Wednesday, August 30, 2023

UseViral Review – Is it Legit, is it Safe in 2023?

Looking for UseViral reviews in 2023?

Let us show you what others are saying as we review this provider.

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media and digital marketing, gaining a competitive edge is essential for individuals, businesses, and influencers. UseViral has emerged as a trusted partner as features on Startup Info and others, in enhancing online presence and engagement. 

This comprehensive UseViral review highlights the myriad benefits of UseViral’s services, focusing on its features, pros, cons, safety, working mechanism, and frequently asked questions. 

If you’re seeking an authentic and positive way to elevate your online presence, UseViral might be the solution you’ve been searching for.

UseViral review

UseViral is prominent in multiple social media platforms, shining as a beacon of excellence through its user-friendly platform and innovative blend of strategies and tools. 

This platform is like a guiding light for those seeking to expand their online presence organically across various platforms such as Instagram followers, YouTube Channel, YouTube Views, TikTok, and Twitter growth

It’s not just about getting more followers or likes; it’s about tailoring a strategy that resonates with your unique goals. 

UseViral offers diverse solutions that can be fine-tuned to match your specific needs. Whether you aim for a targeted increase in followers or a boost in engagement, UseViral’s approach is about authenticity and forging meaningful connections in the digital realm. 

The beauty of UseViral lies in its flexibility – it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution; instead, it’s a platform that empowers you to shape your online growth journey according to your aspirations.

Features of UseViral

Follower Growth

At the heart of UseViral’s prowess lies its exceptional ability to cultivate genuine and real followers. This trait sets it apart as a leading social media growth service player. 

This feature isn’t just about increasing numbers; it’s about fostering an audience that truly resonates with your content and aspirations. 

By tapping into its multiple social media networks of authentic client reviews, UseViral crafts an environment where your growth journey is grounded in authenticity. 

As you navigate this landscape, your content gains the attention of individuals who genuinely connect with your message, resulting in a community that’s more than just a number – a loyal following eager to engage, share, and participate in your digital narrative.

Engagement rate boost

While numbers might be a quantifiable metric, success in social media growth services extends beyond statistics. 

UseViral understands this profound reality, so it doesn’t limit its impact to follower counts alone. 

This service elevates your social media engagement to new heights, fostering genuine interactions that reverberate beyond the confines of algorithms. 

Likes, comments, and shares are more than digital gestures – they indicate a real human connection. 

UseViral’s dedication to cultivating these interactions paves the way for a dedicated community of supporters who aren’t just passive observers but active participants in your online journey. 

This engagement rate boost fuels a sense of belonging and a shared enthusiasm for your content, forming the cornerstone of a digital community that stands by your side.

Content promotion

In the digital realm, visibility is paramount, and UseViral reviews prowess extends to strategically promoting your content. 

Through carefully curated tactics, the platform ensures that your content isn’t confined to the depths of your following. 

Targeted sharing and reposting mechanisms propel your content beyond your immediate reach, allowing it to resonate with a broader audience. 

This approach acts as a conduit for your creativity to transcend boundaries, catching the attention of individuals who might otherwise remain untouched by your digital social media presence. 

As your content is strategically disseminated, your online footprint expands organically, culminating in a ripple effect beyond your initial efforts.

Platform variety

UseViral reviews influence isn’t constrained by the boundaries of a single platform. Its versatility shines through its compatibility across multiple social media platforms, making it a comprehensive solution for a diverse range of content creators. 

Whether you’re a visual storyteller on an Instagram account, a video maven on YouTube Channel, a trendsetter on TikTok, or a thought leader on Twitter, UseViral has honed its strategies to align with the unique dynamics of each platform. 

Regardless of your niche, content style, or target audience, UseViral’s good experience seamlessly translates across platforms, providing a unified approach to multi-faceted growth that resonates with your unique digital journey.


Recognizing that every individual and brand is distinct, UseViral champions the spirit of customization. 

The one-size-fits-all approach has no place here; instead, UseViral empowers you to tailor your growth strategy to align with your precise needs, aspirations, and identity. 

This flexibility is a testament to the platform’s commitment to ensuring that your online presence isn’t a mere reflection of a generic template but a vivid manifestation of your brand or business identity. 

UseViral’s customization feature enables you to forge a path that resonates with your unique voice, propelling you towards a digital journey that’s as authentic as it is impactful.

UseViral pros and cons


  • Organic growth: UseViral takes pride in delivering authentic engagement and real followers, ensuring your growth is sustainable and valuable.
  • Time-efficiency: By taking the burden of engagement off your shoulders, UseViral frees up your time to focus on creating high quality content.
  • Wide platform support: The service’s compatibility with various social media platforms enables a versatile approach to expanding your online presence.
  • Customizable plans: Whether you’re a beginner or an established influencer, UseViral’s plans can be customized to meet your requirements.
  • Experienced team: UseViral’s team comprises experts well-versed in the dynamics of online growth, providing you with professional support.
  • Reputation: Highly respected among major news publications such as TimesofIsrael, OutlookIndia, DallasNews and many others who support this great brand.


  • Dependency: While UseViral enhances your online presence, maintaining consistent content quality remains your responsibility.
  • Algorithm changes: Social media platforms often alter their algorithms, potentially affecting engagement dynamics.


You can begin with UseViral’s pricing as low as $2, and the final cost can range up to $250+ based on what you’re ordering and the service type you select. UseViral also provides precise targeting options to focus your marketing efforts more effectively.

Is UseViral legit?

In the increasingly interconnected landscape of online growth services, safety assurance is the paramount concern that resonates with every user. 

UseViral, with its unwavering dedication to user security and ethical practices, emerges as a beacon of trust in this dynamic sphere. 

This commitment to safeguarding users’ digital assets and reputations permeates every facet of UseViral reviews operations, setting it apart as a responsible and conscientious player.

In a world where the allure of quick gains often clashes with the need for sustainable growth, UseViral reviews emphasis on ethical methods shines as a testament to its integrity. 

The platform takes immense pride in steering straightforward tactics that could compromise the security of social media accounts and the credibility of the individuals and brands they represent. 

This ethos transcends mere words – a guiding principle that shapes every algorithm, strategy, and engagement technique employed by UseViral. 

By consciously eschewing the temptation of shortcuts and artificial boosts, the platform maintains an unwavering focus on fostering authentic connections and genuine growth.

The implications of this commitment are far-reaching. Beyond the numerical metrics that tend to dominate discussions in the digital realm, UseViral is pioneering a paradigm shift toward fostering real human interactions. 

By shunning followers and automated engagement, UseViral is essentially carving a path where every like, comment, and share holds inherent value. 

It’s not about amassing hollow numbers but cultivating a thriving ecosystem where individuals and brands are perceived as authentic entities worthy of engagement.

How does UseViral work?

Understanding the inner workings of the UseViral reviews approach sheds light on a sophisticated process that’s all about genuine connections, strategic alignment, and steady, organic growth. 

Let’s take a closer look at each step in this intricate dance that UseViral orchestrates to help you expand your online presence meaningfully.

Identifying your audience

UseViral kicks off its process by assisting you in pinpointing your ideal audience. This isn’t just about numbers; it’s about finding the people who genuinely resonate with your content and goals. 

UseViral delves into factors like interests, demographics, and engagement patterns to help you define your target audience. 

This step ensures that you attract the right followers as you grow – those who truly care about what you have to say.

Harnessing a network of likeminded users

A key strength of UseViral lies in its network of users who share common interests with your target audience. 

This network becomes a powerful tool as UseViral identifies individuals likely to engage authentically with your content. 

By tapping into this network, UseViral introduces your content to users who are more than passive observers – they become active participants, engaging with your posts in a genuinely exciting and meaningful way.

Cultivating genuine engagement

UseViral reviews focus isn’t solely on accumulating likes and follows. Instead, it prioritizes creating real interactions. 

Through a combination of likes, follows, comments, and shares, real users within the network engage with your content. 

This approach doesn’t just enhance visibility; it also nurtures connections that extend beyond the digital realm. 

The goal is to foster interactions that mirror how people engage with content they truly care about.

Gradual growth for lasting impact

A standout feature of UseViral’s approach is its commitment to gradual growth. Unlike methods that promise instant results but often result in a short-lived spike, UseViral recognizes the value of steady progression. 

This gradual approach appeals to algorithms on social proof and resonates with genuine followers. 

It’s a strategy that mirrors how real growth happens over time, building a foundation of trust with your expanding audience.

A holistic approach to genuine growth

UseViral’s mechanics work together like puzzle pieces, creating a holistic approach to growing your online presence. 

From defining your audience to connecting with like-minded users, fostering real engagement, and embracing gradual growth, UseViral is more than a growth tool – it’s a partner in your journey toward authentic expansion. 

Through this more precise look at the steps, UseViral’s process comes to life as a strategic, thoughtful, and authentic way to thrive digitally.

Frequently asked questions

Is UseViral legit for personal brands? 

Undoubtedly, UseViral is a trustworthy ally for personal brands seeking to enhance their online presence. 

The service’s commitment to ethical practices is a sturdy foundation for its safety. By adhering to responsible growth methods, UseViral ensures that your brand’s reputation remains untarnished even as you experience expansion. 

Unlike some services that resort to dubious tactics that might compromise your account’s security and authenticity, UseViral takes a principled approach that resonates with the values of personal brands. 

This shields your digital image from potential harm and bolsters your credibility among your growing audience. 

The safety net that UseViral provides isn’t just about numbers – it’s about safeguarding the essence of your brand in the digital sphere.

Can I customize my growth plan? 

Customization is a social media marketing of UseViral’s approach. Recognizing that each client reviews journey is unique, the platform empowers you to shape your growth plan according to your needs, aspirations, and budgetary constraints. 

This isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; it’s a collaborative effort where UseViral partners to design a strategy that aligns seamlessly with your goals. 

Whether you’re just starting and aiming for steady growth or an established presence looking to amplify the engagement, UseViral’s customizable plans ensure your journey is tailored to your requirements. 

This flexibility is a testament to UseViral’s commitment to putting your growth in your hands, ensuring that you’re in control of the trajectory you pave.

Will my engagement drop over time? 

One of the standout benefits of UseViral’s methodology is its emphasis on gradual growth, which acts as a safeguard against sudden drops in engagement. 

While fluctuations can occur due to the ever-evolving algorithms of the social media platform, UseViral’s approach is designed to minimize such abrupt changes. 

By mirroring the natural progression of online growth, UseViral doesn’t raise alarm bells with algorithms, making your growth trajectory more appealing to both platform systems and authentic followers. 

This approach creates a sense of consistency that’s more likely to withstand the inevitable shifts in the digital landscape, ultimately contributing to a stable and reliable engagement curve over time.

Do I need to share my password? 

No, UseViral values your social media account security and doesn’t require password sharing. The platform operates with respect for your privacy, understanding that safeguarding sensitive information is paramount. 

The absence of a password-sharing requirement simplifies the process and instills confidence in the platform’s commitment to protecting your account. 

By eliminating this potential security concern, UseViral is a reliable partner that prioritizes your peace of mind while propelling your growth journey forward.

Is UseViral’s customer support responsive? 

UseViral takes pride in offering top-notch customer support that’s responsive and committed to addressing any questions or concerns you might have. 

Understanding that navigating the digital landscape can be complex, UseViral’s support team stands ready to provide timely assistance. 

Whether you’re seeking guidance on strategy customization, have queries about the platform’s workings, or need clarification on any aspect of your growth journey, UseViral’s responsive customer support ensures you’re well-informed and confident in your partnership. 

This dedication to customer support underscores UseViral’s commitment to facilitating growth and fostering a seamless and empowering user experience.

Is UseViral’s growth strategy sustainable over time? 

One of the hallmarks of UseViral’s growth strategy is its sustainability. Unlike methods that promise rapid but often short-lived results, UseViral’s approach is geared toward steady and long-term growth. 

By focusing on genuine engagement and organic connections, the platform nurtures a community of followers who are genuinely interested in your content. 

This dedication to authenticity ensures that the growth you experience stands the test of time. Moreover, UseViral’s adaptable approach allows you to adjust your strategy as your goals evolve, ensuring that your growth journey remains in harmony with your changing aspirations. 

This sustainability extends beyond numbers – it’s about building a lasting and impactful online presence that endures through shifting digital landscapes.

Can UseViral help me navigate algorithm changes? 

UseViral can help you navigate the often unpredictable terrain of algorithm changes on the social media platform. 

The platform’s approach to gradual and organic growth aligns with the preferences of these algorithms, making the shifts less disruptive to your engagement. 

Additionally, UseViral’s team stays attuned to the evolving dynamics of different social media networks, enabling them to adapt strategies accordingly. 

This proactive approach ensures that your growth journey remains resilient even as algorithms evolve. 

By partnering with UseViral, you’re capitalizing on immediate growth opportunities and benefiting from a strategic ally equipped to weather the ever-changing digital landscape.

Does UseViral offer performance analytics? 

UseViral goes beyond just facilitating growth by providing you with valuable performance analytics. 

The platform recognizes the importance of data-driven decision-making in the digital realm. UseViral’s analytics offer insights into your growth, including follower engagement, content performance, and overall reach. 

Armed with this data, you can fine-tune your strategy, adapt your content, and make informed choices that maximize your impact. 

These performance analytics empower you with a deeper understanding of your growth journey and amplify your ability to make strategic decisions that resonate with your audience.


This UseViral review shines as a beacon of authenticity and quality in the crowded landscape of social proof growth services. 

With its commitment to genuine engagement and follower growth, customizable plans, and a safety-conscious approach, UseViral is a valuable ally in elevating your online presence. 

By embracing their services, you’re taking a positive step toward expanding your reach, enhancing your engagement, and fostering a loyal online community. 

In a world where authenticity and meaningful connections matter more than ever, UseViral is a powerful tool for individuals, businesses, and influencers.

The post UseViral Review – Is it Legit, is it Safe in 2023? appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Free Followers are Your Ticket to Social Media Fame (Here’s How to Get More)

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, free followers play a crucial role in determining your online presence and influence. 

The concept of gaining followers has transformed from being a mere vanity metric to a powerful tool for personal branding, business growth, and content dissemination. 

In this article, we will explore the dynamics of acquiring free followers across various platforms and how it can significantly impact your social media journey. 

Additionally, we will provide you with insights that will lead you to our comprehensive guides on gaining free followers on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

The new currency: Social media followers

In a world where digital interactions have become increasingly dominant, social media platforms have become virtual stages for individuals and businesses to showcase their stories, products, and ideas. 

The number of followers you have often equates to your potential reach and impact. With each follower, your content gains a wider audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement, shares, and conversions. 

As a result, the quest for followers has become more than just a pursuit of popularity; it’s a strategic move to leverage the power of social media to your advantage.

Free followers: More than just a number

While buying followers might seem like a shortcut, organic followers are the true driving force behind meaningful engagement. 

Free followers represent individuals who are genuinely interested in your content, increasing the chances of interactions that matter. 

These interactions can range from comments and likes to shares and direct messages, fostering a sense of community around your profile. The real value of free followers lies in their potential to become advocates for your brand, ultimately contributing to sustainable growth.

Unlocking Twitter‘s Potential: A Guide to Free Followers

Twitter, with its real-time conversations and concise messaging, offers immense opportunities to connect with a global audience. 

Our detailed guide on gaining free Twitter followers will delve into strategies such as crafting compelling tweets, utilizing hashtags effectively, and engaging with trending topics. 

By following these techniques, you can organically grow your Twitter following and maximize your reach within the platform.

The Instagram Edge: Mastering Free Follower Growth

Visual storytelling finds its zenith on Instagram, making it a platform of choice for creators, businesses, and influencers. 

Our dedicated article on securing free Instagram followers will walk you through tactics like optimizing your profile, creating captivating content, and engaging authentically with your audience. 

These methods are designed to not only attract followers but to foster a community that resonates with your brand’s narrative.

TikTok Triumph: Your Path to Free Followers

TikTok’s explosive rise has introduced a new era of short-form video content. To help you harness its potential, our comprehensive manual on obtaining free TikTok followers will provide insights into leveraging trending challenges, perfecting your video style, and capitalizing on the platform’s algorithm. 

By embracing these strategies, you can stand out in the TikTok crowd and gather followers who resonate with your creative expression.

The Twitch Advantage: Unlocking Organic Follower Surge

Twitch stands as the ultimate realm for interactive live streaming, drawing in gamers, content creators, and communities alike.

In our comprehensive guide to gaining free Twitch followers, we delve into strategies that encompass refining your channel presentation, crafting compelling broadcasts, and establishing genuine connections with viewers. These approaches aim not only to amass followers but also to cultivate a loyal community that aligns seamlessly with your streaming persona. Just as Instagram thrives on visual storytelling, Twitch thrives on immersive live experiences, making it a prime platform for those seeking to expand their influence through genuine engagement.

Final thoughts 

The era of free followers has transformed the way we view social media engagement. 

As you embark on your journey to gain free followers on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, remember that these individuals aren’t just numbers; they’re the key to unlocking your digital influence. 

By implementing the strategies outlined in our guides, you’ll not only expand your follower count but also cultivate a thriving community around your online presence. 

So, whether you’re a business aiming for brand awareness or an individual sharing your passion, the power of free followers is your gateway to social media success.

The post Free Followers are Your Ticket to Social Media Fame (Here’s How to Get More) appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Monday, August 28, 2023

7 Best sites to Buy Instagram Followers Cheap & Real (2023)

Buy Instagram Followers


The best site to buy Instagram followers, according to my independent test, is

It’s hard to get Instagram followers…

It takes years of hard work… and you might feel discouraged…

But how can you fix this problem?

You can buy followers on Instagram.

I personally tested over 25 websites that sell followers, and listed the top 7 sites below.

Here’s a list of the 7 best sites to buy Instagram followers:

1. UseViral

Buy Instagram Followers from

Score: 9.5/10

You can purchase high-quality Instagram followers with

On this site, you can buy Instagram followers INSTANTLY.

(The new followers will appear within a few minutes)

It’s fast, easy and cheap.

UseViral has been selling followers for 10 years, and has over 1 million customers.

It has been featured as the #1 BEST SITE to buy followers on Instagram in magazines like Forbes and HuffPost.


  • High Quality Instagram Followers
  • High Retention
  • 30-Day Guarantee & Free Refills
  • Dedicated Account Support


  • They don’t accept Bitcoin payments

For more info, visit

Watch how easy it is to use UseViral below:

2. SidesMedia

Score: 9.3/10

The next website on my list is

SideMedia offer a great range of follower packages: 500, 1,000, and upwards of 10,000 followers can be purchased. They deliver the followers in a few minutes, have great customer support and a 30 Day Refill Guarantee. This company has been featured in ‘Forbes’ and ‘Entrepreneur Magazine’ for their great service.


  • High Quality Followersbuy instagr
  • Fast Delivery
  • Refill Guarantee


  • They don’t offer a free trial

For more info, visit

3. Growthoid

Buy followers from Growthoid

Score: 9.1/10

The next site on my list is

The followers sold on this website will boost your engagement on Instagram, and they will appear instantly after you place an order.

This website has been selling followers for 8 years, and their service is fast and affordable.

Growthoid has been featured in blogs like Business Review, Startup Info, and Outlook India.


  • Real and Active Instagram Followers
  • Free Refills
  • 24×7 Support 


  • No free trial

For more info, visit

4. TweSocial

Twesocial Followers for Instagram

Score: 8.9/10

The 4th site on my list is

TweSocial identifies trending hashtags based on a search of your choice and recommends hashtags as well as providing analytics and data.

This company has been featured on many business blogs like Deccan Herald and Outlook India.

On this website, you can also Buy Instagram Likes.

It’s also possible to Buy Instagram Views.

Finally, you can also Buy Instagram Comments.


  • Premium followers
  • They also sell likes for your Instagram posts
  • Instant delivery


  • The delivery is not instant (it takes a few hours)

For more info, visit

5. TokUpgrade

Tokupgrade IG followers Cheap

Score: 8.7/10

The next site on my list is

TokUpgrade is a similar service to You can choose from a range of packages from 50 to 5,000 new followers. They they offer fast delivery, and have 24/7 customer support.

This company has been featured in many blogs like Forbes and Outlook India.


  • Quick delivery on your Instagram account
  • Cheap prices
  • Will boost your follower count fast


  • They don’t accept crypto payments

For more info, visit

6. Stormlikes


Score: 7.7/10

Stormlikes is another reputable service. It provides instant delivery, real people, 24/7 support, and a range of payment options to suit your preferences.

This website also has been featured in famous blogs like Deccan Herald and Outlook India.


  • Boost your account quickly
  • Approved by the Instagram algorithm
  • Services for other social media platforms


  • Limited payment options

Try Stormlikes here.


Score: 7.5/10

It’s super-easy to get more Instagram followers with You don’t need to worry about bot followers or fake accounts – just choose your package and watch your followers build up almost instantly after you buy Instagram followers cheap.


  • Make your Instagram account look more popular
  • Boost your follower count quickly
  • Organic followers


  • They don’t accept crypto payments

Try here.

8. Kicksta

Instagram tools - Kicksta

Score: 7.3/10

Kicksta’s will help you quickly grow your following with organic methods such as liking and commenting to attract organic followers.


  • High quality followers
  • Actively engaged people
  • The new followers will appear within 1-2 days


  • No live chat support

Try Kicksta here.

9. Ektora


Score: 7.1/10

Ektora is a similar service to Kicksta. They will grow Instagram presence and your following on popular social media sites with automated account activity and targeted marketing methods.


  • Buy IG followers for cheap
  • Safe for your Instagram profile
  • Approved by the Instagram algorithm


  • Relatively new company

Try Ektora Here.

10. Mr. Insta

Mr.Insta - Boost your engagement

Score: 6.7/10

Mr. Insta is another service more similar to where you can get IG followers immediately.


  • Gain followers quickly
  • They also sell likes for your Instagram posts
  • The new followers will be premium followers with photos, bio, etc.


  • The purchased followers won’t be active followers from your target audience

Try Mr. Insta Here.

11. Trollishly


Score: 6.5/10

Trollishly provides five different packages for buying likes and fans. Depending on your needs, you can get from 100 to 10,000+ followers in a matter of moments.


  • Good place for Instagram influencers to get premium followers on their Instagram page
  • They only need your username to get started
  • Real accounts


  • They don’t offer support via live chat, only email

Try Trollishly here.

12. Growthsilo – Final site to buy Insta Followers


Score: 6.3/10

Looking to buy Insta followers that are interested in your niche’s content? Growthsilo can help your number of followers, your engagement rate, and your social proof with their follower packages.


  • Boost your Instagram follower number on your Instagram page
  • Get a high follower count quickly
  • They offer other Instagram marketing services


  • Mixed reviews found online

Try Growthsilo here.

Frequently Asked Questions about Buying Instagram Followers:

Here are the most Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I buy real followers on Instagram?

Yes, you can buy real Instagram followers from many sites that sell Instagram marketing services. You can also purchase genuine followers who are real people with real accounts.

It’s a popular way to increase your follower count on your Instagram profile.

How to buy real Instagram followers?

Here’s how to buy real followers on Instagram: Get them from a legit website that sells genuine followers with active accounts and make sure that this site has good customer reviews before making a purchase.

You’ll need to make sure the service you are buying from follows the best practices I discussed earlier. Here’s a reminder of those tips:

  • Secure website with an SSL
  • Drip-feeds the followers
  • Real customer reviews
  • Follower guarantee
  • Responsive support team

How much does it cost to buy IG followers?

You can buy cheap Instagram followers these days, with prices ranging from as little as $2 for 100 followers to $950 for 100,000 followers, or a fully managed service such as Kicksta that charges a monthly fee starting at $49.

You can choose as many followers as you want: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 750, 800, 900, 1000 (1k), 1500 (1.5k), 2000 (2k), 2500 (2.5k), 3000 (3k), 4000 (4k) 5000 (5k), 6000 (6k), 7000 (7k), 7500 (7.5k), 8000 (8k), 9000, (9k) 10000 (10k), 15000 (15k), 20000 (20k), 25000 (25k), 30000 (30k), 40000 (40k) 50000 (50k), 60000 (60k), 70000 (70k), 75000 (75k), 80000 (80k), 90000 (90k) 100000 (100k), 200000 (200k), 250000 (250k), 300000 (300k), 400000 (400k), 500000 (500k), 600000 (600k), 700000 (700k), 750000 (750k), 800000 (800k), 900000 (900k) or even 1000000, 1,000,000, 1 Million, 1 M (1M), 2 Million (2M), 3 Million (3M), 4 Million (4M), 5 Million (5M), 10 Million (10M).

What are the Pros and Cons of Buying Instagram Followers?

Here are the pros and cons:


  • Speed up Instagram growth
  • More followers bring more followers
  • More Engagement
  • More Shares
  • More Social Proof


  • Many fake companies out there
  • Some people get addicted to buying followers (instead of doing real marketing and producing quality content)

Is it OK to buy fake Instagram followers?

Yes, it is OK to buy fake Instagram followers. Millions of people are buying fake followers with fake accounts safely every year to increase their follower count.

It’s OK for your Instagram account, it’s okay for your profile, and it’s affordable.

How to buy Instagram followers?

Here’s how to buy Instagram followers:

  • Choose a site selling followers
  • Choose a package
  • Enter your Instagram username
  • Pay with your credit card
  • Wait for your followers to appear

How to buy followers on Instagram?

Here’s how to buy followers on Instagram:

  • Find a site that sells followers
  • Choose a plan
  • Type your Instagram username
  • Pay with your credit card or Paypal
  • Wait for the followers to arrive

Is it possible to buy Active Instagram followers when I buy cheap Instagram followers?

Yes, it is possible. Active followers will boost user engagement and brand ROI on IG and on the most popular social media platforms and might get you featured on the ‘Explore Page’ on IG (like most other Instagram influencers on the explore page).

Every single Instagram follower counts on social media. If you bought followers from the best sites to buy Instagram promotional services for your Instagram account (or on social media), make sure to post regularly even after buying tens of thousands of the best quality followers.

These are real users from your target audience on social media from the best Instagram services to promote your Instagram stories or your posts on your Instagram account or other social media account.

How many followers you want to get on your Instagram account and on social media is up to you.

The number of followers with active accounts and real accounts owned by real Instagram users is important because it will increase your engagement rate and help your Instagram marketing efforts.

You can get them from certain countries like:

The United States (USA), the United Kingdom (UK), Australia, India, Canada, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Greece, Hungary, New Zealand (NZ), China, France.

Spain, Germany, Italy, Europe, South Africa, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Asia, and get some that are Male, Female, Arab, Latin, Black, and you can pay with Paypal, Apple Pay, a credit card or Bitcoin for $1 dollar, $5 dollars, $10 dollars, $20 dollars or more.

What is the best site to buy Instagram followers?

The best place to buy Instagram followers is

After testing 12 different websites, we ranked UseViral as #1 for these reasons:

  • It has a secure website with an SSL certificate and reputable payment options.
  • It drip-feeds the followers so that they appear organic.
  • It has real customer reviews and testimonials from Instagram users.
  • It has a follower guarantee, so you don’t lose followers over time.
  • Its support team is responsive, knowledgeable, and helpful.

For more info, visit

About The Author: Antonio Lane is a tech entrepreneur who is passionate about marketing. He has helped hundreds of companies succeed on social networks.

The post 7 Best sites to Buy Instagram Followers Cheap & Real (2023) appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

Start making $100+ per day this week with the best dfy system - Subscribe here!

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Will AI make the human species extinct? I’m not sure, but I’m terrified.

You’ve probably heard at some point in your life about a species of animals going extinct. Habitat loss, climate change and us humans are the major reasons for why some species of animals have simply died out over the years. But what’s the AI extinction risk?

Most of us never think about the fact that humans could one day die out. And if leading experts are to be believed, that day could come sooner than we all think.

That’s right, according to the experts, AI is putting us at risk of extinction. 


Let’s talk about it.

What is the AI extinction risk? 

The term “AI extinction risk” generally refers to concerns related to the potential risks and consequences associated with the development and deployment of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems. 

This concept is closely tied to discussions about the long-term impact of AI on humanity, including scenarios in which AI systems could lead to adverse outcomes, existential risks, or even the extinction of human civilization.

AI extinction risk can encompass various speculative scenarios, some of which include:

  • Superintelligence: Concerns arise from the development of AI systems that surpass human intelligence, often referred to as “superintelligence.” The worry is that a superintelligent AI could rapidly improve its own capabilities, potentially leading to uncontrollable and potentially adverse outcomes.
  • Value Alignment: Ensuring that AI systems share human values and goals is a significant challenge. If AI systems were to misunderstand or misinterpret these values, their actions could be harmful to humanity.
  • Control and Regulation: Managing and controlling highly capable AI systems presents challenges. If we are not able to control them effectively, they could act in ways that are detrimental to humans.
  • Unintended Consequences: As AI systems become more complex and autonomous, they might take actions that are unintended but have severe consequences due to their misunderstanding of human objectives.
  • Competitive Races: There are concerns that countries or organizations might rush the development of AI to gain a competitive advantage. This could lead to insufficient safety precautions and potentially risky deployments.
  • Economic and Social Disruption: The rapid advancement of AI could lead to significant economic and social upheaval, potentially causing widespread disruptions if jobs are automated faster than new opportunities arise.
  • Resource Competition: The development of advanced AI might lead to resource competition, where resources are diverted to AI research and development at the expense of other crucial areas like healthcare, environment, etc.
  • Malicious Use: There is also concern about AI being used maliciously, whether by state actors, terrorist organizations, or other malicious entities, to cause harm.
  • Unknown Unknowns: One of the fundamental challenges is that the full range of potential risks is difficult to predict. Unforeseen developments or consequences could arise as AI systems become more complex and capable.

Should the AI extinction risk be taken seriously? 

It’s important to note that discussions around AI extinction risk often involve a mix of speculative and hypothetical scenarios. 

While some experts argue that these concerns are legitimate and should be taken seriously, others consider them to be overstated or unlikely. 

ChatGPT’s CEO Sam Altman, along with executives from Google’s DeepMind have signed a document created by the Center for AI Safety stating that ‘Artificial intelligence may lead to human extinction and reducing the risks associated with the technology should be a global priority.’

I tend to agree with the tech leaders, but the question is how on earth do we tackle such an issue? 

Should we be worried about the AI extinction risk? 

In all honesty, I really don’t know. So I asked ChatGPT (a sign of things to come – crikey!). 

Here’s what the bot reckons: 

Ultimately, whether you should be worried about AI extinction risk depends on your personal perspective, awareness of the current state of AI technology, and your understanding of the ongoing discussions in the AI ethics and safety communities. 

If you’re genuinely concerned, engaging in informed discussions, staying up-to-date with research, and supporting initiatives focused on responsible AI development could be productive ways to contribute to the conversation.

The post Will AI make the human species extinct? I’m not sure, but I’m terrified. appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Saturday, August 26, 2023

16 Best Instagram Growth Services for Organic Followers

The Social Media Manager's Guide to Finding an Instagram Growth Service

Considering an Instagram growth service to take some work off of your plate?

Being a social media manager looks like a fun job to many people, and at times, it can be – but as you know, it’s also no walk in the park. From analyzing the demographics of your followers to creating high-quality visual content to strategizing how to get more growth, you have a lot to keep up with.

With so many tasks on your plate, you need to work as efficiently as possible, saving time while getting the best results for your clients.


The best site for Instagram growth, according to my independent test, is

Finding a high-quality growth service will save you hours of time (not to mention alleviate quite a few headaches).

So, here’s everything you need to know about Instagram growth services – how they work, how to find the high-quality ones, and what benefits you can reap.

How does an Instagram growth service work?

How to find a quality Instagram growth service

What is the best Instagram growth service? (15 recommendations)

What is the fastest way to grow your Instagram?

Are Instagram growth services worth it?

How does an Instagram growth service work?

Although each Instagram growth service works a little bit differently, they all have the same primary goal – to get you more followers and more engagement on your account.

Many people tend to confuse Instagram growth services with companies where you can buy followers, but these are not the same thing.

Buying followers is a practice that’s distinct from using an Instagram growth service (a high-quality service, at least).

Buying followers is also a practice that you never want to engage in. The majority of the followers you buy will end up being bots and a waste of money (and not to mention that Instagram might disable your account).

Use a service that gets you real Instagram followers instead.

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There are three primary methods growth services use to build your IG community.

The Liking Method

First is the liking method, which is a good way to focus on slow but steady growth. When a company uses the liking method, you’ll give them information on your target audience and the type of users you want to attract.

Then they’ll “like” photos on your behalf posted by those users. Ideally, those people will come to check out your account and then stick around.

The liking method is not without its dangers – too many actions within a certain time span might cause Instagram to ban your account. Some growth services, however, have ways around this.

For instance, Useviral is an Instagram growth service that uses AI technology to determine the exact number of actions Instagram allows for a given account. That way, Useviral can “like” as many photos as possible for each of its clients, but there’s no risk of being banned.

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The Follow/Unfollow Method

The second way Instagram growth services might get you followers is through the follow/unfollow method, where a growth service will use your account to follow targeted users.

With this method, you’ll probably see a big spike in growth – but it won’t last for long. It’s common for people to automatically follow-back but then unfollow a few days later. And again, if not done correctly, the follow/unfollow method can result in Instagram banning your account.

The Auto-Message Method

The final method used by Instagram growth services is the comment and/or DM method. This is also not a great choice, as it comes across spammy and annoying most of the time – would you want a company you’ve never heard of sending you a message or leaving a meaningless one-word comment on your most recent post? With the auto-comment and DM method, you’re not going to see a high success rate.

There are good points to all three methods that growth services use. But the follow/unfollow and comment/DM practices have too many drawbacks to truly be effective.

Look for a service that uses the liking method only, and you’re more likely to see real Instagram followers and sustained long-term growth.

How to find a quality Instagram growth service

Not all Instagram growth tools are created equal. What are the red flags you should avoid?

Avoid Promised Stats

As we already covered, any “growth service” that wants you to buy Instagram followers is a sign you should run far, far away.

Some companies will also attempt to sell you a pre-loaded account; this is a pre-made Instagram account that already has thousands of followers. But that’s not a good idea, either – again, most of those followers are probably bots.

And if a company promises they can get you a specific number of followers, that’s another sign they’re not for you, because no one can predict exact numbers when it comes to organic growth.

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For instance, growth tool Social Upgrade recently shut down. There are rumors that Social Upgrade was selling fake likes and got sued by Instagram. Buying followers is cheating and cheaters generally get found out. To get true engagement from loyal customers, you need to slowly and organically grow your account with real Instagram followers.

Look for Emphasis on Organic Growth

So what should you look for in a quality Instagram growth service? What are the good signs? Look for a company that is completely honest and transparent with you. They don’t promise you ten thousand followers or ask you to buy likes; instead, they talk about organic growth. (Organic growth means the number of users who find your profile without boosted distribution.)

In this same spirit of transparency, a good growth service will be happy to pull back the curtain, allowing you to go behind-the-scenes and understand how the company’s process really works.

For instance, Instagram promotion tool Useviral has a video on its website showing web visitors exactly what happens when you sign up – from helping Useviral identify your target audience all the way to getting potentially thousands of new followers.

Why is it so important to work with an honest company? If the growth service you choose isn’t upfront about the services they offer, that’s probably a sign something is amiss.

You don’t want to run the risk of getting your account banned from Instagram. And you also don’t want to waste time and money. So before choosing an Instagram growth service, make sure they’re honest and focused on organic growth. If they are, you’re good to go.

Look for a growth service that primarily uses the liking method, since that’s the safest way to get real Instagram followers. Good customer support that’s both fast and helpful is essential, too, to save you time during the workday. And don’t forget about your data; the company you work with should have some measure of security in place to protect your information. Those are the signs of a quality Instagram growth tool.

What is the best Instagram growth service?

While there are plenty of Instagram companies out there that claim to be the top option, very few of them actually deliver on their promises. There are hundreds of companies looking to make a profit off of people who just simply want a better Instagram performance.

We’ve weeded out those companies and have compiled this top 10 list of Instagram growth services available; it’s vital that you choose a service that is transparent, honest, secure, cares about their clients’ success, and offers value for the price.

All 10 of the options on this list do exactly that, so you can rest assured that you will be making an investment when choosing their services and not simply throwing your money and time down the drain.

Let’s take a look at what you can expect from each company.

1. Useviral

Useviral has set the standards when it comes to real growth on Instagram. Useviral allows you to choose your target audience. You can also run multiple campaigns at the same time to really elevate your exposure organically on Instagram.

Useviral prides itself in targeted results, so you can grow with relevant followers and end up with a more successful brand, or following.

Try Useviral Now

2. Sidesmedia

Sidesmedia is a powerful tool for organic Instagram growth, which leverages a proprietary AI algorithm to help companies automatically engage with targeted followers for their account. It works by allowing users to choose “target” profiles with the types of followers they’d like to attract.

Once you’ve chosen your targets, Sidesmedia will like posts from followers of those target accounts, to encourage them to come back to your profile and check out your posts. On some plans, you can even leverage advanced targeting, with blacklists and location or hashtag targets. Sidesmedia also offers a range of tools to help boost your online presence, including an Instagram engagement calculator, and hashtag generator.

There are various flexible plans to choose from, including their top tier which offers Promotions from a network of Influencers that guarantees 1200 followers/month, and solutions with advanced targeting tools that focus on steady growth.

3. Growthoid

With Growthoid, you can get instant Instagram followers in packages. The good thing about this growth service is that you can start low, by buying a few hundred followers and increase your rate of growth over time. It makes everything look organic.

4. Social Viral

Coming in at spot 4 is Social Viral. With a long track record in Instagram growth, Social Viral has been around helping people get more Instagram followers for quite a while now. They’ve expanded services to Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and more, so they can meet pretty much all your social media needs.

Social Viral offers affordable packages of Instagram followers, likes, views, and more. You can buy anywhere between 50 to 5,000 high-quality Instagram followers through their services, which may be good for a quick boost.

5. Ektora

Ektora-Ppwerful-Instagram-Growth-On-Autopilot Ektora is a similar service to Kicksta – they will grow your following with automated account activity. It has a 14-day money-back-guarantee, and strictly follows Instagram’s rules and regulations. You’ll also get advanced targeting, reporting, and responsive support.


Stormlikes is another reputable Instagram growth service that will surge your follower count in a matter of minutes. It provides instant delivery, real people, 24/7 support, and a range of payment options to suit your preferences. Instagram growth service - With your Instagram account will soar to new heights. It’s all about growth with this service, and you don’t need to worry about bots, fake accounts, or unmet expectations. They work strategically to target the right accounts and find the perfect followers for your niche.

8. Growthoid

If you want to get more Instagram followers that are real people in your target audience, Growthoid is definitely the service for you. They’ve completely changed the way growth services operate and the results show.

Growthoid is a fully-managed Instagram growth service which means that all of the interactions are done by hand; when you sign up you get an expert account manager that will be in charge of getting you more Instagram followers.

They will use your targeting instructions to engage with the exact users that you need, not only helping you to grow your Instagram followers but also getting you more engagement.

With the most knowledgeable account managers and support team in the industry, you’ll definitely be taken care of; it’s clear Growthoid cares about their clients’ growth and when you work with them you’ll love the results you see.

9. Growthsilo

Another top competitor in the Instagram growth service arena is Growthsilo. Growthsilo works according to a manual engagement technique, allowing you to get ultra-targeted results from a real person that will take control of your Instagram growth.

Growthsilo employs a dedicated account manager to be in charge of your Instagram growth; once you sign up you’ll provide your targeting instructions and you’ll be able to get more real followers and engagement when you use their services.

Growthsilo has flexible monthly plans with no contract, awesome staff, and a guarantee. Their service works in any niche so you’re bound to see great results when you work with Growthsilo.

10. More Likes

As you know, engagement is the most important element to a healthy and successful Instagram account; if you don’t have a good amount of likes and comments on your content, you’ll be unlikely to gain more real followers.

More Likes know the importance of engagement and their service works to provide you with real Instagram likes as soon as you post content. Their network of real users ensures that you gain real Instagram likes on each post, making them a very unique service.

You will be covered for up to four daily Instagram posts, which is more than enough for the average user. You can choose how many likes you want to be delivered to each post and you can also choose the speed if you don’t want them to come to your content immediately.

More Likes offers their recurring auto-likes service as well as the option to buy real Instagram followers and likes through a one-time purchase. We love options.

11. Grab Likes

Grab Likes is another top company that definitely understands the importance of real Instagram likes and followers. With their plan options, you can choose packages of Instagram auto-likes, Instagram followers, and more.

Grab Likes uses their large network to gain you real followers and likes, helping you to stay in line with the Instagram terms and use and keep your profile growing at healthy rates all the time. With quality service like theirs, your profile will see great results in no time.

If you need more real Instagram followers and engagements, check out Grab Likes and you won’t be disappointed.

12. UseViral

Social media is a competitive place, and UseViral knows it; they also know that having a strong presence across multiple social media platforms is a big plus. For that reason, you can get growth not only for Instagram but for other social media networks on UseViral.

UseViral has developed an expansive network of in-house users to take part in providing real followers, likes, views, and more for over 7 social media networks including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitch, and more.

You can choose how many Instagram followers you need and UseViral will deliver them quickly and safely. You don’t have to worry about them dropping off over time because they’re real followers, a big plus.

Check out UseViral if you need to get a quick boost for a variety of your social media networks at an affordable price.

13. SidesMedia

With years of experience, SidesMedia offers their clients epic social media growth across a variety of networks. Since social media is changing every day, SidesMedia has expanded their service from Instagram to cross-platform growth, helping you with all of your needs.

If you need real Instagram followers, real TikTok followers, real YouTube views, and more, SidesMedia has you covered. Their website is incredibly user-friendly and offers a FAQ to help explain how things work and what you can expect from their service.

When you want to see a quick increase in your social media followers and engagements, don’t miss out on SidesMedia.

14. Nitreo

Another service that has been around for a while is Nitreo. Nitreo gives clients a way to keep their Instagram growing even when they are sleeping— something that we all know is valuable.

Nitreo uses automation to interact with users on Instagram; while this can sometimes cause problems, Nitreo has tailored their services to interact within the limits of Instagram so you don’t have to worry about the safety of your account.

Check out Nitreo and see if you’re ready to try out their services.

15. Stellation Media

Stellation Media has come a long way after revamping their services to include Instagram stories; since there are so many viewers on Instagram stories, using IG stories engagements to get more followers is a great method.

Through mass story views, mass DMs, and other engagements, Stellation Media will generate interest around your account; they claim to have some of the highest growth numbers out there, so if you want to see results, they say they can deliver.

Their service is a bit on the pricey side, so if you’re looking to see good results and money is no object, Stellation Media could be a great choice for you.

16. Upleap

Upleap runs a managed Instagram growth service with the use of both bots as well as managers. Their social media managers will keep an eye on the bot activity, making sure that everything is in working order and that you’re getting the best results while staying safe.

With a variety of monthly plan options and the choice between paying yearly and monthly, Upleap has a lot of benefits to get you real, targeted Instagram followers. Their website is also very user-friendly and appealing.

What is the fastest way to grow your Instagram?

Using an Instagram growth service is a great solution to help you get more real Instagram followers, but don’t think that the work ends there. You need tools to help you, but you still have to do your part to boost the service and get more followers.

The problem with Instagram and social media in general is that people want a quick solution that cuts corners and allows them to achieve more with less effort; don’t be one of those people. The most successful people on Instagram make it look easy, but that doesn’t mean it is.

You still have to dedicate all of your energy to your Instagram content, captions, and overall brand image and representation. The growth service will help you to get more exposure, but if you don’t present anything for people to be interested in, even the best Instagram growth service can do nothing for you.

Don’t fall into the trap – here are three tips to help keep moving and get the best results possible when using an Instagram growth service. Remember, these are real people looking at your real Instagram profile; make it count. Give them something to follow for!

Create Unique and Consistent Content

Nothing is worse than using an Instagram growth service, having new users check out your page, and then have inconsistent posts or nothing to entice the user to stick around. You’ve got to make sure you are creating excellent content if you want to get more real Instagram followers, period.

Make sure you take advantage of Instagram features like Instagram stories, IGTV, reels, and regular profile posts. Using a variety of media can help you to have a well-rounded Instagram profile that people are interested in seeing on a regular basis.

You always want to ensure that your content represents your brand and gives your target audience something valuable and relevant to their lives. If you can do this, your content will be much more successful and your growth service will bring in much better results.

Social media is a place of trends and hot topics, so if you want to entice people to follow you, you should also keep up with trending hashtags and topics that people are interested in.

Check out the trending hashtags and look at competing accounts to see what kind of content is performing well on Instagram . When you know what is performing well, you can add your own personal twist and get people interested when they check out your profile.

In addition, keep a consistent posting schedule so that you have a wide variety of content about different topics on your profile and people know when to expect your posts.

Optimize Your Instagram Profile

You’ve got to ensure that upon first glance you have a professional-looking Instagram with a clear brand image and aesthetic. If your visuals are all over the place people aren’t likely to stick around.

Ensure your bio has all the relevant information and describes exactly what you’re about. Keep your profile content attractive and interesting so that when people see it altogether they know that you offer something cool and valuable.

Also, make sure that you have a great profile picture and relevant story highlights with their cover photos. Optimizing your profile can have a huge impact on how many followers you get.

Are Instagram growth services worth it?

Organic Instagram growth tools have a range of benefits for users to enjoy.

First, a growth service can simply save you a whole lot of time. One Instagram growth service helped an agency known as LACE Photo Media save 15 hours a week.

That meant the founders of the agency were free to focus on content creation, which in turn meant they could hone their craft and charge more for their valuable services.

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Finally, your business will see huge benefits from using an Instagram growth service. Organic growth might feel slow, but it works; you’ll begin to see an increase in engagement and, from there, you can see an increase in sales. Most growth services will pay for themselves many times over because they’ll bring so many new customers your way.

Tip: You can always hire an Instagram expert or a freelancer on Fiverr.

Guest author: Alexz Miller is the Director of Marketing at Kicksta. She specializes in content, email, and social media marketing. You can get more daily marketing tips from her on Instagram at

The post 16 Best Instagram Growth Services for Organic Followers appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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