Thursday, June 20, 2024

A Secret Guilty Pleasure

Charlie Munger was the right hand man to Warren Buffet for decades and between them they created an investment company that in 2024 was valued at $877 billion. Before his death he made this comment about Warren’s reading habits – “All he does all day is sit on his ass reading.” Charlie estimated that Warren spent up to 8 hours a day looking like he was unbusy. 

Reading has always been a joy for me. It started when I was a grade one student that had just learned to read. And I fell in love with the stories of pirates, adventurers and cowboys. There’s a bit of a theme there. Rebellion. Or is it an adventure? But that’s another story. 

My favorite places at school were not only playing sports on the oval with my friends but also in quiet seclusion in the library. The librarian became my second mum. 

But reading has always felt like a secret guilty pleasure. A few decades later, I too spend a lot of my days sitting on my ass and reading. I’ve not only fallen in love with the words on the page but creating words “for” a page. 

Like Stephen King once said, “If you want to be a writer you need to read. There is no other way.”

In an information age and a knowledge economy there needs to be capturing of information, absorbing and inputting knowledge. Input first, output second. It’s needed and essential for producing ideas and the gaining of wisdom. 

But we have a lot of information and it seems at the moment there is not a lot of wisdom. What did Charlie go on to say about developing wisdom? “In my whole life, I have known no wise people who didn’t read all the time—none, zero. You’d be amazed at how much Warren reads—and how much I read. My children laugh at me. They think I’m a book with a couple of legs sticking out.”

My reading flows into my writing. I read and write to learn. To make sense of the world. To distill noise into sense. To actualize the ephemeral into black and white. Pen on the page. So I can share what I discover with the world. 

That passion for reading transcended into a blog that had 5 million readers a year, writing for the New York Times and speaking in dozens of countries all around the world. Reading, writing and sharing created and manifested my own world of adventure.

Today I still feel a bit guilty sitting on a soft sofa consuming page after page sipping black coffe and taking notes. But since I now know it worked well for Warren Buffet and Berkshire Hathaway, I have moved on from what felt like a secret guilty pleasure and a quiet sin not to be manic and productive in clinical busyness and serve the corporate masters mode to realizing it is what’s needed to unleash the power of what lies within. 

How much reading are you doing?

The post A Secret Guilty Pleasure appeared first on

* This article was originally published here

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

7 Best Sites to Buy YouTube Views (Real & Instant)

Choosing the right site to buy YouTube Views can be a hard to find.

We decided to research whats available and after auditing over 25+ websites to find the best sites to buy views on YouTube, we have narrowed it down for you!

Let’s take a deeper looking into your options of the top rated sites!

7 Best sites to Buy YouTube Views

Our full comparison list of the 7 best sites that provide real, high quality and cheap YouTube views, which will ensure your chances of going viral!

1. UseViral

Buy Youtube Views from

Rated: 9.5/10 is first website on my list.

The reason we like UseViral is that this website sells real viewership from real people (not bots).

Because these viewers are real, it’s safe for your account, to help you grow a real audience.

UseViral has also been featured in blogs like Chicoer Enterprise, BuffZone, and more.


  • High Quality Viewers
  • Real Users
  • Money-Back Guarantee


  • Limited Packages

For more info, visit

2. SidesMedia

Buy Youtube Views from

Rated: 9.3/10

The second website on my list is

This website sells high-quality services that come from real people, and these real views who also like your videos and subscribe to your channel. They offer fast delivery and have good 24-7 customer support.

SidesMedia has been featured in news sites like Times Standard and Times of Israel.


  • High Quality Services
  • Fast Delivery
  • Money-Back Guarantee


  • They don’t offer a free trial

For more info, Buy YouTube Views from

3. Growthoid

Growthoid website selling YouTube views

Rated: 8.9/10

Another good place for buying viewers is

Growthoid has a strong reputation for delivering real and genuine viewers, so you won’t get stuck with bot viewers that put your account at risk.

Growthoid was featured in blogs like Outlook India, Deccan Herald, and Business Review.


  • Professional Company
  • 5+ years of experience
  • Good customer support


  • No free trial

For more info, visit

4. Tokupgrade

Tokupgrade website Youtube services

Rated: 7.5/10

Tokupgrade offers more than just the option to buy YouTube views. They’ve got a range of social media promotion services including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Spotify, and more.

One thing I like about Tokupgrade is its live chat – you can get in touch with their team in real-time and answer any questions you have before making a purchase. They also have secure payments, fast delivery, and don’t require your password.

This website was also featured in Outlook India.


  • Experienced team of marketers
  • Affordable Pricing
  • Fast


  • Limited payment options

Check out Tokupgrade here.

5. Twesocial

Twesocial website

Rated: 7.1/10

Next on the list is Twesocial. Much like Toupgrade, Twesocial provides a range of social media promotion services to help boost your profiles.

Its starting price is a little higher than the first two services on the list, but it’s still affordable. They also have 24/7 support, via email and live chat, and don’t require your password. However, I couldn’t find any notes on whether or not the viewers would be from real users or not.


  • Quick delivery
  • Good Retention
  • 24/7 support


  • Relatively new company

Find out more at Twesocial.

6. Famoid


Rated: 6.9/10

Famoid focuses its services on Instagram, Facebook, and. They’ve worked with over 200,000 customers to deliver millions of viewers and likes for their customers.

It also exclusively engages with real accounts to increase your viewers after you pay for viewers.


  • High Quality
  • Also sells services on Instagram
  • Instant delivery


  • No option for a slower delivery

Check out Famoid here.

7. ViewersExpert

Views Expert Website

Rated: 6.7/10

Viewers expert can help you grow your social presence by utilizing a vast network of users across, Instagram, Linkedin, Spotify and more. All you need to do is select your package to buy viewers, checkout, and watch your viewers rise.

They have a variety of real customer testimonials, 24/7 support, and guarantee refills if your viewers drop off.


  • Cheap prices
  • Speedy delivery
  • Guarantee


  • Will not increase your engagement

Find out more about viewers expert here.


FastLikes Website

Rated: 6.5/10

Fastlikes offers social media growth services for several different networks – including. They have eight plans to help you buy active viewers packages, all with fast delivery, guaranteed refills, 24/7 customer support, and secure payments.

Its prices are comparable to other services on this list and provide refunds under some circumstances.


  • Secure payment system
  • Good prices
  • Warranty


  • They don’t accept crypto payments

See here.

9. FollowersUp


Rated: 6.3/10

Up next is FollowersUp, another growth service with affordable packages. FollowersUp has the biggest range of social networks for its services, with niche platforms such as Telegram, Vimeo, Likee, and Snapchat all supported.

I couldn’t find any customer testimonials on its website, but it’s been around since 2016 and has 24/7 customer support. So if you’re unsure, have a chat with the team and ask some questions.


  • Boost your numbers quickly
  • Established business
  • SSL secure website


  • No live chat

Find out more about FollowersUp here.

10. Media Mister

Media Mister Website

Rated: 5.9/10

Last on the list of sites for buying viewers is Media Mister. Media Mister is one of the longest standing social media growth services, with packages for likes and followers across all the major social platforms.

When it comes to wanting to buy YT viewers, a great thing about Media Mister is you can choose how the viewers are purchased – via its network, Google Ads, Premieres, Video Discovery Ads, Live Stream, or targeted by country. The country targeting is one of my favorite features.


  • 10 years of experience
  • Over 10,000 customers
  • Warranty


  • No phone support (email only)

Find out more about Media Mister here.

How much does it cost to Buy YouTube views?

The price varies depending on the service you choose and the number of viewers you’re looking for.

Packages start at just $3.99 for 500 viewers all the way up to $1,499.99 for 250,000 viewers, with numerous packages in between.

I’d recommend starting with a smaller package until you’re familiar with the service and working your way up from there.

Also, it will look more organic and not raise any alarms if you take things slowly.

How do you get one thousand viewers for free?

When you buy YouTube Views it can accelerate the growth of your channel, but you also need to follow organic best practices too. Viewers are worthless if people aren’t compelled to subscribe and watch again next time you post a video!

Here are some tips you can follow to get more viewers without just paying for them:

  • Target a niche. Due to the enormous number of creators trying to make a splash, it’s super crowded. If you try to compete for attention in generic categories it will be extremely hard to gain traction. By targeting a smaller niche, you can get noticed more quickly.
  • Create entertaining or informative content. It may sound simple, but you need to create interesting content! Viewers want to be entertained or informed about a topic, don’t create boring content and expect to grow interest in your brand.
  • Follow best practice video search optimization. is the second biggest search engine in the world and also features in Google search results. To feature in searches, be sure to optimize your videos for keywords, use relevant tags, and create keyword optimized “chapters” in the video progress bar.
Youtube How to
  • Use cards and end screens. You can add cards and end screens to your videos after they are published to direct viewers to other videos, branded pages, or encourage them to subscribe to your channel. They’re essential for increasing viewers organically.
  • Design custom thumbnails. automatically generates a thumbnail for your video, but you can upload a custom image. This allows you to optimize the thumbnail with text, relevant graphics, and on-brand colors. Custom thumbnails get higher click-throughs. Nick Nimmin’s channel below shows what custom thumbnails look like:
Nick-Nimmin YouTube
  • Create playlists. playlists allow you to group videos based on a series or category. They’re great for encouraging people to watch more of your videos if they like what they see.

As you can see, there are several things you can do to generate viewers organically. Use these tactics in collaboration with buying viewers for the best results.

Did you know that it is the world’s second most visited website?

In fact, people watch over a billion hours of video every day.


But as with any popular digital platform, it is crowded.

Thousands and thousands of creators are trying to make a splash on the platform and get their content found. Brands, wannabe influencers, and mommy bloggers are all riding the wave of video obsession that has infected society.

So how do you stand out? Should you buy likes or viewers to “jump the queue” and get noticed?

Buying viewers and buying real viewers safely and securely is possible.

Why do views matter?

viewers are a key component to growing a brand and reputation on. The more viewers you have on a video, the more likely people will choose to watch it when it pops up in their feed.

viewers act as social proof to persuade users to take a moment and check out your content. They’re a credibility booster. They result in likes, subscribers, better search performance, and organic traffic to your channel. It’s a compounding effect that builds momentum and helps you grow your channel.

Is it illegal to buy YouTube views?

Put simply, no it’s not illegal.

But there’s a caveat…

It’s against Terms of Service to buy bot viewers or to trick people into watching a video.

However, if you choose the right service for buying viewers you shouldn’t have an issue. The best promotion services work with a network of REAL users who view and interact with videos. How could it possibly be illegal for someone to watch a video? It’s not.

There are also rumours that you could get your account banned, a video deleted, or lose your view count if you buy viewers. While this isn’t impossible, it’s very very rare. If you work with reputable providers, ten of which I’m about to mention in this article, and follow best practices for drip-feeding viewers over a reasonable amount of time, your account and videos will all be safe.

How to buy YouTube views?

If it’s so important to buy real viewers and avoid bots, where can you find them?

There are thousands of services that sell viewers. Many of which are 100% safe to use and some that are dodgy bot farms.

To find the right service provider, look out for these signs of credibility:

  • Secure website. Make sure the site you’re buying viewers from has an SSL certificate installed, signalled by the “lock” sign in the browser bar.
  • Reputable payment gateway. Be confident when buying viewers by ensuring they use reputable payment providers, such as Apple Pay, and accept the major credit cards.
Where to buy real YouTube Views
  • Real testimonials. Read through their customer testimonials, if they have any, to ensure they look real and genuine.
  • Customer service. Ideally the service you choose will have responsive support available 24/7 so you can get the help you need if anything goes awry.
  • Genuine users. Make sure you are buying viewers from real users, not bots. The best services will clearly state this on their website.
Best value packages when you buy YouTube Views
  • Anonymity. To keep your account safe, the best services keep it anonymous when growing your video engagement.

All these sites offer good service and more than one cheap viewers package for your profile.

They offer Subscribers, viewers, and even comments. With Useviral you can, quickly and easily get started they are often recommended as the best location to buy comments, viewers, and subscribers. 

All their packages include:

  • High-Quality Services for viewers
  • High Retention viewers (Improved watch hours)
  • Refill Guarantee for 30 days
  • Dedicated Support Included

We highly recommend using Useviral for your promotion to boost exposure and purchase viewers.

Getting started is simple, and fast:

  1. Select a package
  2. Enter your URL
  3. Choose payment method ‘apple pay or credit card’

All done! It’s really that easy.

After paying you will see results within minutes and receive a confirmation email.

Buy Country Targeted YouTube Views

It is possible to buy services that are country-specific and targeted from these countries:

Some providers offer a much large range of targeted country viewers, so you an explore those options if they are relevant to you.

Channels from growth services or other high quality services like social media growth services for social media platforms using legit social media campaigns and social media services or services.

Rest assured that after you buy, these services and growth services will deliver high quality services on all social media platforms for your channel or channels.

If you want to promote your video on popular social media platforms or other social media platforms to get more social media engagement on other social media platforms after you buy viewers on cheap for your video.

From a good customer support team that sells services on this social media platform to boost your engagement with an SSL encrypted payment gateway that pleases the algorithm, find your target audience using a third party service provider providing high quality services.

With an expert digital marketing team and high quality growth services after you purchase viewers packages from their expert digital marketing team without spam accounts, you’ll see benefits within your social media marketing campaign.

You can ask them questions before you, after you buy, at the same time as you buy, or at any time before you buy or after you buy to get more information. You can either buy today, buy tomorrow, or buy every week or buy every month.

Why self-promotion is important

Self-promotion is a crucial aspect of building a successful career or business. In today’s competitive world, simply relying on your skills and qualifications may not be enough to stand out from the crowd.

By actively promoting yourself, you can create opportunities and attract attention to your talents and abilities.

One of the key reasons why self-promotion is important is that it allows you to showcase your expertise and accomplishments. It enables you to highlight your unique strengths and demonstrate what sets you apart from others in your field.

Whether through social media, networking events, or personal branding strategies, self-promotion helps you build a strong professional reputation that can open doors for new partnerships, clients, or job offers.

Additionally, self-promotion empowers you to take control of your own success. By actively marketing yourself and sharing your achievements with others, you are positioning yourself as an authority in your industry.

This increased visibility can lead to increased credibility among peers and potential customers or employers who may be more likely to choose you for opportunities.

Ultimately, by investing time and effort in self-promotion strategies, you are investing in your future growth and ensuring that others recognize the value you bring to the table. Ask questions before you buy, after you buy, at the same time as you buy, or before you buy each week or before you buy each month.

Wrapping up

There you have it, a guide to buy YouTube Views from the top sites!

Viewers are the lifeblood of your channel and by using a promotion service like one of the ten listed above, you can fast-track your way to stardom.

It doesn’t break the bank and get the ball rolling. Start with a small package, see how it goes, and work your way up from there.

Be sure to follow best practices for getting organic viewers on your videos too, by creating entertaining content, optimizing your videos for search and engagement, and creating playlists.

Ready to become famous?

Check out the #1 site, according to our test, to get started today –

About The Author: Antonio Lorenzo is a tech entrepreneur who is passionate about marketing. He has helped hundreds of companies succeed on social networks.

The post 7 Best Sites to Buy YouTube Views (Real & Instant) appeared first on

* This article was originally published here

Start making $100+ per day this week with the best dfy system - Subscribe here!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

5 Best sites to Buy Spotify Plays & Monthly Listeners

It can be confusing choosing the right site for buying Spotify plays & monthly listeners from…

It can take you months or years of hard work to record quality music and promote it on Spotify… and you might feel like giving up completely…

How can you you fix this?

You can buy plays on Spotify.

We tested over 23 websites that sell Spotify plays and made a list of the top 5 sites in this blog post.

Here’s a list of the 5 best sites to buy Spotify plays and monthly listeners

We recommend using one of the providers who we have carefully tested for quality and reliability:

1. UseViral

Buy Spotify Plays from

Score: 9.5/10

You can buy real Spotify plays from

This website is selling genuine plays from real human users who are active on Spotify, so they will listen to your songs and share them with other listeners. 

UseViral has been featured in many magazines like ‘Chicoer‘, ‘Forbes’ and ‘Business Review’ as the best site to buy Spotify followers & plays.


  • Real Spotify plays
  • Active users
  • Real and high quality monthly listeners
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee


  • They don’t accept Bitcoin payments

For more info, visit

2. SidesMedia

Score: 9.3/10

The next website on my list is

This website is selling real Spotify monthly listeners and plays that come from real humans with active Spotify accounts, so they will listen to your tracks and share your songs with other users active on the platform. 

They’re featured in magazines like Business Insider, Startup Info.


  • Real Plays from real people
  • Active Spotify users
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee


  • They don’t accept Bitcoin payments

For more info, visit

3. Growthoid

Score: 7.9/10

Growthoid is a Spotify promotion service. They are the kind of company that can tap into a vast network of influencers and connections in their industry to help you advance your Spotify’s reputation.

The best part is, they make the entire setup process really simple and straightforward. All you have to do is go to their website, and decide how many Spotify plays you want to purchase right now.

They depend on their network as a promotion service to ensure that you get high-quality plays, which is going to protect your Spotify’s reputation.

The reason that we like Growthoid is that they guarantee 100% real Spotify plays. This means that they aren’t in the business of using bots with their clients, which could pose a risk to your reputation. Instead, they take the time to find authentic engagement for your music, so that you can grow it in ways that are credible and build your social proof.

Another thing that you will like about Growthoid is that they are relatively affordable, especially when you compare them to other companies in the industry.

On this site, you can also Buy Spotify Monthly Listeners, Growthoid was recommended as the best site to buy Spotify monthly listeners.

Check out Growthoid if you wish to obtain more information about their services.


  • Professional social network promotion
  • This promotion is compatible with various platforms
  • Good customer support


  • Limited payment options

4. Spotify Ads

Score: 7.5/10

Just like any other popular social network out there like YouTube or Instagram, Spotify has a way of helping its users promote their music to their target audience through paid ads.

So, this means that you’re not technically buying Spotify plays, you’re amassing them through Spotify’s ad system. The more you pay for Spotify to promote your music, the more people are likely to come and check out your Spotify playlists and sign up to become regular listeners.

This approach is more organic than buying Spotify plays outright, and it can take a lot longer to grow your Spotify monthly listeners and plays. However, the downside to this approach is that it is relatively expensive.

Only people who have a solid budget for social media marketing on their account are going to be able to afford something like this because it’s a high price to pay for relatively little return.

However, what you do get with this approach is safety. This method is definitely not going to put your account at risk of being suspended or banned by Spotify, because you are working directly with them to buy Spotify streams.


  • Establish your presence in the music world.
  • Affordable prices
  • Cost efficient services


  • No live chat support

5. Other Ad Networks

Score: 6.9/10

You might not know this, but you can actually use other ad networks out there to get traffic to your Spotify profile. These include Facebook of course, but there are lesser-known options as well including Outbrain.

The thing about other ad networks, though, is that there is a lot less user intent. This means that you have to go out to other networks and websites and encourage those people to make the leap to your Spotify profile. You can think of this approach as cold calling – before you call them, they weren’t even thinking about being interested in your Spotify tracks.

This is a harder method because you aren’t engaging with people who are already on the platform. This also means that your cost-per-view can end up being a lot higher, which means that it’s going to end up costing a lot of money to grow your plays on your Spotify tracks.

The upside to this approach is that it does end up exposing you to a much wider network of users, which is going to be great for track awareness and promoting your name as an artist in general. If you are trying to find other people online and convert them into Spotify listeners, then this is a good option. Just remember that it’s going to cost you a lot of money to get your Spotify profile to a good place, where you are satisfied with your play count.


  • This website is a recommended option to promote your account
  • It is also possible to purchase Spotify listeners
  • You can buy safely and securely


  • There is no choice for a slower delivery

Bonus: Influencer Marketing

Another way to get more attention is to make the most of influencer marketing. There’s a good chance that you probably already know a fair bit about influencer marketing, as it’s currently one of the most popular methods to be seen by the right people in your industry on Spotify and other social networks.

The thing about influencer marketing is that it involves many more factors than direct advertising, so we’re not saying that it’s necessarily simpler or more straightforward. You take a risk with each campaign, as you have no idea how it is going to be received, and whether you will see a return on your investment. However, it is a risk that can end up paying off in a big way over an extended period of time.

Can you buy Spotify Monthly Listeners?

Yes, all these providers that made our top five, offer real-time monthly listeners, so if you are looking for a regular promotion it would be a smart choice to buy monthly listeners for your Spotify from these top sites:

5 Best sites to buy Spotify monthly listeners:

After our review and careful testing we identified these to be the top sites for on-going monthly listeners:


Frequently Asked Questions

The following are the most frequently asked questions.

Increasing the number of plays could potentially strengthen an artist’s reputation through social proof, which may lead to an increase in streaming of their songs by listeners.

Websites like and offer the option to purchase, followers, and monthly listeners for your playlist or podcast on the platform. This can be an effective method for promoting your music.

Where can I purchase in large quantities?

Bulk streams can be purchased on websites such as UseViral and SidesMedia. These sites offer discounts on bulk purchases, which can be useful for promoting your music in the industry.

Websites such as and offer the option to buy plays for your tracks. This can potentially increase your audience and attract more dedicated fans. Tracks with high play counts have a greater chance of being featured in official Spotify playlists, which can lead to more exposure for your music.

How do you buy plays on Spotify?

There are three main ways to do so. Each comes with its advantages and disadvantages. You can buy them from websites, freelancer marketplaces like Fiverr, or buy real ads to slowly attract plays and listeners.

Purchasing plays is a good strategy for your Spotify artist profile and many artists use these affordable services to get more streams and get all the plays they wanted to make the Spotify algorithm happy and to get their music discovered in the music industry.

Buying Spotify services and buying Spotify plays safe for your artist profile to boost your music career on the Spotify app and promote your Spotify songs on multiple Spotify playlists and many artists use these cheap services to buy plays and to promote their latest Spotify song to buy real Spotify streams.

Purchasing plays is safe and secure and all websites where you can buy plays use an SSL encrypted payment gateway for all their music promotion help.

That’s why many artists get more plays and more streams on their artist profile by using these Spotify promotion services for their artist profile which will help get them more real Spotify streams on their artist profile and speed up their music career, because they care about their music career and becoming famous after using these Spotify services on the Spotify platform.

Buying plays is the best way to get more plays after you create playlists and you’ll also get more Spotify followers if you buy Spotify followers after buying plays, before buying plays, or at the same time as buying plays, because buying plays is important.

If you care about your Spotify promotion, these are the best Spotify services, and this top Spotify services can help you with your Spotify promotion in the music industry.

How to get more listeners

The good news is that with Spotify, you also have the option of getting more plays on your music without buying them. You definitely don’t need to go down the buying route, so let’s take a look at a few ways to grow your Spotify plays without spending too much of your marketing budget.

Create a Spotify for Artists Account

When you create a Spotify for Artists account, you can instantly be verified, which is a great way to add to your account’s credibility. You will also have exclusive access to all kinds of different features, from data analysis of your tracks to notifications when your music has been added to someone else’s playlist.

This is kind of like the business version of an Instagram account, and it’s going to go a long way in helping you get seen by more of the right people. It is also going to show them that you take your Spotify growth seriously as an artist, and want to do really well with it.

Make sure that you use it to keep track of playlist data, and try to keep in front of trends so that you can capitalize on them. The best part is that this feature is completely free to use, and helps you find out when someone is listening to your music, as well as which tracks are doing really well.

Create Your Own Playlists

Instead of waiting for people to build hype around your music, why not create your own playlists? This is a great way to bring your best tracks together in one place. The best part is that you can pin them to your homepage, which is a great way to show off your current content to visitors of your Spotify profile and bring your community together.

This is where the promotion of other people’s music comes in as well. You can create playlists for your audience to listen to that include some of your other favorite artists. You never know – they might return the favor and choose to feature some of your tracks on their playlists as well. This is a great way to work with others to promote your tracks so that you can be seen by even more people in your industry.

Cross-Promote Your Content

If you have other social networks that you are trying to grow at the same time as Spotify, then capitalize on them. Make sure that when you come out with a brand new track on Spotify, cross-promote it to the rest of your social networks.

If you have managed to build up a bit of a following on Instagram and Twitter, then there is a great opportunity to transcend audiences and consolidate them for even more exposure on your tracks.

Promoting your music to your various social networks is a great way to stay dynamic in your community, and drive more traffic to your Spotify account. While it might be a bit time-consuming, try to consolidate your online activity with all of your networks, so that they can grow simultaneously.

They offer all kinds of services for getting more listeners, plays or even followers.

Best of all getting started is really easy, simply sign up choose your package and watch it unfold. 

Final thoughts: Should you buy Spotify streams to promote yourself in the music industry?

So, there you have it. Now that you have had a chance to see the three main ways of buying Spotify plays, which one do you think you’re going to try first?

Of course, there are many different factors that determine your decision. It depends on your budget, which is why I recommend testing each one out to see which is best for your brand. If your budget doesn’t allow for experimentation, begin with the first approach.

When you promote your account, you are using a powerful method to get your music seen by the right audience and stand out from the crowd. Learn how to get many Spotify plays on your tracks, and watch your music do a lot better this year.

About The Author: Antonio Lane is a tech entrepreneur who is passionate about marketing. He has helped hundreds of companies succeed online and on social networks.

The post 5 Best sites to Buy Spotify Plays & Monthly Listeners appeared first on

* This article was originally published here

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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Are LinkedIn Ads the Secret Weapon Businesses Have Been Missing? (2024 Guide)

You already know LinkedIn is the place to build your professional network and rub virtual shoulders with industry leaders. But here’s the game-changer: LinkedIn isn’t just about resumes and connections.

It’s a goldmine for businesses looking to reach a laser-focused audience of decision-makers, influencers, and potential clients who have 2x the buying power compared to the average internet user.

That’s where LinkedIn ads come in. With over 1 billion members worldwide, spanning every industry and seniority level, LinkedIn offers unparalleled targeting capabilities. Want to get your message in front of CEOs in the tech sector? Done.

Looking to connect with marketing managers at Fortune 500 companies? No problem. LinkedIn Ads empowers you to reach your ideal customers based on job title, industry, company size, and more.

Whether you’re promoting webinars, white papers, or your latest product launch, ads on LinkedIn can help you connect with the right people at the right time.

In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of LinkedIn Ads. We’ll explore the LinkedIn Ads Manager, discuss the benefits of partnering with a LinkedIn ads agency, break down the various ad formats, and share best practices to ensure your campaigns deliver results.

By the end, you’ll have everything you need to launch successful campaigns and unlock the full potential of LinkedIn Ads.

What are LinkedIn Ads?

As its name suggests, LinkedIn Ads are paid advertisements that show up in various areas of LinkedIn. Unlike organic LinkedIn posts, LinkedIn Ads are strategically placed to appear in users’ feeds, inboxes, or even as personalized messages, maximizing visibility and engagement.

Types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn offers a variety of ad formats to suit your specific goals:

Sponsored content

These are native ads that seamlessly blend into the LinkedIn feed, appearing on desktop, mobile, and tablet. They can include images or videos, and they’re great for building brand awareness and driving traffic to your website.


Sponsored messaging

These ads are sent directly to users’ LinkedIn inboxes, allowing you to engage in one-on-one conversations and nurture leads. This type of LinkedIn ad makes it easy for your prospects to get the content they’re looking for.


Text and dynamic ads

Text ads are simple, pay-per-click ads that appear on the right-hand side of the LinkedIn homepage. They’re a cost-effective option for driving website visits and generating leads. Dynamic ads, on the other hand, are personalized LinkedIn ads tailored to each user based on their LinkedIn profile data, making them highly relevant and engaging.


Lead gen forms

Lead gen forms are a special type of LinkedIn ad that allows you to collect information from quality leads using pre-filled lead forms that show up on a user’s feed. You can then download your leads easily through the campaign manager (which we’ll get to in a bit.)

Benefits of LinkedIn Ads for businesses

LinkedIn Ads offer several advantages that make them a popular choice for B2B marketers:

  • Precise targeting: LinkedIn ads can help you reach your ideal customers based on job title, industry, company size, and more.
  • High-quality leads: Connect with decision-makers and influencers who are actively seeking solutions.
  • Professional context: Your ads are seen in a professional setting, where users are more receptive to business-related content.
  • Versatile formats: Choose from a variety of ad types to match your goals and budget.
  • Detailed analytics: Track your performance and optimize your campaigns for maximum ROI.

LinkedIn Ads vs. other social media platforms

While other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer advertising options, LinkedIn stands out for its focus on professional networking. This means your ads are more likely to be seen by a relevant audience who is actively seeking solutions in your industry. 

Additionally, LinkedIn ads have incredible targeting options, allowing you to pinpoint your ideal customers with greater accuracy. On the flip side, LinkedIn ads are known to be more costly compared to other social media ads. But this comes as no surprise as you’re targeting a more professional demographic.

Getting started with LinkedIn Ads Campaign Manager

LinkedIn Ads Campaign Manager serves as your control center for all things advertising on LinkedIn. It’s a user-friendly platform where you can create, manage, and track your campaigns with ease.

Key features of LinkedIn Ads Campaign Manager

  • Campaign Creation: Easily set up new campaigns, choosing your objective, targeting criteria, and budget.
  • Ad Creation: Design compelling ads in various formats, including sponsored content, sponsored messaging, text ads, and dynamic ads.
  • Audience Targeting: Refine your audience based on demographics, job functions, interests, and more.
  • Budget and Bidding: Control your spending and choose your bidding strategy (cost-per-click, cost-per-impression, etc.).
  • Performance Tracking: Monitor key metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI.
  • Reporting: Generate detailed reports to analyze your campaign performance and identify areas for improvement.

Setting up a LinkedIn Ad account

Here’s how to get started as a new advertiser on LinkedIn:

  1. From your LinkedIn homepage, click on “For Business” in the top navigation bar and select Advertise from the dropdown menu.
  2. Review and customize account details:
    • LinkedIn will suggest a name for your ad account, typically based on your company’s Page name. You can edit this if needed.
    • Choose the company Page you want to associate with the ad account. LinkedIn will suggest your most recently updated Page, but you can change this to another Page you manage. 
    • Confirm the suggested currency for your account or change it if necessary.
  1. Create Your Account:
    • Once you’ve reviewed and customized the account details, click Agree & Create Account.
  2. Start Building Your Campaign:
    • You’ll be automatically directed to the campaign creation page in Campaign Manager, where you can begin crafting your first LinkedIn ad.

Creating effective LinkedIn Ads

To make your LinkedIn Ads more successful, a combination of strategic planning and creative execution is necessary. Let’s break down the key elements:

Identify your target audience

LinkedIn Ads, like other social media advertising platforms, offers precise targeting. To get the most out of your ad campaigns, you need to know exactly who you’re trying to reach. To do this, take the following into consideration:

  • Professional demographics: Clearly define your ideal customer profile. What are their job titles, seniority levels, industries, company sizes, and geographic locations?
  • Interests and groups: What topics and professional groups does your target audience actively participate in on LinkedIn? This reveals valuable insights into their needs and preferences.
  • Pain points and challenges: What specific problems or challenges does your product or service solve for your target audience? Understanding their pain points is key to crafting compelling messaging.
  • LinkedIn profile data: LinkedIn’s vast repository of profile data can be used to create highly targeted audiences. Refine your targeting based on skills, education, past experiences, and more.
  • Custom Audiences: Don’t forget about custom audiences. Upload your existing customer or prospect lists to create tailored campaigns or use retargeting to engage users who have previously interacted with your brand.

Define clear objectives

Every successful LinkedIn Ad campaign begins with well-defined objectives. Consider these common campaign goals on LinkedIn:

  • Brand awareness: If your primary aim is to increase your brand’s visibility and recognition, these impression-based campaigns are ideal. They’re designed to maximize the number of people who see your ads, helping to build top-of-funnel awareness.
  • Website visits: This objective is your best bet to drive more traffic to your website or specific landing pages. Campaigns will be optimized to generate clicks, leading users directly to your desired destinations.
  • Engagement: Create meaningful interactions with your brand through likes, comments, shares, and follows. Engagement campaigns prioritize actions that encourage users to engage with your content and company page.
  • Video Views: If your focus is on promoting video content, this objective allows you to bid specifically for video views. You can track the number of times your videos are watched and gain insights into viewer behavior.
  • Lead Generation: Streamline the process of capturing high-quality leads with LinkedIn’s pre-filled forms. These campaigns simplify the lead collection, using members’ profile data for seamless data collection.
  • Website Conversions: Use this objective if your goal is to drive valuable actions on your website, such as lead form submissions or downloads. It requires the use of conversion tracking to measure success.

LinkedIn Ad Sizes, formats and specifications

No matter what your marketing goals are, LinkedIn has an ad format that can help you achieve them. Each type of ad serves a unique purpose, helping you connect with your audience in different ways. Let’s take a look:

Single image ads

Single image ads are LinkedIn ads that appear on your homepage like regular posts. You can distinguish single image ads from other unpaid content through the “promoted” mark at the bottom of the advertiser’s name.

This type of LinkedIn ad can be an all-rounder. You can use it to boost brand awareness and engagement, increase website traffic and conversions, and for lead generation.


Single image ad specs:

Here’s a quick overview of the specs. For more details on single image ads, check out LinkedIn’s guide.

  • File Type: JPG, PNG, GIF
  • File Size: 5 MB max
  • Image Ratio:
    • 1.91:1 (Horizontal), minimum size of 640 x 360 pixels
    • 1:1 (Square), minimum size of 360 x 360
    • 1:1.91, 2:3, 4:5  (Vertical), minimum size of 360 x 640 pixels
  • Ad Name: Up to 255 characters (optional)
  • Headline: 70 characters
  • Introductory Text: 150 characters
  • Description: 70 characters (only for LinkedIn Audience Network)

Call to Action: LinkedIn offers several options, from “Learn More” to “Request Demo.” Pick one that aligns with your ad’s goal.

Destination URL:

A URL to your landing page is required, and you must use http:// or https:// and a maximum of 2000 characters.

Video ads

Video ads allow you to advertise and show your brand’s story through videos. Through these ads, you can share customer experiences and product launches or even help establish your thought leadership. 


Video ad specs:

  • File Type: MP4
  • Sound Format: AAC or MPEG4
  • Frame Rate: 30 fps (recommended)
  • File Size: 75 KB – 200 MB
  • Duration: 3 seconds – 30 minutes (15-30 seconds often performs best)
  • Captions: Optional (but recommended)
  • Sound Rate: Less than 64 KHz
  • Dimensions:
    • Minimum: 360 x 360 pixels
    • Maximum: 1920 x 1920 pixels
    • Aspect Ratios:
      • 4:5 (Vertical)
      • 9:16 (Vertical)
      • 16:9 (Landscape)
      • 1:1 (Square)
  • Ad Name: Up to 255 characters (optional)
  • Headline: Up to 70 characters (max 200)
  • Introductory Text: Up to 150 characters (max 600)
  • File Type: JPG or PNG
  • File Size: 2 MB max
  • Ratio/Resolution: Match the video’s aspect ratio

Call to Action: Select from standard options (e.g., “Learn More,” “Sign Up”)

Destination URL: Similar to single image ads.

LinkedIn Carousel ads are an interactive way to get your audience’s attention, guiding them through a visual narrative of your brand, products, or key insights. This format uses a series of swipeable cards, making it an effective tool for boosting engagement. Important Note: Currently, carousel ads on LinkedIn do not support video content.

Carousel ad specs:

  • File Type: JPG or PNG
  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (Square) 
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels 
  • Ad Name: Up to 255 characters
  • Card Headline (per card): 45 characters 
  • Introductory Text: 255 characters
  • Number of Cards: Minimum of 2, maximum of 10
  • Max File Size per Card: 10 MB

Event ads

Event ads are a type of LinkedIn ad that promotes your event directly in the LinkedIn feed, highlighting key details to entice potential attendees. Before launching this type of ad campaign, you’ll need to establish a LinkedIn Event on your company or personal page.


Event ad specs:

  • Event Name  up to 225 characters
  • Introductory Text: max of 600 characters
  • Image: The image you use for your LinkedIn Event will automatically be used as the ad’s thumbnail. The ideal image ratio is 4:1

Document ads

LinkedIn Document Ads allow you to exchange valuable long-form content for potential customer information directly on LinkedIn. These sponsored posts feature downloadable documents like whitepapers, reports, presentations, or how-to guides within the LinkedIn feed. 

Rockstar Marketing

Document ad specs:

  • Ad Name: up to 255 characters
  • Headline: 70 characters
  • Introductory text: up to 150 characters
  • File Type: Supported formats include PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, and PPTX.
  • File Size: Keep your document under 100 MB.
  • Number of Pages: Aim for less than 10 pages (with a maximum of 300 pages or 1 million words).

Thought leader ads

LinkedIn thought leader ads are a relatively new ad format designed to spotlight key insights from your organization. These ads can elevate your content as well as content from other influential figures associated with your company. By promoting their posts in the LinkedIn feed, you can increase your credibility and boost engagement and visibility.


Key distinctions:

  • Pre-existing content: Unlike other LinkedIn ad formats, thought leader ads are not created from scratch. Instead, you select existing posts from your designated thought leaders to promote. Think of it as similar to a boosted post on Facebook or Instagram.
  • Minimal customization: These ads maintain the original format of the post, including the image or video, text, and any existing comments or reactions. You cannot add headlines, introductory text, or call-to-action buttons.
  • Sponsored label: A clear label identifies the company promoting the content, ensuring transparency and building brand association.

Click-to-message ads

LinkedIn click-to-message ads feature a single image that, when clicked, initiates a direct conversation with your brand through LinkedIn Messaging. This creates a more personalized interaction, allowing you to connect with potential customers when they’re most receptive.


Click-to-message ad specs

  • Single mage Ad:
    • File Type: JPG, PNG, or GIF
    • File Size: 5 MB or less
    • Recommended Dimensions: Up to 7680 x 4320 pixels (Images under 401 pixels wide will display as thumbnails)
  • Conversation Ad Image (Optional):
    • File Type: JPG or PNG
    • File Size: 5 MB or less
    • Recommended Dimensions: 250 x 250 pixels
  • Conversation Ad Banner (Optional):
    • File Type: JPG or PNG
    • File Size: 2 MB or less
    • Recommended Dimensions: 300 x 250 pixels (Note: this banner is not clickable)
  • Single Image Ad Name (Optional): Up to 255 characters
  • Single Image Ad Introductory Text: Up to 600 characters
  • Conversation Name: Up to 255 characters
  • Subject: Up to 60 characters
  • Footer/Terms (Optional): Up to 20,000 characters
  • Intro Message: Up to 8,000 characters
  • Response Message: Up to 8,000 characters
  • Formatting: Keep it simple for easy readability (emojis allowed: up to 10 per message layer)

Conversation ads

Conversation ads are an interactive ad format that presents potential customers with guided dialogs with clickable options that lead to different branches of the conversation based on their interests. This allows you to showcase various aspects of your products or services. By tailoring the conversation based on their choices, you can deliver more relevant information, increasing the likelihood of conversions. 


Conversation ad specs: 

  • Ad Name: up to 255 characters
  • Banner Creative (Optional): up to 300 x 250 pixels, JPEG or PNG format
  • Custom Footer/Terms & Conditions: Include important disclaimers or legal information (up to 20,000 characters).
  • Introductory Message: up to 8,000 characters
  • Image (Optional): 250 x 250 pixels, JPEG or PNG
  • CTA Text: up to 25 characters
  • CTA Buttons per Message: Offer up to five options per message to guide the conversation.
  • Message Text: Provide detailed information for each branch of the conversation (up to 8,000 characters).

Message ads

LinkedIn message ads bypass the LinkedIn feed and appear directly in your target audience’s inbox, offering a private and direct channel for communication. 

Why use LinkedIn Message Ads?

Message Ads bypass the noise of the LinkedIn feed, landing directly in a more intimate space where professionals are accustomed to engaging in conversations. 

Message ad specs:

  • Banner Image (Optional): 300 x 250 pixels, JPG or PNG format
  • Sender Image: Your designated sender’s LinkedIn profile image will be displayed, enhancing trust and credibility.
  • Ad Name (Optional): up to 50 characters
  • Message Subject: up to 60 characters
  • Message Text: up to 1,500 characters
  • Custom Footer: Include additional information, disclaimers, or terms and conditions (up to 2,500 characters).
  • Call-to-Action: up to 20 characters

URL Requirements:

Direct recipients to a relevant landing page to drive conversions (required). It must be http:// or https:// and have a maximum of 1,024 characters.

Lead gen forms

As mentioned, Lead gen form ads are pre-filled forms that appear as a pop-up within LinkedIn when users click on your ad’s call-to-action. The forms are automatically populated with the user’s profile data, eliminating the need for users to manually enter their information.


Lead gen form specs:

  • Form Name: up to 256 characters
  • Headline: up to 60 characters
  • Details: up to 160 characters
  • Privacy Policy Text (Optional): Assure users of data privacy and compliance (up to 2,000 characters).
  • Call-to-Action: up to 20 characters
  • Confirmation Message: Thank users for their submission and provide the next steps (up to 300 characters).

Text ads

LinkedIn text ads are straightforward and compact ads that appear on the right-hand side of the LinkedIn desktop feed, featuring a small logo, a concise headline, a brief description, and a prominent call-to-action button. 


Text ad specs:

  • Logo:
    • File Type: JPG or PNG
    • File Size: 2 MB or less
    • Dimensions: 100 x 100 pixels
  • Headline: up to 25 characters
  • Description: up to 75 characters
  • URL Requirements: similar to single image ads
  • Call-to-Action Options: Choose from various predefined CTAs like “Apply,” “Download,” “Learn More,” “Sign Up,” and more.

Spotlight ads

LinkedIn spotlight ads feature the user’s profile image, name, logo, and a personalized message that highlights your product, service, event, or other content. Upon clicking the ad, members are instantly directed to your website or landing page.


Spotlight ad specs:

  • Ad Description: up to 70 characters
  • Ad Headline: up to 50 characters
  • Company Name: up to 25 characters
  • Image: 100 x 100 pixels recommended, JPG or PNG format
  • CTA: up to 18 characters
  • Custom Background (Optional): Add a branded background image to your ad (300 x 250 pixels, 2 MB or less).

Follower ads

LinkedIn follower ads are similar to spotlight ads and feature the user’s image, your company logo, and a personalized message that encourages them to become a follower. The goal is to increase your page’s follower count and expand your organic reach on the platform.

Follower ad specs:

  • Ad Description: up to 70 characters
  • Ad Headline: up to 50 characters
  • Company Name: up to 25 characters
  • Ad Image: 100 x 100 pixels recommended, JPG or PNG format

Best practices for ad copy and visuals

Creating effective LinkedIn ads requires a keen understanding of your audience and a strategic approach to copy and visuals. Keep your ad copy concise and focused on the value you provide. Use strong verbs and clear calls to action to encourage engagement. For example, a software company might use the headline “Streamline Your Workflow with Our Cloud-Based Solution” and a CTA like “Start Your Free Trial Today.”


In terms of visuals, high-quality images and videos that are relevant to your target audience are essential. A financial services firm might use an image of a diverse group of professionals collaborating, while a healthcare organization might use a video showcasing patient testimonials. Remember, visuals should complement your ad copy and reinforce your brand message. Aim for a balance between professionalism and eye-catching appeal.

Using LinkedIn Ads agencies

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or simply want to maximize your results, consider partnering with a LinkedIn Ads Agency. These agencies specialize in LinkedIn advertising and can help you with everything from strategy development to campaign execution and optimization. They have the expertise and experience to ensure your campaigns are successful.

Partnering with a LinkedIn ad agency can help you save time and resources. Their specialists will be the ones handling the complexities of the platform, from ad creation to ad optimization and monitoring. You’ll also gain access to their extensive network of tools and resources so your budget will be utilized effectively.

Managing and optimizing LinkedIn Ads

Creating your LinkedIn Ads is just the beginning. The real work lies in continuously managing and optimizing your campaigns to ensure they’re delivering the best possible results. LinkedIn Campaign Manager has everything you need to monitor ad performance. Regularly check your Campaign Manager dashboard to track how your campaigns are performing. Analyze which ads are giving you the best results and identify trends and patterns to understand what’s working and what’s not.


Here’s a step-by-step guide to monitor your LinkedIn ad’s performance:

  1. Log in to Campaign Manager.
  2. Click the account name in the top left and choose the desired account.
  3. Select the tab for Campaign Groups, Campaigns, or Ads.
  4. Click the dropdowns next to “Columns” and “Breakdown” to customize your data view.
  1. Click a column heading (e.g., “Impressions”) to sort data.
  1. Performance Chart (optional): You can also view an ad’s performance chart in a set period of time.
    • Click the more icon (the “…” icon next to the account or campaign) and click “chart.”
  • Use “View” and “Display” dropdowns to change the metric.
  • Adjust the “Time range” dropdown.
  1. Analyze: Review your chosen metrics and the Performance Chart to assess your campaign’s effectiveness.

Key metrics to track

Your choice of key metrics depends on your campaign objectives:

For brand awareness

  • Impressions: The number of times your ad was displayed to LinkedIn members. High impressions indicate a broad reach.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of people who clicked on your ad after seeing it. A high CTR suggests your ad is compelling and relevant.
  • Average engagement: Measures overall interaction with your ad, including clicks, likes, comments, and shares. High engagement shows your ad resonates with the audience.
  • Video metrics (if applicable): If using video ads, track impressions analyzed and valid and viewable rate to ensure your videos are being seen and viewed effectively.

For lead generation and conversions

  • Leads: The number of leads generated directly through your LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms.
  • Cost per lead (CPL): The average cost incurred to acquire a lead. Monitor this metric to assess the efficiency of your lead generation efforts.
  • Conversions: The number of desired actions taken by users after clicking on or viewing your ad (e.g., form submissions, purchases).
  • Conversion rate: The percentage of clicks or impressions that result in conversions. This indicates the effectiveness of your ad in driving desired actions.
  • Cost per conversion: The average cost incurred for each conversion. This metric helps you evaluate the cost-effectiveness of your conversion-focused campaigns.

Tips for optimizing ad performance

To ensure your LinkedIn Ads are performing at their best and delivering maximum results, consider implementing these strategies:

  • Refine Targeting: Continuously analyze your target audience and refine your targeting parameters to reach the most relevant professionals.
  • Adjust Bids and Budget: Monitor your CPC and adjust your bids accordingly to maintain a competitive edge. Optimize your budget allocation based on the performance of different campaigns or ad groups.

To further refine your ads and ensure optimal performance, perform A/B testing on your ads and adjust your campaigns accordingly.

A/B Testing and adjusting your ad campaigns

A/B testing is a powerful tool for optimizing your LinkedIn Ads. It involves creating two or more versions of your ad and running them simultaneously to see which one performs better.

To ensure accurate results, focus on testing one element at a time, whether it’s the headline, image, or call to action. Allow sufficient time for your tests to gather statistically significant data before analyzing the results and identifying the winning elements. Finally, implement these elements into your campaigns and continue testing to refine your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

LinkedIn ads success stories

Here are real-world examples of LinkedIn ad campaigns that have yielded impressive results:

  1. Charles Sturt University

Charles Sturt University, Australia’s largest regional university, faced the challenge of standing out in a crowded higher education market. To address this, the university adopted a comprehensive, always-on, full-funnel approach to LinkedIn advertising. 

Recognizing that prospective students often take a considerable amount of time to make enrollment decisions, Charles Sturt University crafted tailored brand messages that resonated with two key audience personas: those driven by specific career goals and those seeking flexible study options that fit their lifestyles. 

The university also used LinkedIn’s robust targeting capabilities, creating precise audience segments based on profession, industry experience, and areas of interest. By using LinkedIn’s first-party data and insights from campaign performance and website demographics, the university was able to identify and retarget high-intent audiences with ads specifically designed to encourage them to initiate the application process.

  1. Grant Thornton

Grant Thornton Bharat, a leading Indian consulting firm, utilized LinkedIn Ads to promote LearninGT, its learning management solution arm. Through a combination of refined messaging, creative optimization, precise audience targeting, and strategic bidding, 

LearninGT achieved a remarkable 15-20% increase in qualified leads, a 20% decrease in cost per lead, and a threefold improvement in lead conversion rate. This success led to a sixfold increase in their investment in LinkedIn Ads over three years, showcasing the platform’s potential for delivering substantial returns on investment.

Common challenges and solutions

LinkedIn Ads can be a powerful tool for reaching your target audience, but it’s important to be aware of the common challenges and their respective solutions to ensure a successful campaign:

  1. Budget Constraints: LinkedIn Ads can be expensive, making it difficult for businesses with limited resources.
    • Solution: Start with a small budget, focusing on quality targeting over quantity. Gradually increase your budget as you see positive results. Utilize LinkedIn’s bidding strategies to optimize your spending.
  2. Targeting Issues: Reaching the right audience can be a challenge due to LinkedIn’s complex targeting options.
    • Solution: Thoroughly research and utilize LinkedIn’s detailed targeting options, experimenting with different criteria to find what works best for your campaign. Leverage LinkedIn’s “Matched Audiences” feature to target existing customers or website visitors.
  3. Low Engagement: Even with precise targeting, your ads may not resonate with the audience, resulting in low click-through and conversion rates.
    • Solution: Create compelling ad copy and visuals that appeal to your target audience. Use strong calls-to-action (CTAs) and experiment with different ad formats to optimize engagement.
  4. Ad Fatigue: Repeatedly showing the same ads to your audience can decrease their effectiveness over time.
    • Solution: Refresh your ad creative regularly and rotate different ads to maintain audience interest. Utilize LinkedIn’s “Frequency Capping” feature to limit how often the same ad is shown to individuals.

The Future of LinkedIn advertising: AI & More

The landscape of LinkedIn advertising is rapidly evolving, fueled by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). This technology is transforming not only how we work but also how businesses connect with their target audience. LinkedIn has released tools like Accelerate for Campaign Manager, which is streamlining campaign creation, using AI to recommend comprehensive strategies, audience targeting, and creative assets within minutes. 

As AI continues to advance, we can expect the integration of generative AI tools into LinkedIn Ads, allowing you to create compelling ad copy and visuals effortlessly. This could significantly reduce the time and resources required for ad creation.

The future of LinkedIn advertising is intertwined with AI. We can expect to see hyper-personalization of ads, tailoring them to individual users based on their unique interests, behaviors, and career paths. AI-driven predictive analytics will help you anticipate campaign performance and make data-backed adjustments to maximize ROI. Additionally, AI algorithms will continuously refine targeting capabilities, ensuring ads reach the most relevant and valuable prospects. 

The bottomline

From understanding the different ad types and their benefits to mastering the LinkedIn Ads Campaign Manager and crafting compelling campaigns, we’ve covered everything you need to know to get started.

By identifying your target audience and taking advantage of the various LinkedIn ad formats, you can create LinkedIn Ads that resonate with your ideal clients and drive meaningful results. Remember, continuous monitoring, optimization, and staying ahead of the curve with emerging trends are crucial for long-term success.

Don’t let the potential of LinkedIn Ads go untapped. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, LinkedIn provides a unique platform to connect with key figures in your industry. Now is the time to take the leap and launch your LinkedIn Ads campaign. With the right strategy, you can unlock a world of opportunities for your business.


How much do LinkedIn ads cost?

LinkedIn ad costs vary depending on your campaign objectives, targeting parameters, and the bidding strategy you choose (e.g., cost-per-click or cost-per-impression). You set a daily budget and bid for ad placements, so you have control over your spending.

Are LinkedIn ads free?

No, LinkedIn ads are not free. You’ll need to set a budget and bid for ad placements in the auction system.

Are LinkedIn ads worth it?

LinkedIn ads can be highly effective for reaching professionals and decision-makers in various industries. Their value depends on your goals and target audience. If you’re looking to generate leads, build brand awareness, or promote content to a professional audience, LinkedIn ads can be a worthwhile investment.

What are LinkedIn ads used for?

LinkedIn ads serve multiple purposes:

  • Lead generation: Generate leads through targeted campaigns and lead forms.
  • Brand awareness: Increase visibility and reach among a professional audience.
  • Website traffic: Drive traffic to your website or landing pages.
  • Engagement: Encourage interactions with your brand’s content.
  • Job postings: Promote open positions and attract qualified candidates.

How do I get ads on LinkedIn?

To run ads on LinkedIn, you’ll need to create a Campaign Manager account. This is LinkedIn’s advertising platform, where you can manage campaigns, set budgets, target audiences, and create ads.

How do I use LinkedIn ads effectively?

To maximize the effectiveness of your LinkedIn ads:

  • Define clear goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your ads (e.g., leads, website traffic, engagement).
  • Target precisely: Use LinkedIn’s powerful targeting options to reach the right audience based on job titles, industries, interests, and more.
  • Craft compelling ads: Create engaging ad copy and visuals that resonate with your target audience.
  • Test and optimize: Experiment with different ad formats, targeting options, and bidding strategies to see what works best.
  • Track performance: Monitor your campaign metrics and make adjustments as needed to improve results.

What type of LinkedIn ads perform best?

The best-performing LinkedIn ad format depends on your campaign goals and target audience. Experiment with different formats to see what resonates best. Here are some popular options:

  • Sponsored Content: Native ads that appear in the LinkedIn feed.
  • Sponsored Messaging: Direct messages delivered to users’ inboxes.
  • Text Ads: Simple text-based ads displayed in the sidebar.

Dynamic Ads: Personalized ads that leverage user profile data.

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* This article was originally published here

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