Tuesday, June 14, 2022

How to Write Effective Content for Conversational Search

Hey Siri, how do I write for conversational search?

Conversational search is a search method that allows people to ask questions in natural language. This search method is becoming more popular because people are using voice-activated assistants like Siri and Alexa more and more.

That’s why content writers need to know how to write for conversational search, as this kind of search is changing how people find information online.

When people use conversational search, they are more likely to ask questions in full sentences than to type keywords. For this reason, the content needs to provide helpful information that answers said questions specifically.

Learn more about conversational search, how it’s changing the way we use the internet, and what that means for content writers below.

What is conversational search?

Conversational search refers to the act of searching the internet using natural language rather than keywords or specific search terms.

A keyword-based search might be something like “pizza delivery near me,” In contrast, a conversational search may sound like, “I’m looking for a pizza place that delivers.”

Conversational search requires a different approach to writing content. When someone uses keywords to search, they usually look for a specific piece of information. But when someone uses conversational search, they are more likely to look for an overall understanding of a topic and need a specific question answered.

The rise of conversational search and voice-activated assistants

The rise of conversational search can be attributed to the popularity of voice-activated assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. People are more comfortable talking to these devices as if they were humans, which reflects the way we search for information online.

Statistics show that the number of voice assistant users rose from 79.9 million in 2017 to over 135 million in 2022. These numbers suggest that people use their devices more often to make phone calls, set alarms, and search the internet.

Number of voice assistant users

Image Source

Why is conversational search important?

Some of the most notable benefits of conversational search include:

1. Reduced search friction: When users can ask questions in natural language, they are more likely to find the information they need without feeling frustrated.

2. Increased engagement: Conversational search makes it easier for people to find the content they’re looking for, which can lead to increased engagement. 

3. More personalized transactions: Customers can change their interactions with search; from transactional to personalized.

4. Better recommendations: Users will get better recommendations for what they need.

Challenges of conversational search

There’s no doubt that writing using conversational search terms can be challenging. Phrases like “where can I find pest control services near me” don’t slip into content as easily as “local pest control” does.

Some of the most notable challenges to be aware of are:

Conversation search requires a different writing style

When writing for conversational search, you need to use natural language rather than keywords. This new concept can be difficult for writers who use straightforward keywords to optimize their content.

Be aware of the user’s intent

To write compelling content for conversational search, you need to be aware of the user’s intent. What are they trying to accomplish? What do they need to know? Think about the context behind the words.

It can be difficult to rank for conversational keywords

Conversational keywords are often long-tail keywords that tend to rank low in searches. This is especially true if you’re competing against more prominent brands with more resources.

Conversational search is still evolving

The landscape of conversational search is still shifting and evolving. As more people use voice-activated assistants, the way they search will continue to change. You need to be prepared to adapt your content accordingly.

You need to write for questions

People use conversational search when they want to find answers to questions. As such, your content needs to address these types of questions directly and succinctly.

Tips on writing content for conversational search

Despite the challenges, there are a few things you can do to make sure your content is effective for conversational search. Here are a few tips.

Use long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are the bread and butter of conversational search. Use them throughout your content to ensure that you’re ranking for the right keywords.

Know your audience

As with any writing, it’s essential to know your audience. What are your readers’ concerns? Why are they looking for those specific answers, or in what context? You should understand your audience’s desires, triggers, gaps, and motivators. A writer for any strong emotional design brand should always weave these dynamic elements into the content.

Predict possible searches

When you know your audience, it’s easier to predict the sorts of searches they’ll perform. Try to anticipate their needs and questions, and craft your content accordingly. Think about the different ways a user could pose a question and incorporate these into the content. Using an AI content generator to create content might be difficult here, however, it can give you ideas for creating conversational phrases.

Use natural language

As we mentioned before, conversational search relies on natural language. Using natural language means no keyword stuffing and focusing on writing conversationally. If you wouldn’t say it out loud, don’t write it.

Use an answer-first strategy

Start with the answer to the user’s question and then provide more information. Think of it as an inverted pyramid, with the most important thing first and details that follow.

Focus on localization

There is another layer to knowing your audience when creating localized content. Localization means using the right language variation for keywords, being aware of cultural differences, and understanding the local context.

Keep it concise

People don’t want to read a wall of text when they’re searching for something. Keep your content concise and to the point, focusing on the answers that they’re after.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure your content is ready for an increase in conversational search.

Up for the challenge?

Conversational search is the newest challenge for content writers. It’s important to understand the benefits and challenges of conversational search and how to write compelling content for it. When you do, you’re ready to take on this new challenge and produce relevant and high-ranking content for your audience.

Guest author: Romy Catauta works in the marketing field and is passionate about writing on web design, business, interior design, and psychology.

The post How to Write Effective Content for Conversational Search appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

5 Psychological Strategies That Impact Content Marketing

5 Psychological Strategies That Impact Content Marketing

Did you know that around 7 million blog posts and 500 million tweets are sent out every single day?

That equates to almost 5000 blogs per minute and 6000 tweets per second. In addition, you also have over 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute.

That’s a dizzying amount of content to compete with, and if you’re a content marketer, you’re at some point going to ask yourself the exasperating question, how am I going to cut through the noise and reach my target audience?

One thing to remember while creating content for your audience is that, in the end, they are human beings. To cut through the noise you can tap into human psychology. Here are 5 actionable strategies that can help you do just that.

1. Social Proof Theory

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon that consciously and unconsciously persuades you to adopt a belief or mimic the actions of a group of people you happen to like or trust.

According to Robert Cialdini’s Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, he states “we view a behavior as more correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.”

How to apply it in content marketing?

Social proof can be incorporated in several ways to boost your content marketing, you can either add social plugins or provide sharing buttons to your blog that displays the number of shares your content has generated. If your readers can see that some people have shared your post already, it’s quite likely that they will follow suit. Another quick way to apply social proof to your content marketing strategy is to highlight milestones on social media.

User-generated content like testimonials, reviews, and social media mentions each offers amazing avenues for leveraging social proof. Why? because they all highlight positive experiences and effectively signal to others that your content is trustworthy. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to boast these or any other forms of social proof, you should not shy away from it!

2. Information Gap Theory

Characterized as a disparity between what is known, and what needs to be known to make a comprehensive and reliable decision. This strategy can be used tactfully, to impact your content marketing.

Human psyche is such that when an individual identifies a gap in his/her knowledge or on a topic they care about, they will take the necessary course of action to find out what they need to know. This sort of behavior is fueled by natural human curiosity, which when tapped into strategically works wonders for content marketing.

How to apply it in content marketing?

You can leverage this theory by making your target audience more interested in your business. To help create an information gap, make sure to use gripping headlines and select engaging topics that pique your target audience’s interest. All your headlines must be ultra-specific, unique, and useful, they need to be able to fuel a sense of need and curiosity, take a cue from Neil Patel’s content.


Therefore, when you fashion a headline, try and test out a variety of options until you find a blend that encompasses all the attributes mentioned above. Then, the main too should do justice to the headline and provide the reader with valuable insights they desire.  You can also utilize this psychological strategy to determine the answers your prospects are looking for and create content that addresses those topics.

3. Theory of Reciprocity

Within social psychology, reciprocity is described as the tendency of human nature to want to offer something when something is received. Essentially, when your content can offer individuals copious amounts of value, they might be fuelled by gratitude and might choose to return the favor. The key to this strategy lies in using the principle tactfully to trigger customers to behave in the way you desire.

How to apply it in content marketing?

When you think about it, with every blog post that you create, you give away valuable insights to your readers for free, but why just stop at that! You can go a step further to take advantage of reciprocity, you can create a few free podcasts, webinars, e-books, etc too. These insightful freebies, when used for performance support can get you a mention or a shoutout on their social media or a link back to other blogs. They also act as amazing lead magnets that lure readers and potential customers to share their contact details. In short, if you can ingrain a sense of gratitude in your content, reciprocity will help you secure loyalty.


4. The Nudge Theory

Developed by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein, this theory suggests that indirect suggestions and positive reinforcements play a pivotal role in influencing people’s decisions and actions. The success of this strategy relies on clever placement and timing to reinforce the prospect’s momentum. This approach guides prospects towards your content by launching them from other related services or products.

How to apply it in content marketing?

You could tactfully place call-to-action buttons or suggested articles on relevant content and advertising platforms with related products or services. A nudge can provide suggestions of what other converted users did or clicked next to streamline the customer journey. If a nudge towards an action happens to pop up at a natural point during the user experience, they are more likely to take the cue. Embedded nudges are useful for getting people to sign up or subscribe to your content.


5. The Frequency Illusion

The frequency illusion, or for many the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, is a sense of analytical bias wherein after you notice something for the first time, there is a tendency that it starts cropping up everywhere. The trick about this illusion is that your selective attention goes into overdrive. When it comes to content marketing, you can use it strategically to retarget your consumer.

How to apply it in content marketing?

To trigger the illusion, you need to make potential customers aware of your content through integrated campaigns. Distinctive headlines and short sharp hooks within the content supported by attention-grabbing visuals are crucial. You should create multiple pieces of content across several platforms that can reinforce the marketing message conveyed in each, which in turn creates the feeling of frequency.

Parting thoughts

At its core, marketing is in fact psychological manipulation, from color palettes to hook phrases to streamlining the user experience, psychology helps marketers anticipate and even influence behavior.

The reason behind using these psychological tactics is that it helps create a competitive advantage by providing audiences with valuable content­ that speaks to their wants, needs, and challenges.

You too could utilize these strategies to unravel the minds of your target audience and better grasp the universal motives that fuel human behavior and desire.

Guest author: Aditya Kathotia is the CEO of Nico Digital and the founder of Digital Polo. A polyglot of the digital marketing business, he has powered 500+ brands through transformative digital marketing strategies. His work has been featured on Entrepreneur, Hubspot, Business.com, Clutch, and many more. You can find him on Twitter or connect with him on LinkedIn

The post 5 Psychological Strategies That Impact Content Marketing appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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