Saturday, September 30, 2023

11 Popular AI Story Generators to Help You Produce Viral Content

AI story generator

In 2022 a new meme with the hashtag #spedupsounds generated 9.8 billion views. The music genre is known as “nightcore” and first appeared on TikTok. It’s strange but for some reason, people enjoy listening to sped-up songs!

Go figure.

Why does an AI story generator matter?

Coming up with new and exciting stories for content is both an art and a science

Trying out different stories, songs, or content that could attract people’s interest and make them want to share is like taking a bit of a gamble. It’s a fun experiment, but success is not a guarantee.

It’s like playing a game in Las Vegas, where you might hit the jackpot… or not. Unfortunately, not every story tested turns out to be a winner, but that’s all part of the process.

Can we use science to help us get attention?

AI story generators and AI text generators are becoming increasingly popular for creating unique and engaging content for a variety of purposes, such as marketing campaigns, social media, and website content. 

These AI tools use machine learning algorithms to analyze existing content and generate new stories based on specific parameters and guidelines. 

How does social media content gain attention and what types of keywords work best?

Social media platforms use stories to gain users’ attention and traffic by providing a quick, visually appealing, and engaging way for users to consume content. The ephemeral nature of stories, which disappear after a set amount of time, creates a sense of urgency and encourages users to check back frequently to see the latest updates.

In terms of keywords, there are several types that tend to work well in social media stories. These include:

Emotionally charged words: Words that evoke strong emotions, such as “inspiring,” “shocking,” or “heartbreaking,” can be effective in catching the reader’s attention and encouraging them to engage with the content.

Action-oriented words: Words that convey a sense of action or urgency, such as “now,” “urgent,” or “act,” can motivate readers to take action and engage with the content.

Trending or buzzworthy words: Words or phrases that are currently popular or trending, such as “viral,” “breaking news,” or “trending now,” can help to generate interest and drive traffic.

Descriptive words: Words that provide descriptive details or paint a vivid picture, such as “stunning,” “jaw-dropping,” or “captivating,” can help to capture the reader’s imagination and create a sense of excitement.

Ultimately, the most effective keywords will depend on the specific content and audience, and it’s important to keep in mind that overly promotional or clickbait language can be a turnoff for users. It’s best to use language that is authentic, engaging, and relevant to the content being shared.

Going deeper with AI story generator tools

There are many AI story generator tools available on the market, ranging from free to paid options. 

Some popular options include: 

  • Articoolo 
  • Writesonic 
  • ShortlyAI. 

1. Articoolo

This is an AI-based content creation platform that uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate unique articles in minutes. It allows users to enter a topic or a set of keywords and then uses this input to automatically generate high-quality, human-like articles that are optimized for search engines. 

Articoolo offers a range of pricing plans, from pay-as-you-go to monthly subscriptions, making it a flexible and cost-effective solution for businesses and content creators looking to streamline their content creation process.

create unique textual content in a flash

2. Writesonic

Writesonic is a powerful AI-powered writing assistant that helps users create high-quality content with minimal effort. It uses natural language processing and machine learning to generate content that is optimized for SEO, conversion, and engagement. 

Users can enter a topic or a set of keywords, and Writesonic will generate a range of content options, including blog posts, product descriptions, and social media updates. 

Writesonic also offers a range of other features, including content optimization, plagiarism checks, and content personalization, making it a comprehensive solution for businesses and content creators.

best ai writer for creating facebook ads


This tool is an AI-powered copywriting tool that helps businesses and content creators create high-quality content in minutes. It uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate a range of content options, including headlines, product descriptions, and ad copy. offers a range of features, including content optimization, A/B testing, and sentiment analysis, making it a powerful and flexible tool for businesses and content creators looking to improve their content marketing efforts.

whatever you want to ask, our chat has the answers -

4. ShortlyAI

It is great to use an AI-powered writing assistant that helps businesses and content creators create high-quality content quickly and easily. It uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate content options that are optimized for SEO, readability, and engagement. 

Shortly AI allows users to enter a topic or a set of keywords and then uses this input to generate a range of content options. This includes blog posts, social media updates, and product descriptions. Additionally, it offers a range of other features, including content optimization, plagiarism checks, and content personalization. This makes it a comprehensive solution for businesses and content creators.

5. Sudowrite

Sudowrite is another AI story generator for writers. It’s here to assist authors who might be stuck and help them make their stories better. With just a simple text request, it can give you ideas, characters, and plots to make your writing more interesting.

Sudowrite is easy to use, so anyone, no matter how experienced they are, can benefit from it. It’s designed to make the writing process smoother, so you can create stories that captivate your readers.

Sudowrite’s smart suggestions can help you tell better stories and unlock your creative potential.

6. Jasper

Jasper is an AI story generator that’s quite versatile. It can come up with story concepts, write complete stories, or enhance your existing drafts. Jasper specializes in using natural language to help writers craft captivating and unique content.

Its advanced computer programs examine the prompts you give it and then create stories that reflect those ideas while sounding natural and engaging.

Jasper is adaptable and can be handy for all sorts of writing tasks, whether you’re working on short stories, novels, blog posts, or articles.

7. Plot Factory

Plot Factory is a website where you can make, arrange, and keep all your stories together. It has a smart computer helper that can give you new ideas for your stories, make characters, and come up with plots when you tell it what you want.

Along with this, Plot Factory gives you different tools to help you organize your stories, make outlines, and build the world your story is set in. It’s a one-stop shop for writers.

8. Scalenut

Scalenut is an AI story generator that uses smart computer technology to help writers make interesting stories. It can make up a whole story if you just tell it a few words or phrases.

This can be really helpful if you’re stuck and can’t think of what to write next.

9. Rytr

Rytr is a helpful AI writing tool for creating stories. It uses computer smarts to make up interesting stories when you give it some ideas. You can just give it a short prompt or an idea, and it will turn it into a full story.

Besides making stories, Rytr has different writing styles you can pick from. This means it’s useful for all sorts of stories you might be working on.

10. NovelAI

Novel AI is a strong AI story generator for writing novels. When you tell it what you want, it can make up complex stories with interesting characters and conversations.

What makes Novel AI special is that it’s good at keeping the story consistent and flowing well, which is really useful when you’re writing long things like novels.

11. Inferkit

Inferkit is a flexible computer tool for writing that can make really good stories. It uses fancy language models to make text that sounds a lot like what a person would write, so the stories sound interesting and real.

Inferkit can also make long pieces of writing, which is great if you’re working on big stuff like novels or really long stories.

So how do you use an AI story generator tool?

It’s important to research each tool and read reviews to determine which one will best meet your needs and budget. So here are some tips to use these AI story generator tools.

Define your topic and parameters

Once you have chosen an AI story generator tool, you need to define your topic and parameters for the story you want to create. This can include specific keywords, topics, tone, style, and length. It’s important to be as specific as possible to ensure the AI story generator creates a story that meets your needs.

Generate the story

Once you have defined your parameters, you can generate the story using the AI story generator tool. This process can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. This depends on the complexity of the story and the tool you are using.

Edit and refine the story

After the AI story generator has generated the story, it’s important to review it and make any necessary edits or refinements. This can include editing for grammar and spelling errors, adjusting the tone and style to fit your brand, and adding additional information or details.

Publish and promote the story

Once you are satisfied with the story, you can publish it on your website, social media, or other channels. It’s important to promote the story and share it with your audience to maximize its impact.

While using an AI story generator can be a great way to create engaging content quickly and efficiently, it’s important to keep in mind that these tools are not perfect and may require some manual editing and refinement. Additionally, it’s important to use these tools ethically and avoid plagiarism or copyright infringement. Ensure that the content generated is original and not copied from other sources.

Top tips for using an AI story generator

Here are some tips to help you make the most of an AI story generator:

Set clear goals and guidelines

Before using an AI story generator, it’s important to define your goals and guidelines for the content you want to create. This can include the target audience, tone and style, length, and specific keywords or topics. Having clear guidelines will help ensure that the content generated meets your needs and aligns with your brand.

Use high-quality source material

AI story generators work by analyzing existing content and generating new content based on patterns and trends. To ensure that the content generated is high-quality and relevant, it’s important to use high-quality source material as a basis for the analysis. This can include reputable news sources, academic journals, and industry reports.

Be prepared to edit and refine

While AI story generators can create unique and engaging content quickly, it’s important to be prepared to edit and refine the content to ensure that it meets your needs and aligns with your brand. This can include editing for grammar and spelling errors, adjusting the tone and style, and adding additional information or details.

Use AI-generated content ethically

When using an AI story generator, it’s important to use the content generated ethically and avoid plagiarism or copyright infringement. This means ensuring that the content generated is original and not copied from other sources, and giving credit to sources used in the content.

Measure the effectiveness of the content

To determine the effectiveness of the content generated by an AI story generator, it’s important to measure key metrics such as engagement, shares, and views.

What other creative stuff can you make with AI generators?

You can use AI generators for a wide range of creative tasks beyond just writing. Here are some other creative tasks where AI generators can be incredibly helpful:

  1. Art Generation: AI-powered tools can create digital art, drawings, and designs based on your input or preferences. These tools can assist artists in generating inspiration or even provide the basis for more intricate manual artwork.
  2. Music Composition: AI music generators can produce original compositions or assist musicians in creating melodies, harmonies, and even entire songs. They can be a valuable resource for composers and music producers.
  3. Video Production: AI can help with video creation by automating tasks like video editing, voiceovers, and even generating animated content. This is particularly useful for content creators on platforms like YouTube and TikTok.
  4. Graphic Design: AI-driven graphic design tools can assist in creating logos, posters, advertisements, and social media visuals. These tools often come with templates and customization options to suit various design needs.
  5. Content Summarization: AI can quickly analyze and summarize lengthy documents, articles, or research papers, making it easier for content creators, researchers, and students to extract key information.
  6. Language Translation: AI translation tools can translate text from one language to another with a high degree of accuracy. They are indispensable for global communication and localization efforts.
  7. Photography Enhancement: AI can enhance and retouch photographs, improving image quality, removing imperfections, and adjusting colors and lighting. This is beneficial for both amateur and professional photographers.
  8. Character and World Building: AI can help writers and game developers create unique characters, settings, and backstories for their stories, books, or video games.
  9. Code Generation: Developers can use AI to assist in writing code, generating snippets, or automating repetitive programming tasks, thus boosting efficiency in software development.
  10. Idea Generation: AI can provide creative prompts and suggestions for brainstorming sessions, helping individuals and teams come up with innovative ideas for various projects.
  11. Data Visualization: AI-powered tools can transform complex data into visually appealing and understandable charts, graphs, and infographics, aiding in data-driven storytelling and analysis.
  12. Marketing and Advertising: AI can assist in generating ad copy, headlines, and marketing content to engage and attract audiences effectively.
  13. Fashion Design: AI can assist fashion designers by suggesting new clothing designs and styles, helping them stay ahead of fashion trends.

These are just a few examples of how AI generators can be applied to various creative tasks, saving time and enhancing the creative process across multiple domains. As AI technology continues to advance, it is likely to become an increasingly integral part of the creative toolkit.

Is an AI story generator the solution for attention seekers?

Writing stories is what makes us human. 

The burning emotional experiences of pain, joy, and everything in between. Those will still be told. 

We love drama and you may have heard the quote. “Why ruin a good story with the truth

Don’t think that a robot couldn’t write a good headline or an engaging viral story. 

It’s happening in plain sight.

So…use and explore AI to identify new recombined ideas that challenge your calcified thinking.

And use its new algorithms to amplify the creativity that your restricted vision had locked you into in the past.

It is not the solution but a tool to make us more. 

And we still don’t know what that looks like.

The post 11 Popular AI Story Generators to Help You Produce Viral Content appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Friday, September 29, 2023

6 Reasons New Businesses Should Have Accounting Software

Incorporating accounting software has become crucial for new ventures and small businesses in the modern business landscape, where accuracy and efficiency are crucial.

The need for rigorous financial management for new firms and startups cannot be emphasized.

This is where accounting software comes into play, providing many enticing benefits that can open the door for more efficient operations and well-informed choices.

This technical solution offers a range of benefits for emerging businesses navigating the complexities of financial management, laying the foundation for effective operations and long-term success. 

The importance of exact financial tracking and efficient procedures cannot be understated, and accounting software provides these, along with a host of other benefits that make its integration a wise decision.

In this article, I will share the top advantages of using accounting software for your new business.

Let’s begin!

What is accounting software?

Accounting software is a specific computer program to manage, automate, and expedite numerous financial duties and processes within a company or organization.

Offering facilities to manage issues including income, expenses, invoicing, payroll, tax computations, and reporting, it acts as a digital solution for documenting, following, and analyzing financial operations.

This software is accessible to accountants and those with minor financial understanding because of its user-friendly interfaces and capabilities that can be customized to meet the demands of various firms.

Accounting software is essential for increasing financial transparency, supporting decision-making, and assuring adherence to tax laws and financial standards.

Top advantages of leveraging an accounting software for new businesses

1. Saves Time and Resources with Automation

Incorporating accounting software becomes a priceless asset as new businesses struggle with financial management responsibilities. This software not only automates numerous financial procedures but also introduces automation, a revolutionary feature that can lessen the stress of manual activities.

New businesses fully utilize the operational streamlining potential of accounting software by working with an experienced financial software development company. These software solutions have automated features that make completing duties like data entry, transaction recording, and even financial report generation easy.

This reduces the possibility of human error while freeing up valuable human resources, allowing staff to focus on strategic initiatives that promote growth.

2. Ensures Accurate Financial Tracking

Keeping precise financial records is crucial in the early stages of starting a new business. The use of accounting software in this situation shows to be a valuable advantage.

Such software’s accuracy and dependability guarantee thorough financial surveillance, allowing startup companies to establish a strong base for long-term financial stability and expansion.

These software solutions are made to meticulously track each financial transaction, from receipts and payments to revenue and expenses. Here is an example of a financial dashboard that displays the company’s financial health.

The thorough grasp of the company’s financial health that results from such rigorous tracking also provides business leaders with up-to-the-minute information about their cash flow.

3. Improves Accounting Security 

Protecting sensitive financial data is a primary consideration for new enterprises. This is where using accounting software becomes essential for boosting accounting security.

Unlike conventional paper-based systems or simple spreadsheets, accounting software includes robust security features that shield crucial financial information from unwanted access and potential breaches.

These controls ensure that only people with the proper authorization can access certain financial documents and complete predetermined tasks. This degree of access restriction assists in avoiding data manipulation and illegal alterations to financial documents. 

4. Provides Real-time Insights

Access to real-time insights is an essential component that can influence decision-making and encourage growth in the dynamic environment of emerging firms.

The use of accounting software stands out as a crucial instrument in this situation. Accounting software transforms financial data into insightful information that can direct business plans and operations, not just record it.

With accounting software, new businesses monitor their financial success in real-time. Here is an example of a real-time sales analytics dashboard that displays the quarterly expense analysis sheet:

Entrepreneurs can track critical data like revenue, expenses, profit margins, and cash flow at any time with interactive dashboards and configurable reports.

5. Reduces Paperwork and Boosts Sustainability

The switch to accounting software has the advantage of decreasing paperwork and supporting sustainability initiatives, which is essential as new organizations focus on growth and efficiency.

These software speed digital procedures that were previously only possible on paper, ushering in a new era of resource- and time-saving digital record-keeping.

Accounting software makes it possible to digitize financial records, eliminating the need for paper records like invoices, receipts, and statements to be physically stored. The danger of data loss due to loss or damage is reduced while freeing up physical space.

6. Offers Easy Tax Compliance

Navigating the complicated world of tax compliance can take time and effort for new businesses. However, accounting software provides a solution that streamlines this complex procedure and guarantees precise and effective tax management.

Tax compliance is made simple and streamlined by the software’s capabilities, which are equipped to manage tax-related chores.

Accounting software frequently has features that automatically calculate taxes based on transaction data. This minimizes the possibility of error while ensuring accurate and consistent calculations.

This removes the need for manual computations and lowers the risk of errors that could result in fines or audits linked to taxes.

Final thoughts

Accounting software is a thundering call to efficiency, accuracy, and strategic growth in new enterprises’ fast-paced and cutthroat environments. The multifaceted advantages of such software underscore its pivotal role as a catalyst for success. 

Accounting software offers a comprehensive solution that equips new businesses to not only navigate the complexities of financial management but also thrive in an increasingly digital and dynamic environment.

This solution includes ensuring accurate financial tracking, providing real-time insights, simplifying tax compliance, and reducing paperwork.

Guest Author: Joydeep Bhattacharya is a digital marketing evangelist and the author of SEO Sandwitch Blog. He also regularly contributes to sites like SEMrush, and Search Engine People. You can connect with him on LinkedIn

The post 6 Reasons New Businesses Should Have Accounting Software appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Check Out These 12 Great ChatGPT Alternatives in 2023 (Some Are Free!)

Looking for a ChatGPT alternative?

You’ve probably noticed how ChatGPT has become really popular online. It’s a chatbot that uses fancy technology from OpenAI, letting you talk to a computer like it’s a person.

But here’s the catch: so many people use it that sometimes it just can’t handle all the conversations, leaving you stuck when you want to use it.

If you’re tired of ChatGPT letting you down, we’ve put together a list of other chatbot options you can try in 2023.

1. Microsoft Bing AI

chatgpt alternative

One of the best ChatGPT alternatives right now is Microsoft Bing AI. It’s like a new and improved version of ChatGPT, powered by something called GPT-4.

This new Bing also has a mode where you can chat with it and ask it questions based on stuff you look up on the internet.

It’s got a bunch of cool features, like showing you pictures, giving you accurate answers, and even helping you plan trips or find recipes, just like ChatGPT. Before, you had to wait to use it, but now, everyone can give it a try.

Key Features: 

  • Uses GPT-4 tech
  • Can show pictures and stuff 
  • Connects to the internet
  • Gives you the latest info on anything 
  • Keeps a history of your chats 
  • Has different ways to chat 
  • Gives credit to sources


  • Offers different ways to chat
  • Gives accurate info


  • Sometimes takes a bit to respond

Give Microsoft Bing AI a spin!

2. Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI is a good alternative to ChatGPT. It’s also been trained using OpenAI’s technology, so it gives pretty good responses. The website is simple and easy to use, which is nice.

It works a lot like ChatGPT, letting you have conversations and get answers, from basic to complex. But the cool thing about Perplexity is that it tells you where it got its information from.

Whenever you ask it something, it adds references to the end of its answers, like when you see sources at the bottom of a Wikipedia page. It doesn’t just copy and paste, though—I checked, and it’s legit. That means it’s doing its homework.

I had different chats with this chatbot, and it held up well, not getting confused. Perplexity even has a special mode powered by GPT-4 that can ask you more questions to make sure it understands what you’re looking for. And if you like dark mode on websites, it’s got that too.

Key Features: 

  • Cites sources
  • Gives useful answers 
  • Good for product suggestions 
  • Has a GPT-4 mode
  • Lets you upload files


  • Keeps conversations clear and on track
  • Credits sources for information
  • Simple website layout


  • Might accidentally use info from sources
  • Doesn’t have extra features
  • Doesn’t remember past conversations

Give Perplexity AI a try on Android or iOS.

3. Google Bard AI

Ever since ChatGPT became famous, a lot of people were wondering when Google would join the chatbot scene. Google was quiet for a while because they were worried about how people might misuse their chatbot.

But now, they’ve released Google Bard, which is an experimental chatbot. Bard is powered by Google’s latest fancy language and conversation technology, called PaLM 2 LLM.

Before, only a few people could use it, but now, anyone can. Google is even adding smart AI to its search engine, so you’ll get quick answers at the top of search results. Plus, you can upload pictures to Google Bard.

We got curious and compared ChatGPT to Bard, and it was interesting. We also checked how Bard stacks up against MS Bing Chat, and it’s different from what you’d expect. Check out our comparisons and let us know if you want to try this ChatGPT alternative.

Key Features: 

  • Upload images 
  • Keeps chat history 
  • Uses the latest PaLM 2 model 
  • Lets you export to documents 
  • Has strong coding and reasoning skills 
  • Works in many languages
  • Can run code for you


  • Gives quick responses
  • Doesn’t copy stuff from websites anymore
  • Supports image uploads


  • Doesn’t tell you where it got its information

Give Google Bard a shot.

4. Jasper Chat

Jasper has been in the business of creating AI-generated content for a while and has gained popularity among users. They’ve recently introduced Jasper Chat, which is a chatbot that works kind of like ChatGPT but is designed more for businesses, especially those in advertising and marketing.

Jasper Chat uses smart technology like GPT 3.5 and other language models, and it’s partnered with OpenAI. While it may not have the absolute latest info, it’s learned from billions of articles and stuff up until mid-2021 in 29 different languages. So it’s pretty good at having conversations. Plus, it has a handy feature that lets it use Google search data to be even smarter.

You can use Jasper Chat for free, but to unlock all the cool features, you’ll need to subscribe to Jasper’s Boss or Business plan, which starts at $59 a month. It’s not the cheapest, but it gives you access to everything Jasper offers. And you can try it out for 5 days to see if it’s what you need.

Key Features: 

  • Powered by OpenAI models, 
  • Knows a lot up to mid-2021, 
  • Remembers past chats, 
  • Doesn’t copy from other sources, 
  • Works in 29 languages


  • Good at having smart conversations
  • Great for marketers and pros


  • Costs money for full access
  • Info goes up to mid-2021

Give Jasper Chat a shot.

5. Chatsonic

Chatsonic is one of the newer alternatives to ChatGPT that’s been getting attention lately. It’s built on top of ChatGPT but has some extra features and a broader knowledge base because it can use the internet, which ChatGPT can’t do.

What’s cool is that it can find answers online, which makes it less likely to make mistakes. It also remembers what you talked about before and keeps the conversation going. And it’s got 16 different personalities, so you can chat with it in different ways.

In addition to regular text conversations, Chatsonic can even make pictures based on what you ask it. It’s not totally free, but you get 25 free questions every day. You can use it through a browser extension and on Android too.

Key Features: 

  • Uses the GPT-4 model, 
  • Makes pictures, 
  • Understands voice commands, 
  • Translates languages, 
  • Has different characters to chat with, 
  • Goes online for info


  • Knows a lot from the internet
  • Gives you 25 free questions
  • Offers variety in conversations
  • Has a browser extension and Android app


  • Limited to 25 free questions
  • Can’t really find any cons for the other good stuff

Give ChatSonic a try.

6. Claude 2

In the world of AI chatbots, ChatGPT has some competition, and one of its rivals is Claude 2. This is an improved chatbot made by a company called Anthropic. Anthropic has the backing of Google, which makes them a competitor to the folks who created ChatGPT.

What makes Claude 2 unique is how it works. Instead of using a typical language model, it relies on a set of special AI techniques, including things like neural networks and training data. This approach is all about having natural and easy conversations with Claude, making it a friendly, safe, and honest chatbot.

Initially, you could only chat with Claude through Slack, but now you can access it on a website if you’re in the U.S. or the U.K. But Claude can do more than just chat. It’s pretty versatile, capable of tasks like writing complex content and code, solving riddles, cracking jokes, having regular conversations, and more. You can even attach files and pull text from them. Just keep in mind that Claude 2 doesn’t have internet access, and it’s limited by the information it already knows.

Right now, Claude is free to use in certain countries. Give it a try and let us know what you think.

Key Features: 

  • 100k context window, 
  • Can use libraries of books, 
  • Similar to the GPT-4 model, 
  • Supports PDF file uploads, 
  • More cost-effective than GPT-4, 
  • Safe language model


  • Totally free to use, at least for now
  • Responds quickly


  • It’s not available everywhere

Give Claude 2 a spin.

7. Llama 2

After the success of Llama, Meta, the company behind it, has introduced Llama 2 to the open-source community. This time, they’ve brought out pre-trained and fine-tuned models with a lot more smarts.

These models come in different sizes, from 7 billion to a whopping 70 billion parameters. Llama 2 can handle bigger chunks of information, with a context length of up to 4096 words. That’s twice as much as the older Llama. It’s been trained on a massive pile of 2 trillion pieces of text from the internet.

When it comes to what Llama 2 can do, it’s pretty good at reasoning and coding tasks. However, when tested against the HumanEval benchmark, it doesn’t do as well as GPT-4 or even the GPT-3.5 models.

Key Features: 

  • Ranked high among open-source models, 
  • Trained on models with 7 billion to 70 billion parameters, 
  • Handles big chunks of text, 
  • Similar to GPT-3.5, 
  • Good at reasoning and coding


  • Free and open-source
  • Really good at reasoning and coding
  • Works quickly


  • Doesn’t perform as well in the HumanEval benchmark

Give Llama 2 a shot.

8. HuggingChat

If you’re looking for a great alternative to ChatGPT, check out HuggingChat. It’s like a smart chatbot created by HuggingFace, a well-known website with lots of AI services. HuggingChat uses the Meta AI (LLaMA) language model, which has around 65 billion parameters. Even though it has fewer parameters than ChatGPT, it’s still super smart.

HuggingChat can do pretty much everything ChatGPT can do. It can write interesting blog posts, tell jokes, generate HTML code for websites, give you recipes, and much more. What’s cool is that it can also access the web. When you turn on this feature, HuggingChat can search the internet and give you even more information that’s relevant to your questions. So, the next time ChatGPT isn’t working, give this alternative a try.

Key Features: 

  • A versatile model for various tasks, 
  • Can access the web, 
  • Great for coding, 
  • Powered by Meta’s open-source models


  • It responds quickly


  • It has fewer parameters compared to ChatGPT

Give HuggingChat a go.

9. Pi, your personal AI

Out of all the alternatives to ChatGPT, Pi offers a unique experience. Pi isn’t your typical chatbot. It’s designed to be a helpful and smart AI. What sets Pi apart is how it handles conversations. Instead of having long conversations, Pi chats with you dialogue by dialogue. 

What’s even more interesting is that Pi is one of the few chatbots that talks back like a real person. The website even offers four different voices to choose from, and they sound remarkably realistic and strangely comforting.

Pi starts the conversation and tries to understand each message you send. It approaches conversations in a therapeutic way, being curious and comforting. Although it can get a bit repetitive if you chat with it for a long time, Pi is one of the best ChatGPT alternatives out there. 

However, you’ll need to create an account and provide a working phone number to sign up, which might not be ideal for everyone. Still, it’s worth giving Pi a try.

Key Features: 

  • Your personal AI chatbot, 
  • Converses like a therapist, 
  • Engaging and conversational


  • It’s effective at mental health conversations
  • The voice sounds realistic and comforting


  • You need a phone number to sign up

Give Pi, your personal AI, a shot.

10. GitHub Copilot X

ChatGPT isn’t just for students; it’s a useful tool for programmers too. GitHub Copilot X is designed for developers who sometimes struggle with coding. Copilot X is built on the latest GPT-4 model from OpenAI and has been trained on a massive dataset containing millions of lines of code. 

Think of it as an advanced auto-completion system, but it does much more. It helps developers by suggesting and completing code, even entire functions, in real-time. It’s like your secret weapon for overcoming coding challenges.

GitHub Copilot works smoothly with popular coding editors like VS Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and JetBrains. 

This intuitive ChatGPT alternative can generate code in various programming languages, including JavaScript, PHP, BASH, and more. GitHub has also added chat and voice features to Copilot, offering an experience similar to ChatGPT. You can ask Copilot X for code improvements, and it will provide real-time suggestions.

Besides helping with code, Copilot X can provide in-depth analysis and explanations of code blocks, thanks to the power of GPT-4. It supports pull requests, answers questions about documentation, and offers a personalized developer experience. Copilot is available at $10 per month for individuals and $19 per user per month for businesses.

Key Features: 

  • Powered by GPT-4, 
  • Ideal for coding tasks, 
  • Compatible with various IDEs, 
  • Code autocompletion, 
  • Test function generation, 
  • GitHub integration for code-related functionalities, 
  • Code debugging support


  • It helps you generate code quickly
  • It provides detailed code analysis and explanations
  • It offers a ChatGPT-like experience for coding


  • The code generated may not always be perfect
  • It’s a bit pricey

Give GitHub Copilot X a try.

11. OpenAI Playground

From the get-go, it’s important to understand that OpenAI Playground isn’t meant for everyday use. However, if you ever find yourself unable to access ChatGPT but still want to explore its capabilities, OpenAI Playground is the way to go. 

This web-based tool is similar to ChatGPT but offers advanced options. You can select a specific language model to experiment with and tweak various settings like model randomness, token count, frequency penalties, stop sequences, and more.

Since OpenAI Playground is essentially a demo version of the ChatGPT service, its outputs are just as good as ChatGPT, giving you a taste of the real thing. You can try out some of the cool ChatGPT prompts mentioned in this article. This chatbot demo also supports speech-to-text inputs, and you can even upload an audio recording.

Unlike some AI bots, Playground responds quickly and smoothly. It’s also free to use, as long as you sign up for an account. However, be aware that, like ChatGPT, you might lose access if the server is really busy.

Key Features: 

  • Offers various model customizations, 
  • Access to different models, 
  • Supports audio recording uploads, 
  • Free to use


  • You have many language models to choose from
  • You can customize the settings extensively
  • It provides accuracy and responds quickly, just like ChatGPT


  • It’s not meant for regular use

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Are AI Chatbots?

AI chatbots are like computer programs and apps that try to talk to you like a person. Imagine having a chat with someone on your computer or phone, and it feels just like talking to a human, even though it’s actually a computer program. 

With ChatGPT becoming popular, there are now lots of these chatbots. They can do more than just chat; they can write essays, solve math problems, and do all sorts of things. Many of the alternatives to ChatGPT we talked about here can have conversations with you and answer like a person.

Are There Other Options Instead of ChatGPT?

Yes, there are many other options to use instead of ChatGPT in 2023. From the list we talked about earlier, it doesn’t matter if you’re into coding, writing, or just looking for answers, there’s a chatbot for you. 

Whether it’s Tome for making presentations or Bard for having conversations, you’ve got plenty of choices to explore.

Is There a Free Version of ChatGPT?

Yes, ChatGPT itself is free to use. You can play around with it and see how it works without paying anything. But if you want to try the fancier GPT-4 model, you’ll need to sign up and pay $20 every month. 

This gets you access to a better language model and ensures you can use it whenever you want. You can find out how to get GPT-4 access and give it a try.

Are There Other Tools Like ChatGPT?

Absolutely! There are lots of tools that are a lot like ChatGPT. If you’re interested in chatbots that work like ChatGPT, you can check out Chatsonic and Jasper Chat from the list above. You can start chatting with these alternatives to ChatGPT.

What’s Google’s Version of ChatGPT?

Google has made some language models before, like BERT, MUM, and LaMDA. But the closest thing Google has to ChatGPT is Bard. We talked about it earlier. Bard is a bit like ChatGPT, but it’s still in testing, so you might have to wait a bit before you can use it.

The post Check Out These 12 Great ChatGPT Alternatives in 2023 (Some Are Free!) appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Find the Perfect Work-From-Home Customer Service Job

Working from home has become a popular choice for many people, and customer service jobs are no exception. With the increasing demand for remote work opportunities, finding the perfect work-from-home customer service job is now more feasible than ever before.

Whether you are looking to transition into a new career or simply want to have the flexibility to work from the comfort of your own home, this article will guide you through the entire process.

Understanding the basics of customer service jobs

Before diving into finding the perfect work-from-home customer service job, it’s important to understand the fundamentals of this profession. Customer service representatives play a vital role in ensuring customer satisfaction and maintaining positive relationships with clients.

Customer service representatives are the frontline of a company, serving as the main point of contact for customers. They are responsible for providing assistance, addressing concerns, and resolving issues that customers may have. Whether it’s answering phone calls, responding to emails, or providing support through online chat platforms, customer service representatives are always ready to lend a helping hand.

But being a customer service representative is more than just providing assistance. It’s about building trust and rapport with customers. By listening carefully to their needs and concerns, customer service representatives can empathize with customers and provide tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements.

The Role and Responsibilities of a Customer Service Representative

As a customer service representative, your primary responsibility is to assist customers and address their concerns or inquiries. This can involve answering phone calls, responding to emails, or providing support through online chat platforms. Additionally, you may be required to process orders, troubleshoot technical issues, or handle billing inquiries.

Customer service representatives are the problem solvers of the company. They have the skills and knowledge to handle a wide range of customer issues, from simple inquiries to complex problems. They are trained to remain calm and composed, even in challenging situations, and to provide effective solutions that leave customers satisfied.

Good communication skills are essential in this role. You must be able to listen carefully to customers, empathize with their concerns, and provide clear and concise solutions. Patience, problem-solving abilities, and a positive attitude are also crucial traits for a successful customer service representative.

Essential Skills for a Successful Customer Service Job

In addition to excellent communication skills, there are several other skills that can greatly enhance your performance as a customer service representative. These include:

  1. Empathy: Being able to understand and relate to the needs of customers is essential in providing effective service. By putting yourself in their shoes, you can better address their concerns and provide personalized solutions.
  2. Time management: Managing multiple tasks and inquiries simultaneously is a common aspect of customer service jobs. Being able to prioritize and organize your workload efficiently will ensure that you can provide prompt and efficient service to all customers.
  3. Adaptability: Customer service representatives must be able to handle various situations and adapt quickly to changing circumstances. Every customer is unique, and being able to adjust your approach and communication style accordingly is crucial for success.
  4. Product knowledge: Having a deep understanding of the products or services you are representing will enable you to provide accurate and informative assistance to customers. By being knowledgeable about the features, benefits, and usage of the products, you can confidently address customer inquiries and provide valuable recommendations.

Customer service jobs require a combination of technical skills, interpersonal skills, and a genuine desire to help others. By mastering these essential skills, you can excel in your role as a customer service representative and make a positive impact on the overall customer experience.

Transitioning to a work-from-home setup

Once you have a solid understanding of customer service jobs, it’s time to consider the specific aspects of working from home. While there are many advantages to remote work, there are also some challenges that come with it.

Working from home offers numerous benefits, such as flexibility, reduced commuting time, and a comfortable work environment. You have the freedom to create your own schedule and maintain a better work-life balance.

However, it’s important to be aware of the potential drawbacks as well. Remote work can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation, as there is limited face-to-face interaction with colleagues. Additionally, maintaining self-discipline and staying motivated can be challenging without the structure and supervision of a traditional office environment.

One of the key advantages of working from home is the flexibility it offers. You have the freedom to set your own hours and work at your own pace. This can be especially beneficial for individuals with other commitments, such as childcare or caring for elderly family members. With a work-from-home setup, you have the ability to create a schedule that accommodates your personal and professional needs.

Reduced commuting time is another major perk of working from home. Instead of spending hours each day stuck in traffic or crammed into public transportation, you can simply walk a few steps to your home office. This not only saves you time but also reduces stress and allows you to start your workday feeling refreshed and energized.

A comfortable work environment is crucial for productivity and overall well-being. When working from home, you have the freedom to design your workspace in a way that suits your preferences. Whether it’s a cozy corner with a view, a standing desk, or a dedicated room for your office, you can create a space that inspires and motivates you to do your best work.

Despite the many advantages, there are some challenges that come with remote work. One of the most common issues is the feeling of isolation. Without the daily interactions with colleagues in a traditional office setting, it’s easy to feel disconnected and lonely. However, there are ways to combat this. You can schedule regular video calls or virtual meetings with your team, join online communities or forums related to your industry, or even consider coworking spaces where you can work alongside other remote professionals.

Another challenge of working from home is maintaining self-discipline and staying motivated. Without the structure and supervision of a traditional office, it can be tempting to procrastinate or get easily distracted. Setting clear goals, creating a daily routine, and eliminating distractions in your workspace can help you stay focused and productive.

Necessary Tools and Equipment for a Home Office

Before diving into the job search process, it’s essential to set up a functional home office. Some of the essential tools and equipment you may need include:

  • A reliable computer or laptop
  • High-speed internet connection
  • An ergonomic desk and chair for long hours of work
  • A quiet and distraction-free workspace
  • Headset or headphones for taking calls

Investing in these tools will help you create a productive and professional work environment in your home.

Having a reliable computer or laptop is crucial for remote work. It’s important to choose a device that can handle the demands of your job, whether it’s handling multiple applications simultaneously or running resource-intensive software. Additionally, having a backup plan, such as a secondary device or a reliable internet connection, can help you avoid any potential disruptions in your work.

A high-speed internet connection is essential for remote work, as it allows you to stay connected with your team, access necessary files and documents, and communicate with customers or clients. Make sure to choose a plan that offers sufficient bandwidth and reliability to support your work requirements.

An ergonomic desk and chair are important for maintaining good posture and avoiding any potential health issues that may arise from prolonged sitting. Look for a desk and chair that can be adjusted to your specific needs, such as height and lumbar support. This will help you stay comfortable and focused during long hours of work.

Creating a quiet and distraction-free workspace is crucial for productivity. Choose a dedicated area in your home where you can set up your office, away from any potential sources of noise or interruptions. This will help you create a professional environment and minimize distractions that may hinder your work.

Investing in a good quality headset or headphones is important for taking calls and participating in virtual meetings. Clear audio is essential for effective communication, and having a reliable headset can help you maintain professionalism and ensure that you can hear and be heard clearly.

Identifying the right work-from-home customer service job

With the increasing popularity of remote work, there are now numerous work-from-home customer service job opportunities available. This trend has opened up new possibilities for individuals seeking flexible employment options. However, it’s important to identify the type of job that aligns with your interests, skills, and career goals in order to maximize your job satisfaction and success.

When it comes to work-from-home customer service jobs, there is a wide range of options available. Customer service roles can vary greatly depending on the industry and the company. Some common types of customer service jobs include:

  • Inbound customer service representative: This role involves handling incoming customer inquiries and providing assistance or resolving issues.
  • Technical support specialist: Technical support specialists assist customers with troubleshooting technical problems or providing guidance on using a product or service.
  • Live chat agent: Live chat agents communicate with customers through online chat platforms, providing real-time assistance and support.
  • Sales support representative: Sales support representatives work closely with the sales team, providing customer service and support throughout the sales process.
  • Customer service manager: Customer service managers oversee a team of customer service representatives, ensuring that customer inquiries and issues are handled effectively and efficiently.

Each of these roles requires different skills and responsibilities, so it’s important to research and choose the type of job that suits you best. Consider your strengths, interests, and long-term career goals when making a decision.

When evaluating potential work-from-home customer service jobs, there are several factors to consider:

  1. Job requirements: Make sure you meet the necessary qualifications and skills required for the position. This may include specific technical knowledge, communication skills, or previous customer service experience.
  2. Company culture: Research the company’s values and work environment to ensure it aligns with your personal preferences. Consider factors such as the company’s mission, employee benefits, and opportunities for growth and development.
  3. Working hours: Determine if the job provides the flexibility you need, such as part-time or full-time options. Remote work often offers more flexibility in terms of working hours, but it’s important to clarify expectations with the employer.
  4. Compensation and benefits: Assess the salary, bonuses, and benefits package offered by the company. Consider factors such as competitive pay, health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks that may be important to you.

Considering these factors will help you narrow down your options and find the perfect work-from-home customer service job. Remember to take your time and thoroughly research each opportunity to ensure a good fit. With the right job, you can enjoy the benefits of remote work while providing excellent customer service and achieving your career goals.

Applying for a work-from-home customer service job

Now that you have identified the type of job you are interested in, it’s time to prepare your application materials and stand out from the competition.

Working from home has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering individuals the flexibility to balance their personal and professional lives. With advancements in technology, many companies now offer remote customer service positions, allowing individuals to provide excellent customer support from the comfort of their own homes.

Crafting an Effective Resume and Cover Letter

Your resume and cover letter are your first opportunity to showcase your skills and experiences to potential employers. Tailor your resume to highlight relevant customer service experience and any additional skills that align with the job requirements.

When crafting your resume, consider including specific examples of customer service situations you have handled in the past. Highlight your ability to remain calm under pressure, effectively communicate with customers, and resolve issues in a timely manner. Additionally, mention any relevant certifications or training you have completed that demonstrate your commitment to providing exceptional customer service.

In your cover letter, emphasize your passion for customer service and explain why you are interested in working from home. Be sure to address any specific requirements mentioned in the job posting and showcase your ability to work independently and maintain strong communication skills.

Highlighting your ability to adapt to different communication channels, such as phone, email, or live chat, can also be beneficial. Employers value candidates who can effectively navigate various platforms to provide seamless customer experiences.

Acing the Job Interview

If your application is successful, you may be invited for a job interview. To prepare for the interview, research the company and the role extensively. Gain a thorough understanding of the company’s values, mission, and customer service approach.

During your research, identify any recent customer service initiatives the company has implemented or any challenges they may be facing. This will allow you to speak knowledgeably about how you can contribute to their success and address their specific needs.

Practice answering common interview questions, such as how you handle difficult customers or how you prioritize tasks when faced with multiple inquiries. Be prepared to provide specific examples of situations where you successfully resolved customer issues, demonstrating your problem-solving skills and ability to think on your feet.

During the interview, highlight your customer service skills and provide specific examples of situations where you successfully resolved customer issues. Show your enthusiasm for remote work and emphasize your ability to work well independently.

Additionally, showcase your adaptability and willingness to learn. Remote customer service positions often require individuals to quickly adapt to new technologies and processes. Highlight any instances where you successfully learned and mastered new systems or software.

Remember to ask thoughtful questions about the company’s remote work policies, training programs, and opportunities for growth. This demonstrates your genuine interest in the position and your commitment to long-term success.

Thriving in a work-from-home customer service job

Congratulations! You have secured a work-from-home customer service job. Now it’s time to ensure your success and grow in your career.

Tips for Staying Productive and Balanced

Working from home requires self-discipline and effective time management. Here are some tips to help you stay productive and maintain a healthy work-life balance:

  • Create a daily schedule and stick to it.
  • Set specific goals and deadlines for your tasks.
  • Take regular breaks and move around to avoid burnout.
  • Establish boundaries between work and personal life, and create a dedicated workspace.

By implementing these strategies, you can stay focused and maintain a healthy work-life integration.

Building a Career in Customer Service

Working from home in customer service is not only a great opportunity to have job flexibility, but it can also be a stepping stone for career growth. Seek opportunities for learning and development, such as online courses or certifications, to enhance your skills.

Networking with professionals in the field and seeking feedback from your supervisors can also contribute to your career advancement. By continuously improving your skills and seizing opportunities, you can build a successful and fulfilling career in customer service.

Final thoughts

Finding the perfect work-from-home customer service job requires a combination of understanding the basics of customer service, transitioning to a work-from-home setup, identifying the right job, and preparing a strong application.

Once you secure a job, staying productive and focused, as well as seeking growth opportunities, will help you thrive in your career. With the increasing demand for remote work opportunities, there has never been a better time to find the perfect work-from-home customer service job.

The post Find the Perfect Work-From-Home Customer Service Job appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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