hard time relaxing.

For this reason, tidy up and declutter your video conferencing space in advance.

Get rid of food boxes, too many plants, books, toys, papers, and unused work equipment. If possible, take the kids and pets away from the area where you’ll be presenting.

Visual clutter is associated with increased cognitive overload. As a result, you’ll have a hard time concentrating on your presentation. When you have problems focusing, you’ll feel that you have less sense of control, resulting in anxiety.

5. Get used to looking at the camera

Let’s be honest, you can’t stop looking at your face and the rest of the participant’s face during Zoom presentations or when you’re hosting a webinar.

One good way to appear (and feel!) less anxious is to look at the camera instead when you’re talking. This tip helps you maintain eye contact with your audience despite the lack of physicality.

Get used to this presentation jitters hack by looking at the camera while you’re practicing.

Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D., executive coach and international keynote speaker, recommends that you lower your camera a little.   By doing so, there’s no need for you to tilt your head back to gaze up at the camera.

While you might want to look at your audience’s faces to gauge their reaction, it’s also equally important to look straight to the camera for eye contact. 

6. Psych yourself up before the presentation

You’ve prepared for the presentation, and you’ve practiced with a colleague. But you’re still feeling tense about the whole thing.

The next step to calming yourself before your next presentation is to give yourself enough time to amp up your presentation energy.

Nancy Duarte, communication expert and author of The Art and Science of Presentation Design, recommends pre-talk rituals. She further suggests that there are four types of pre-talk rituals, depending on your personality.


Here are the types of pre-talk rituals with corresponding examples:

  1. Empathy ritual – This type of pre-talk ritual is ideal if you present to an audience that you’re unfamiliar with and need to present new information or content.

Example: Get to know your audience before your virtual presentation by asking questions about them.

  1. Exertion ritual – This type of pre-talk ritual is suitable for you if you need to appear upbeat and high-energy during your online presentation.

Example: Go out for a quick walk before your virtual talk.

  1. Spiritual ritual – A spiritual ritual is perfect for speakers and presenters who are naturally amped up as a person. This ritual helps you feel more grounded and relaxed.

Example: Perform breathing exercises half an hour before your presentation in Zoom or other online platforms.

  1. Mantra-based ritual – This ritual is ideal if you’re the type who gets comforted by self-talk. 

Example: Repeat a favorite phrase to yourself as a way to prepare yourself during a presentation.

7. Speak slowly and smile

Make an effort to speak slowly during your presentation.  When speaking quickly, your brain will likely perceive it as a threat, making you feel more nervous.

Finally, smile! When you smile, your body produces endorphins, which can reduce stress and make you feel calmer.

You’ve got this

Virtual presentations are the norm now that people are more likely working remotely or taking online classes.

It’s normal to feel nervous and anxious before giving a presentation online. As long as you take the steps we’ve outlined above to manage (don’t think about getting rid of it completely!) your nerves and stay calm, you’re going to become a better, calmer presenter in no time.

You’ve got this!

Guest author: Kai Tomboc is currently taking care of content at Piktochart, an easy-to-use design tool that helps you tell your story with the visual impact it deserves. She has written for various SaaS brands and publications like G2. When not engrossed in a book, she’s most likely taming tardigrades.

The post How to Calm Your Nerves Before Your Next Virtual Presentation appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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