Monday, July 31, 2023

5 Best sites for Free Instagram Followers (NO SURVEY & FAST)

We all want to get Instagram followers, right?

Most sites want surveys or various steps and you never actually get what you’re looking for.

So, After auditing over 100 websites

We found the best sites for free Instagram followers

Quick look: Top 3 sites to get free followers without survey:

  1. Useviral
  2. Sidesmedia
  3. Growthoid

Instagram is a social media platform that has quickly become a major player in the world of business and influencer marketing. So is going after free Instagram followers worth it? Let’s find out!

With over one billion active users, Instagram offers a unique and dynamic platform for businesses and influencers to connect with a massive audience, promote their products and services, and build their personal and brand reputations. 

It’s time to take you on the ride. We have scoured the internet to find some of the best social media providers for you. Then we tested their offering, the delivery and even their customer support. We are proud to present our findings and hope that you will find it as exciting as we did!

Quick Tip: Our pick of the bunch is UseViral. Just in case you didn’t want to read the whole article.

1. Useviral

UseViral is a company that is considered to be an industry leader in the provision of social media services. It has earned a reputation for having great service and has amassed thousands of satisfied customers. 

The company offers 24/7 email support, ensuring that clients can receive help and assistance at any time of day or night. They offer services for Instagram likes, followers and even views along with targeted results too.

To accommodate the needs of businesses and influencers of all sizes, UseViral provides hundreds of packages to choose from.

UseViral is a world leader with hundreds of packages spanning almost every digital presence asset you can think of. They have been in business for over 10 years and truly understand how to develop a significant online presence.

We found that they had a package dedicated to giving away Free Instagram Followers, simply to show people how easy it is to buy and use their service.

The team was extremely friendly and they seemed exceptionally knowledgeable. 

Try Usevirals premium Instagram Followers

2. Sidesmedia


SidesMedia is the other big player in the social media space. If you’re looking to expand your presence on Instagram, there’s no need to worry – companies like SidesMedia are here to help. 

They mention their pride in offering fantastic deals, and from what we can see, they have a good reason! 

That’s right, you can receive followers completely free of charge. In fact 25 of them are their introductory offer.

The process is simple and only takes a few minutes of your time. All you have to do is enter your username. There is no need to log in or enter any security details.

This is the trademark of a good company that can assist your growth without you logging in.

Within 48 hours they will deliver the free followers to your account, no questions asked.

And the best part? They have hundreds of different packages for more aggressive growth.

Their free followers are to show you just how capable they are. So take up the offer, but also have a look around their site for more opportunities.

3. Growthoid

Growthoid offers free followers

Three years ago, Growthoid was established in Delaware and has been providing innovative software solutions to a variety of industries ever since. The company has also garnered a reputation for being a reliable provider of social media services. 

Despite being relatively new in the industry, Growthoid has already serviced thousands of clients with unparalleled satisfaction.

The name Growthoid itself is a combination of the words “famous” and “object identifier,” conveying the company’s mission to empower individuals to achieve fame through its offerings. 

Growthoid’s signature service includes the option of obtaining free Instagram followers, with the ability to receive up to 100 followers delivered within 6-12 hours.

Growthoid’s website claims that their free tool can be utilized every 7 days, and they assure users that the process is entirely safe, as no passwords or confidential information is required. 

Simply input your username, email address, and a quick verification to confirm that you’re not a bot, and you’re on your way to experiencing Famoid’s services. 

Give Growthoid a shot today and see your online presence soar!

4. Turbo Media


Social media presence is crucial in today’s digital age, whether you’re a personal brand or a business entity. Instagram reigns supreme in this arena, and its influence is undeniable. That’s why Turbo Media understands the power of Instagram and has stepped up to offer a solution for gaining more followers on the platform.

Turbo Media stands apart from the numerous scams found online by providing genuine and high-quality followers through both free and premium services.

The process is simple and straightforward. All you have to do is activate your chosen plan by completing a short survey or performing 5 easy social media actions. 

As soon as you activate your plan, you’ll start seeing an increase in followers, likes, and engagement on your posts.

While the free plan requires manual activation every 24 hours, the paid plan offers more than just a higher volume of engagement. The service is automated, ensuring a steady influx of new followers and likes on a weekly basis. 

And even with the free plan, you can rest assured that only real followers will be added to your account, with safety and security guaranteed. Turbo Media has already served over 500,000 Instagram users and has received high marks for its services.

5. Social Captain

In the cutthroat world of the digital sphere, it’s important to make a lasting impression. One of the key indicators of success on social media platforms like Instagram is the number of followers and likes you receive.

Instead of turning to websites that offer fake followers, Social Captain offers a better solution. The brand promises only the best and most genuine likes and followers for your Instagram presence.

This means that any engagement on your posts will come from real people who are truly interested in your content. Although there are various packages available, Social Captain also offers a free option for those who want to try it out.

What sets Social Captain apart from other websites is its lightning-fast delivery. Once you sign in with your username, you’ll see results almost instantly. There’s no need for complicated registration processes or sharing passwords. 

And if you’re not satisfied with the paid services, you can receive a 100% refund. But with the quality of service that Social Captain provides, this won’t be necessary.

The rise of Instagram for businesses

In recent years, Instagram has emerged as a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all sizes. The platform has become a hub for companies to showcase their products and services, interact with customers, and build their brand identity. 

Instagram’s visual-first approach, combined with its highly engaged user base, has created a powerful platform for businesses to connect with customers and grow their reach.

Instagram provides businesses with a variety of tools and features to help them reach and engage with their target audience. 

For example, businesses can utilize the platform’s shopping features to tag products in their posts, making it easy for customers to shop directly from the app.

In addition, Instagram also offers businesses the ability to run targeted ads, reach new customers, and grow their following.

The place of Influencer marketing on Instagram

Instagram has also become a key player in the world of influencer marketing. Influencer marketing refers to the practice of partnering with social media influencers to promote a brand or product. 

Influencer marketing on Instagram has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to reach new customers and promote their products and services.

Influencers on Instagram have built large and engaged followings, making them ideal partners for businesses looking to reach new customers. 

The trust and relationship that influencers have built with their followers make them effective at promoting products and services, as their followers are more likely to trust their recommendations.

Instagram has also made it easy for businesses and influencers to work together by providing a variety of tools and features to support influencer marketing efforts. 

For example, businesses can use Instagram’s Influencer Discovery tool to search for and connect with influencers in their niche, and the platform also provides a suite of tools for tracking and analyzing the success of influencer marketing campaigns.

Instagram has become an indispensable platform for businesses and influencers looking to grow their reach and connect with their target audience. 

With its highly engaged user base, visual-first approach, and suite of tools and features, Instagram offers businesses and influencers a powerful platform for promoting their products and services and building their personal and brand reputation. 

Whether you are a business looking to reach new customers, or an influencer looking to grow your following, Instagram is a platform that you can’t afford to ignore.

Monetizing Instagram: With Free Instagram Followers

Influencer marketing has grown significantly in recent years, and Instagram is one of the most popular platforms for influencer monetization. As an influencer, your large following on the platform can be leveraged to generate revenue. Here are several ways to monetize your Instagram account:

1. Sponsored posts

Brands pay influencers to promote their products or services through sponsored posts. This is the most common way influencers monetize their Instagram account. Brands can pay anywhere from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the size of your following and engagement rate.

2. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing allows influencers to earn a commission by promoting other brands’ products. To participate, you simply add a unique affiliate link to your bio or in the post description. Whenever someone clicks on the link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.

3. Product reviews

Influencers can also earn money by reviewing products on their Instagram account. Brands will send them products in exchange for a review, either in the form of a post or an Instagram story. This can be a great way to build your credibility and earn money at the same time.

4. Brand deals

Brands may also offer influencers brand deals or contracts to promote their products over a longer period of time, rather than just a one-off sponsored post. This type of arrangement can be beneficial for both the influencer and the brand as it allows for a more sustained relationship.

5. E-commerce

Influencers can also sell their own products directly to their followers. This can be anything from physical products such as clothing or accessories to digital products like e-books or courses. E-commerce can be a great way to monetize your account and build your brand.

6. Paid content creation

Some brands may pay influencers to create specific types of content for their Instagram account, such as tutorials or challenges. These can be an excellent way for influencers to showcase their creativity and reach a wider audience.

There are several ways for influencers to monetize their Instagram account. The key is to find a monetization strategy that aligns with your brand and appeals to your audience. Whether it’s through sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, brand deals or selling your own products, with the right strategy, you can turn your Instagram account into a profitable venture.

Instagram features

Instagram has come a long way since its inception in 2010. What started as a photo-sharing app has now become a complete marketing and advertising platform for businesses and influencers alike. 

With over 1 billion monthly active users, it is one of the largest social media platforms, offering various features to reach and engage with its vast audience.

Here is a comprehensive guide to the different features of Instagram and when to use them:

1. Feed Posts

This is the most basic feature of Instagram, where you can post pictures and videos to your followers. This is a great way to share your day-to-day experiences, showcase your products or services, or to simply share a message with your followers.

2. Stories

This feature allows you to share a series of photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. It’s an excellent way to share quick, behind-the-scenes snippets of your life, promote products or services, or share daily thoughts and experiences with your followers.


This feature allows you to share longer-form video content with your followers. You can use IGTV to create instructional videos, share product demos, or showcase your brand in a more in-depth way.

4. Reels

Reels is a feature that allows you to create short, 15-second video clips that can be edited with various effects, music, and more. They are a great way to showcase your creativity and engage with your followers.

5. Live Videos

This feature allows you to go live and interact with your followers in real-time. You can use live videos to answer questions, give product demonstrations, or simply chat with your followers.

6. Profile

Your profile is the first thing that your followers will see when they visit your account. You should make sure that it accurately represents your brand and provides information about who you are and what you do.

7. Highlight Covers

Highlight covers are a great way to showcase your best content and keep it accessible to your followers. You can use highlight covers to group your stories by topic or theme.

8. Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to increase the visibility of your posts and reach a larger audience. By including relevant hashtags in your posts, you can make your content discoverable to users who are searching for similar content.

9. Direct Messaging

Direct messaging, also known as DM, is a feature that allows you to send private messages to your followers. You can use DM to answer questions, provide customer support, or simply chat with your followers.

10. Shopping

This feature allows you to tag products in your posts and provide a direct link to purchase them. If you have an e-commerce business, this is a great way to drive sales and connect with potential customers.

Instagram is a vast platform that offers a wide range of features to reach and engage with its massive user base. By understanding the different features and when to use them, you can create a strong and effective presence on Instagram and grow your brand.

Creating a content schedule

Instagram is one of the largest social media platforms in the world, with over 1 billion monthly active users. As a result, it has become an important tool for businesses, influencers, and content creators to promote their brand, grow their following, and connect with their audience.

One of the key elements of an effective Instagram strategy is having a content schedule in place.

Here is a comprehensive guide on how to create an Instagram content schedule that works for you.

1. Define Your Objectives

Before you start creating your content schedule, it is important to define your objectives. This could be anything from increasing engagement, growing your following, or driving traffic to your website. Knowing your objectives will help you create a content plan that aligns with your goals and helps you measure success.

2. Determine Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is critical to creating a content schedule that resonates with them. Consider factors like age, interests, and location, and tailor your content accordingly. This will help you create a content schedule that is relevant and appealing to your target audience.

3. Assess Your Current Content

Take a look at the content you have been posting on Instagram to see what is working and what is not. You can use Instagram Insights to see what content is getting the most engagement and what type of content your followers are interested in. This will give you a good idea of what to include in your content schedule and what to avoid.

4. Plan Your Content

Once you have assessed your current content and determined your objectives and target audience, it is time to start planning your content. There are a few different types of content you can post on Instagram, including images, videos, reels, IGTV, and stories. When planning your content, consider which type of content will best meet your objectives and resonate with your target audience.

5. Decide on Your Posting Frequency

Decide how often you want to post on Instagram. Some businesses and influencers post multiple times a day, while others only post once a day or a few times a week. It is important to find a posting frequency that works for you and your audience, without overwhelming them with too much content.

6. Schedule Your Content

Once you have planned your content and determined your posting frequency, it is time to schedule your content. There are a number of scheduling tools available, including Hootsuite, Later, and Buffer, that allow you to schedule your Instagram posts in advance. This will help you stay consistent and ensure that you are posting content on a regular basis.

7. Use Instagram Insights to Measure Your Results

Finally, use Instagram Insights to measure the success of your content schedule. Look at engagement metrics like likes, comments, and reach, and use these metrics to adjust your content schedule as needed.

Creating an Instagram content schedule is a critical element of an effective Instagram strategy. By following the steps outlined here, you can create a content schedule that helps you meet your objectives, connect with your target audience, and grow your following on Instagram.

In summary: Are free Instagram followers worth it?

We understand the temptation of wanting to grow your following by simply ‘adding them’ or buying them. The issue is that a bought following won’t engage with your posts.

It’s not the following number alone that leads to success, having content that is quality enough to regularly elicit likes and comments will be favored by the Instagram algorithm.

Although, getting free or bought followers is a great way to kickstart your growth. It will give you a little bit of confidence and build some much-needed credibility. When potential free followers arrive at your profile to see that it is not empty and has a decent small following, they are more likely to engage with your profile.

So, start with a few free or bought followers from one of the services above (we suggest Useviral). Create a content schedule so that you can easily manage your profile and lastly put a lot of effort into building up great pieces of content that real people will genuinely enjoy! You will be well on your way to 100k!

The post 5 Best sites for Free Instagram Followers (NO SURVEY & FAST) appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Sunday, July 30, 2023

11 Best Sites to Buy Twitch Viewers (2023, Real & Active)

The Best Sites to Buy Twitch Viewers From Right Now


The best site to Buy Twitch Viewers, according to my independent test, is

It’s hard to get viewers on Twitch…

It can take years of hard work… Which can be discouraging…

This is why many people buy viewers on Twitch.

Let’s compare the 11 best sites to buy Twitch viewers.

Let’s get started!

The 11 Best Sites to Buy Twitch Viewers

1. UseViral

Buy Twitch Viewers from

Score: 9.5/10

The first site on my list is

On this site, you can buy more Twitch Viewers, Live viewers and Channel views.

You can also Buy Twitch Followers.

All their packages include a lifetime guarantee, dedicated account support, and they offer the highest quality services.

UseViral has been featured in magazines like Forbes and Huffpost for their great service. You will get:

  • Real Viewers
  • Active Twitch users
  • Money-Back Guarantee

For more info, visit

2. SidesMedia

Buy Twitch Viewers from

Score: 9.3/10

The second website on my list is

Sidesmedia understands what it takes for you to take your streaming career to the next level. They are one of the best providers when it comes to quick, and effective Twitch viewers.

They provide a wide range of plans for Twitch views and getting started is really easy. 

All Twitch view packages include:

  • High-Quality Views
  • High Retention
  • Money-Back Guarantee

For more info, visit

3. Growthoid

Growthoid website

Score: 7.9/10

Growthoid has the capability to provide thousands of stable viewers to your Twitch account.

Growthoid also offers auto-connect packages on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis so you don’t need to re-purchase viewers all the time. This is a massive time-saver. They’ll also drip-feed the delivery of Twitch viewers and followers so it appears natural and won’t harm your account.

The final kicker? Growthoid has 24/7 live technical support in case you ever need help with your account.

Growthoid is one of the best sites to buy Twitch viewers and chatters, and also followers.

Buy Twitch viewers and chatters from Growthoid today

4. Stormlikes

Score: 7.5/10

Stormlikes lets you start with as few as 500 Twitch views and you can ramp things up from there as you feel more comfortable. It’s the top pick on our list because it really is the most reliable and consistent service for buying Twitch views and ticks all the boxes for keeping your account safe.

This service also has 24/7 customer support, several trusted payment providers (including Apple Pay), and a range of options for delivering your views so they look authentic.

The icing on the cake? They never use bots. Every view comes from a real Twitch account.

5. Twitch Booster

Buy Twitch Viewers - Twitch Booster

Score: 7.1/10

If you’re looking for a site to buy Twitch viewers that also has a variety of other features to choose from then you definitely need to check out Twitch Booster. Their services vary greatly when it comes to price, which means that you get to decide what kind of engagement you receive from them based on your budget, and other personal preferences. One thing that we love about this site is that you don’t have to share your password with them, which means that they keep you safe.

They say that they can provide instant delivery for all of their packages, and their prices are one-off, so you don’t have to sign up for anything long-term. If you’re looking for a site to buy Twitch viewers that can provide you a long-term, sustainable solution to getting more attention on your live streams, we think that Twitch Booster is a valid option. Obviously, we appreciate that they focus just on Twitch, which means that their features are a little bit more specialized than other companies out there.

6. Streamerplus

Buy Twitch viewers - streamerplus

Score: 6.9/10

Streamerplus is another site that can help you purchase Twitch viewers that have a variety of standard packs to choose from. One thing that stands out to us about this site is that you can buy your engagement in bulk as well if you are considering taking your Twitch viewers to the next level right now.

We recommend that you take it slow and gradual with your Twitch viewers, but if you have been in the game for a while, there’s no harm in purchasing quite a few at the same time.

Similar to Twitch Booster, Streamerplus can only help you with Twitch, which means that their features are highly specialized. We know that a lot of the time it’s nice to be able to cross-promote your content, but in this instance, we think it’s a better move to just focus on your Twitch right now.


Buy Twitch viewers - streamerplus

Score: 6.5/10 makes no bones about what they offer their clients, which is nice. There aren’t too many companies in this industry that offer complete transparency around their features, so it is always refreshing to come across a company like this. They offer a variety of different features for your Twitch channel, with their Twitch viewers being number one.

One of the things that stands out the most to us about this site where you can purchase Twitch viewers is that they have live chat support. When you are buying an ongoing service that is supposed to help you long-term, the company needs to be able to provide its clients with a way to get in touch with them directly. Without this, things could get pretty frustrating. We are pleased to see that sees the merit in this type of feature.

8. Rapid Rise

Buy Twitch Viewers - Rapid Rise

Score: 6.3/10

Rapid Rise is a company that can help you out with your Twitch viewers and increases your range so that you can reach new fans in general. They say that they can help their clients be more successful overall when it comes to their Twitch channel, which of course is how you want to approach things. They say that with their Twitch viewers, you will get higher rankings, conversion boosts and they offer each and every one of their clients’ a money-back guarantee.

One thing we recommend when growing your Twitch is to continue to analyze your data so that you can work out what’s being received well by your viewers and what’s not. Rapid Rise is the same and ensures that the viewers they send you for your live streams are in line with your niche and industry. If you want to expand the rest of your social media accounts, they can help you over on SoundCloud and Spotify as well.

9. Get a Follower

Twitch Viewers - Get a Follower

Score: 6.1/10

Get a Follower knows that if you are wanting help with your Twitch viewers, you’ll probably want help on other social networks as well. When you visit them on their website, you’ll see that they have a long list on their homepage of all the different networks they can help their clients with. They say that their Twitch viewers are 100% safe and are some of the best quality out there.

They also say that the entire process of working with them is fast and secure, so you can easily buy from them today and get them in just a few hours. If you have any preliminary questions about how they work, you can get in touch with them through the chatbox located on their homepage.

10. YouMeViral

Twitch Viewers - YouMeViral

Score: 5.9/10

YouMeViral wants to help their clients skyrocket their Twitch growth, with some of the highest quality Twitch viewers around. They say that as well as providing their clients with high-quality Twitch viewers, they can help them with fast delivery, so you’re never going to spend too much time waiting around for their features. They understand that in an industry as competitive as theirs, quality matters, which is why they’re always working on their services to make them better.

They have a cool feature that delivers LIVE chatters who will communicate during your stream. You can even suggest the exact text you’ll see in the live stream, so it will look and sound like a real human – NOT a bot. You won’t find that feature anywhere else. This is hugely important for Twitch engagement.

They also talk about how their features are affordable, so you don’t have to go outside of your budget too much to afford them. They have consistent customer support that you can use to get in touch with should you need any help with anything, and they’ve also got a lot of feedback from existing clients on their website, which always helps.

11. Followersup

Twitch Viewers - followersup

Score: 5.7/10

The thing that we love the most about Followersup is that they have a tiered pricing system. This means that they adjust their pricing based on how much engagement you need, so if you just need help with a few Twitch viewers right now, you can spend considerably less than you would with another company. As the client, you get to decide how much you spend with them, which is always nice if you can’t go outside of your budget.

We also like that they have been in this industry for a long time now, so they know a fair bit about how it works, and how to provide their clients with high-quality Twitch viewers. Of course, like many other companies on this list, they can help you with other platforms out there as well, so that you can consolidate your engagement and get everything growing at the same time.

Why do people buy Twitch live viewers?

Having a lot of Twitch viewers on your live streams does a lot for your reputation. Think about it. When you visit a Twitch channel, do you feel more confident about it if they have a lot of viewers on their live streams, or not so much?

How to buy Twitch viewers?

We’re willing to bet that it is the former, as having a lot of viewers on your Twitch streams add to your social proof. People like to do what other people are doing, so if they come across a Twitch channel that has a lot of engagement on its live streams, they are much more likely to engage with it themselves.

How to buy viewers on Twitch?

It is going to be harder for people to take you seriously and want to become a viewer on your Twitch as well if you don’t have that much engagement, to begin with. This is why buying Twitch viewers is a great way to initially boost your account until you’ve got it to a point where you can grow it organically.

Where to buy Twitch viewers?

When it comes to the success of your Twitch it’s essential you choose a provider that gives you the absolute highest quality, and that is precisely why we recommend you select Useviral for your Twitch promotions. 

This is one of those companies that can tap into a vast network of established connections to help you get more Twitch viewers on your live streams. They have people in all kinds of industries and niches, which means that you will be able to put your live streams in front of viewers from all different genres and expand your overall reach.

Useviral is an industry leader and has been for years, helping thousands go viral and help achieve success on Twitch. 

Is it legal to buy Twitch viewers?

Yes, it’s legal to buy viewers on Twitch. It’s not illegal. It’s a 100% legal way to get more viewers legally for your videos, channel, or live streams.

Final thoughts before you buy live Twitch viewers

So, there you have it – what we think are some of the best sites to buy Twitch viewers from right now. Remember, the industry is tumultuous and unpredictable, which means that there are a lot of companies out there you will want to avoid. Of course, there are plenty you can trust as well, it’s just difficult to know where to find them. Keeping to lists like the one above can expedite the process, so that you can start growing your Twitch viewers today, and not waste any more time getting your live streams in front of the right people. Good luck!

Guest author: Johnny Pulling is a serial tech entrepreneur who has been living in Serbia for the past 12 years. Passions are crypto and growth hacking to help companies succeed online.

The post 11 Best Sites to Buy Twitch Viewers (2023, Real & Active) appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

5 Best sites to Buy YouTube Views in 2023 (Real & Cheap)

Buy Youtube Views


The best site to Buy Youtube Views, according to my independent test, is

Getting Youtube views is difficult…

You might be working hard… but still not getting many views… and that doesn’t feel good, right?

There a way to fix your problem:

You can buy Youtube views.

I purchased views from over 27 websites, and listed the 5 best sites below:

Let’s get started!

5 Best sites to Buy YouTube Views

Here are the 5 best sites for buying Youtube views:

1. UseViral

Buy Youtube Views from

Score: 9.5/10

You can buy real Youtube views with

The reason I like UseViral is that this website sells real views from real people (not bots). Because these viewers are real, it’s safe for your Youtube account.

They also sell Youtube likes and Youtube subscribers.

UseViral has been featured as the #1 BEST SITE to Buy Youtube Views in magazines like ‘Forbes’, ‘Deccan Herald’ and ‘Business Review’.


  • High Quality Youtube Views
  • Real Users
  • Money-Back Guarantee


  • They don’t accept Bitcoin payments

For more info, visit

2. SidesMedia

Buy Youtube Views from

Score: 9.3/10

The second website on my list is

This website sells high-quality Youtube views that come from real people, and these real viewers can also like your videos and subscribe to your channel. They offer fast delivery and have good customer support.

SidesMedia has been featured as the best place to buy Youtube views by blogs like Startup Info and Business Review.


  • High Quality Views
  • Fast Delivery
  • Money-Back Guarantee


  • They don’t offer a free trial

For more info, visit

3. Growthoid

Growthoid website selling YouTube views

Score: 8.9/10

Another good place for buying YouTube views is

Growthoid has a strong reputation for delivering real and genuine YouTube views, so you won’t get stuck with bot views that put your account at risk.

On this website, you can also Buy Youtube Subscribers.

It’s also possible to Buy YouTube Likes.

And you can also Buy Youtube Comments.

Growthoid was featured as one of the best websites to buy Youtube viewers from by blogs like Outlook India and Deccan Herald.


  • Professional Company
  • 5+ years of experience
  • Good customer support


  • No free trial

For more info, visit

4. Viralyft


Score: 7.5/10

Viralyft offers more than just the option to buy cheap YouTube views. They’ve got a range of social media promotion services including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Spotify, and more.

One thing I like about Viralyft is its live chat – you can get in touch with their team in real-time and answer any questions you have before making a purchase. They also have secure payments, fast delivery, and don’t require your password.

They offer a wide range of packages like; 50 YouTube Views, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000 (5k) and even 10000 (10k) YouTube views


  • Experienced team of marketers
  • Affordable Pricing
  • Fast


  • Limited payment options

Check out Viralyft here.



Score: 7.1/10

Next on the list is Getviral. Much like Viralyft, Getviral provides a range of social media promotion services to help boost your profiles and buy Youtube views.

Its starting price is a little higher than the first two services on the list, but it’s still affordable. They also have 24/7 support, via email and live chat, and don’t require your password. However, I couldn’t find any notes on whether or not the views would be from real users or not.


  • Quick delivery
  • Good Retention
  • 24/7 support


  • Relatively new company

Find out more at

6. Famoid


Score: 6.9/10

Famoid focuses its services on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. They’ve worked with over 200,000 customers to deliver millions of views and likes for their customers.

As well as a 24/7 support team, Famoid takes payments via SafeCharge and PayPal, something that most other services don’t offer. It also exclusively engages with real accounts to increase your YouTube views.


  • High Quality
  • Also sells services on Instagram
  • Instant delivery


  • No option for a slower delivery

Check out Famoid here.

7. Viewsexpert


Score: 6.7/10

Viewsexpert can help you grow your social presence by utilizing a vast network of users across YouTube, Instagram, Linkedin, Spotify and more. All you need to do is select your package to buy Youtube views, checkout, and watch your YouTube views rise.

They have a variety of real customer testimonials, 24/7 support, and guarantee refills if your views drop off.


  • Cheap prices
  • Speedy delivery
  • Guarantee


  • Will not increase your engagement

Find out more about Viewsexpert here.



Score: 6.5/10

Fastlikes offers social media growth services for several different networks – including YouTube. They have eight plans to help you buy YouTube views packages, all with fast delivery, guaranteed refills, 24/7 customer support, and secure payments.

Its prices are comparable to other services on this list and provide refunds under some circumstances.


  • Secure payment sytem
  • Good prices
  • Warranty


  • They don’t accept crypto payments

See here.

9. FollowersUp


Score: 6.3/10

Up next is FollowersUp, another YouTube growth service with affordable packages to buy Youtube views. FollowersUp has the biggest range of social networks for its services, with niche platforms such as Telegram, Vimeo, Likee, and Snapchat all supported.

I couldn’t find any customer testimonials on its website, but it’s been around since 2016 and has 24/7 customer support. So if you’re unsure, have a chat to the team and ask some questions.


  • Boost your numbers quickly
  • Established business
  • SSL secure website


  • No live chat

Find out more about FollowersUp here.

10. Media Mister


Score: 5.9/10

Last on the list of sites for buying YouTube views is Media Mister. Media Mister is one of the longest standing social media growth services, with packages for likes and followers across all the major social platforms.

When it comes to YT views, a great thing about Media Mister is you can choose how the views are purchased – via its network, Google Ads, YouTube Premieres, Video Discovery Ads, Live Stream, or targeted by country. The country targeting is one of my favorite features.


  • 10 years of experience
  • Over 10 000 customers
  • Warranty


  • No phone support (email only)

Find out more about Media Mister here.

How much does it cost to purchase views for YouTube?

The price varies depending on the service you choose and the number of views you’re looking for. Packages start at just $3.99 for 500 views all the way up to $1,499.99 for 250,000 views, with numerous packages in between.

I’d recommend starting with a smaller package until you’re familiar with the service and working your way up from there. Also, it will look more organic and not raise any alarms with YouTube if you take things slowly.

If you want to choose the country where they come from, it costs a bit more. You can get some from the USA, the UK, India, Australia, Canada, and more.

How do you get 1000 views on YouTube for free?

Buying YouTube views can accelerate the growth of your channel, but you also need to follow organic best practices too. Views are worthless if people aren’t compelled to subscribe and watch again next time you post a video!

Here are some tips you can follow to get more YouTube views without just paying for them:

  • Target a niche. Due to the enormous number of creators trying to make a splash on YouTube, it’s super crowded. If you try to compete for attention in generic categories it will be extremely hard to gain traction. By targeting a smaller niche, you can get noticed more quickly.
  • Create entertaining or informative content. It may sound simple, but you need to create interesting content! Viewers on YouTube want to be entertained or informed about a topic, don’t create boring content and expect to grow interest in your brand.
  • Follow best practice video search optimization. YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world and also features in Google search results. To feature in searches, be sure to optimize your Youtube videos for keywords, use relevant tags, and create keyword optimized “chapters” in the video progress bar.
  • Use cards and end screens. You can add cards and end screens to your videos after they are published to direct viewers to other videos, branded pages, or encourage them to subscribe to your channel. They’re essential for increasing views organically.
  • Design custom thumbnails. YouTube automatically generates a thumbnail for your video, but you can upload a custom image. This allows you to optimize the thumbnail with text, relevant graphics, and on-brand colors. Custom thumbnails get higher click-throughs. Nick Nimmin’s channel below shows what custom thumbnails look like:
  • Create playlists. YouTube playlists allow you to group videos based on a series or category. They’re great for encouraging people to watch more of your videos if they like what they see.

As you can see, there are several things you can do to generate views organically. Use these tactics in collaboration with buying views for the best results.

Did you know that YouTube is the world’s second most visited website?

In fact, people watch over a billion hours of video on YouTube every day.


But as with any popular digital platform, YouTube is crowded.

Thousands and thousands of creators are trying to make a splash on the platform and get their content found. Brands, wannabe influencers, and mommy bloggers are all riding the wave of video obsession that has infected society.

So how do you stand out? Should you buy likes or views to “jump the queue” and get noticed?

Buying YouTube views and buying real YouTube views safely and securely is possible.


Why do views matter on YouTube?

Is it illegal to buy YouTube views?

Where can I buy real YouTube views?

The 10 Best Sites to Buy YouTube Views (Real & Cheap)

How much does it cost to purchase views for YouTube?

How do you get 1000 views on YouTube for free?

Why do views matter on YouTube?

Views are a key component to growing a brand and reputation on YouTube. The more views you have on a video, the more likely people will choose to watch it when it pops up in their feed.

Views act as social proof to persuade users to take a moment and check out your content. They’re a credibility booster. They result in likes, subscribers, better search performance, and organic traffic to your channel. It’s a compounding effect that builds momentum and helps you grow your YouTube channel.

Is it illegal to buy YouTube views?

Put simply, no it’s not illegal.

But there’s a caveat…

It’s against YouTube’s Terms of Service to buy bot views or to trick people into watching a video.

However, if you choose the right service for buying views you shouldn’t have an issue. The best YouTube promotion services work with a network of REAL users who view and interact with videos. How could it possibly be illegal for someone to watch a video? It’s not.

There are also rumours that you could get your account banned, a video deleted, or lose your view count if you buy viewers. While this isn’t impossible, it’s very very rare. If you work with reputable providers, ten of which I’m about to mention in this article, and follow best practices for drip-feeding views over a reasonable amount of time, your account and videos will all be safe.

How to buy YouTube views?

Here’s how to buy Youtube views:

  • Choose site that sells views
  • Choose a plan
  • Enter your Youtube video link
  • Pay with a credit card
  • Wait for the views to appear

How to buy views on Youtube?

Here’s how to buy views on Youtube:

  • Pick a website that sells views
  • Choose a package of views
  • Write your Youtube video URL
  • Pay with a credit card or Paypal
  • Wait for the new views to appear

Where can I buy real YouTube views?

If it’s so important to buy real views on Youtube and avoid bots, where can you find them?

There are thousands of services that sell YouTube views. Many of which are 100% safe to use and some that are dodgy bot farms.

To find the right service provider, look out for these signs of credibility:

  • Secure website. Make sure the site you’re buying views from has an SSL certificate installed, signalled by the “lock” sign in the browser bar.
  • Reputable payment gateway. Be confident when buying YouTube views by ensuring they use reputable payment providers, such as Apple Pay, and accept the major credit cards.
  • Real testimonials. Read through their customer testimonials, if they have any, to ensure they look real and genuine.
  • Customer service. Ideally the service you choose will have responsive support available 24/7 so you can get the help you need if anything goes awry.
  • Genuine users. Make sure you are buying views from real YouTube users, not bots. The best services will clearly state this on their website.
  • Anonymity. To keep your YouTube account safe, the best services keep it anonymous when growing your video engagement.

All these sites offer good Youtube service and more than one cheap views package for your Youtube profile.

They offer YouTube Subscribers, views, and even comments. With Useviral you can, quickly and easily get started they are often recommended as the best place to buy youtube comments, views, and subscribers. 

All their packages include:

  • High-Quality Services for views
  • High Retention views (Improved watch hours)
  • Refill Guarantee for 30 days
  • Dedicated Support Included

We highly recommend using Useviral for your YouTube promotion to boost exposure and purchase YouTube views.

Getting started is simple, and fast:

  1. Select a package
  2. Enter your YouTube URL
  3. Choose payment method ‘apple pay or credit card’

All done! Its really that easy.

After paying you will see results within minutes and receive a confirmation email.

It is possible to buy Twitter services that are country-specific and targeted from these countries:

Zimbabwe, Zambia, Yemen, Western Sahara, Wallis and Futuna Islands, Virgin Islands (US), Virgin Islands (British), Vietnam, Venezuela, Vatican City State (Holy See), Vanuatu, Uzbekistan, Uruguay, US Minor Outlying Islands, United States of America (USA), United Kingdom (UK), UAE (United Arab Emirates), Ukraine, Uganda, Tuvalu, Turks and Caicos Islands, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Tunisia, Trinidad and Tobago, Tonga, Tokelau, Togo, Thailand, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Taiwan, Syria, Switzerland, Sweden, Swaziland, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Suriname, Sudan, St. Pierre and Miquelon, St. Helena, Sri Lanka, Spain, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Africa, Somalia, Solomon Islands, Slovenia, Slovakia, Singapore, Sierra Leone, Seychelles, Serbia, Senegal, Saudi Arabia, Sao Tome and Principe, San Marino, Samoa, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Rwanda, Russia, Romania, Reunion, Qatar, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Poland, Pitcairn, Philippines, Peru, Paraguay, Papua New Guinea, Panama, Palestine, Palau, Pakistan, Oman, Norway, Northern Mariana Islands, Norfolk Island, Niue, Nigeria, Niger, Nicaragua, New Zealand (NZ), New Caledonia, Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands, Nepal, Nauru, Namibia, Myanmar, Mozambique, Morocco, Montserrat, Mongolia, Monaco, Moldova, Micronesia, Mexico, Mayotte, Mauritius, Mauritania, Martinique, Marshall Islands, Malta, Mali, Maldives, Malaysia, Malawi, Madagascar, Macedonia, Macau, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Libya, Liberia, Lesotho, Lebanon, Latvia, Laos, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, South Korea, North Korea, Kiribati, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Jordan, Japan, Jamaica, Italy, Israel, Ireland, Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, India, Iceland, Hungary, Hong Kong, Honduras, Heard and McDonald Islands, Haiti, Guyana, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Guatemala, Guam, Guadeloupe, Grenada, Greenland, Greece, Gibraltar, Ghana, Germany, Georgia, Gambia, Gabon, French Southern Territories, French Polynesia, French Guiana, France, Metropolitan, France, Fiji, Faroe Islands, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Ethiopia, Estonia, Eritrea, Equatorial Guinea, El Salvador, Egypt, Ecuador, East Timor, Dominican Republic, Dominica, Djibouti, Denmark, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Cuba, Croatia (Hrvatska), Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Costa Rica, Cook Islands, Congo, Comoros, Colombia, Cocos (Keeling Islands), Christmas Island, China, Chile, Chad, Central African Republic, Cayman Islands, Cape Verde, Canada, Cameroon, Cambodia, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Brunei Darussalam, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brazil, Bouvet Island, Botswana, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bolivia, Bhutan, Bermuda, Benin, Belize, Belgium, Belarus, Barbados, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Bahamas, Azerbaijan, Austria, Australia, Aruba, Armenia, Argentina, Antigua and Barbuda, Andorra, American Samoa, Algeria, Albania, Afghanistan.

You can also purchase some that are Arabic, Latin, Black, Female, Male and from Africa, Asia, Europe, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

If you are interested to buy youtube views and likes for your youtube channel and youtube videos or buy youtube views package on other social media platforms, or if you want to purchase social media services on various social media platforms at the same time as you buy youtube views for cheap for your youtube channel or youtube channels from youtube growth services or other high quality services like social media growth services for social media platforms using legit social media campaigns and social media services or youtube services, rest assured that after you buy youtube views paypal, these youtube services and youtube growth services will deliver high quality services on all social media platforms for your youtube channel or youtube channels.

If you want to promote your Youtube video on popular social media platforms or other social media platforms to get more social media engagement on other social media platforms after you buy views on Youtube cheap for your Youtube video from a good customer support team that sells services on this social media platform to boost your youtube engagement with an SSL encrypted payment gateway that pleases the Youtube algorithm, find your target audience using a third party service provider providing high quality services with an expert digital marketing team and high quality growth services after you purchase youtube views packages from their expert digital marketing team without spam accounts, you’ll see benefits within your social media marketing campaign.

Why self-promotion is important

Self-promotion is a crucial aspect of building a successful career or business. In today’s competitive world, simply relying on your skills and qualifications may not be enough to stand out from the crowd. By actively promoting yourself, you can create opportunities and attract attention to your talents and abilities.

One of the key reasons why self-promotion is important is that it allows you to showcase your expertise and accomplishments. It enables you to highlight your unique strengths and demonstrate what sets you apart from others in your field. Whether through social media, networking events, or personal branding strategies, self-promotion helps you build a strong professional reputation that can open doors for new partnerships, clients, or job offers.

Additionally, self-promotion empowers you to take control of your own success. By actively marketing yourself and sharing your achievements with others, you are positioning yourself as an authority in your industry. This increased visibility can lead to increased credibility among peers and potential customers or employers who may be more likely to choose you for opportunities. Ultimately, by investing time and effort in self-promotion strategies, you are investing in your future growth and ensuring that others recognize the value you bring to the table.

Wrapping up

There you have it, a guide to buying YouTube views.

Views are the lifeblood of your YouTube channel and by using a promotion service like one of the ten listed above, you can fast-track your way to YouTube stardom.

It doesn’t break the bank to buy YouTube views cheap and get the ball rolling. Start with a small package, see how it goes, and work your way up from there.

Be sure to follow best practices for getting organic views on your videos too, by creating entertaining content, optimizing your videos for search and engagement, and creating playlists.

Ready to become YouTube famous?

Check out the #1 site, according to our test, to get started today –

About The Author: Antonio Lane is a tech entrepreneur who is passionate about marketing. He has helped hundreds of companies succeed on social networks.

The post 5 Best sites to Buy YouTube Views in 2023 (Real & Cheap) appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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