Wednesday, December 29, 2021

101+ Blog Post Headline Formulas You Can Swipe and Deploy

101+ Blog Post Headline Formulas You Can Swipe and Deploy

A lot of sweat and tears can go into a great article. But even if you spend hours creating a masterpiece, its fate still depends on one thing: the headline.

If a headline doesn’t attract interest, people won’t click. And if people don’t click, no one will read your great article. So if you want your hard work to pay off, you need to become an expert headline writer.

That said, spending hours on a headline after you have just spent hours writing a post is not ideal. Luckily, there’s a structure you can follow to make your headline hunt a whole lot easier.

Steve Rayson from BuzzSumo did a meta analysis of what headline elements are most common in viral posts.

These are the five things that showed up the most:

  • Emotion
  • Content
  • Topic
  • Format
  • Promise

Blog post headline formula - BuzzSumo research

Successful headlines don’t have to have every single element, but the best ones have at least three, according to the research.

Here’s an example of a BuzzFeed headline with all five elements in action:

Blog post headline formula - BuzzSumo research 2

Using these elements paid off for BuzzFeed – the post received over 650,000 shares and 2.6 million views.

So how can you be sure you’ve created a headline that will entice clicks and wow your audience?

You don’t have to, because we’ve done all the hard work and brought together this mammoth resource list of proven formulas.

Here are 110 blog post headline formulas you can swipe and deploy:

How to

#1. How to Get [benefit] Out of [topic]

#2. How to [benefit] When You’re Not [topic]

Blog post headline formula - example 1

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#3. How You Can [benefit] Almost Instantly

#4. How to Become [benefit] When You Feel [negative outcome]

#5. How to Use [topic] to [benefit]

#6. How to Turn Your [topic] Into [benefit]

#7. How to Turn [topic] Into [benefit]

#8. How to Build a [topic] You Can Be Proud Of

#9. How to Take the Pain Out Of [topic]

#10. How to do [topic] In Under X Minutes

#11. How to Make People Line Up to [topic]

#12. How to Get [benefit] In Under X Minutes

#13. How to Skyrocket Your [benefit] With [topic]

#14. How to Shortcut [benefit] By Using [topic]

#15. How to Avoid Looking Stupid When Asked About [topic]

#16. How to Turn [topic] Into [benefit] Every Time

#17. How to [topic] for [benefit]

Blog post headline formula - example 2

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#18. How to [benefit] Like [case study or example]

#19. How to Create [benefit] for Your [topic]

#20. Exactly How to [benefit] Right Now (Step-by-Step)

#21. How to Master [topic] In X Steps


#22. X Hacks to Accelerate [benefit]

Blog post headline formula - example 3

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#23. X Ways to Avoid [negative outcome]

#24. X Mind-Blowing Benefits of [topic]

#25. X Factors for Getting [benefit]

#26. X [benefit] Techniques That You Didn’t Know About

#27. X Elements of The Perfect [topic]

#28. X Examples of [benefit] from [case study or example]

#29. X Experts Reveal How to [benefit]

#30. X Little Known Ways to [topic]

#31. X Questions Answered About [topic]

#32. X Free Ways to [benefit]

#33. X Underground Tips On Achieving [benefit]

#34. X Tips on How to Avoid [negative outcome]

#35. X Tactics for Knocking [topic] Out of the Park

#36. X Proven Methods for Accelerating [benefit]

#37. X Tricks for [benefit] More Often

#38. X Simple [topic’s] You Can Create (Even If You’re Not a [job title])

#39. X Principles for [benefit] with [topic]

#40. X Shocking Mistakes Killing Your [topic]

Blog post headline formula - example 4

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#41. X Surefire Strategies for [benefit] Even If You’re Worried About [negative outcome]

#42. X Examples That Will Help You Overcome [topic]

#43. X Ways to Get [benefit] That Won’t End Up In [negative outcome]

#44. X Valuable Lessons from [your industry] Experts

Getting a clear benefit

Blog post headline formula - example 5

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#45. A Simple Way to [benefit] That Works For [job title]

#46. Where [benefit] Is and How To Get It

#47. Why I [topic] (And Maybe You Should Too)

#48. An Open Letter to [job title’s] Looking for [benefit]

#49. [topic] Your Way to a [benefit]

#50. Discover the Secrets Behind [benefit]

#51. How to Fast-Track [benefit]

#52. The Secret to [benefit] Is Revealed

#53. Get [benefit] Without Losing [topic]

#54. Imagine [benefit] Without [negative outcome]

#55. If You Can [topic] You Can [benefit]

#56. Improve Your [benefit] In [time]

#57. See How Easily You Can [benefit]

#58. Give Me [time] and I’ll Give You [benefit]

#59. [topic]: Get More [benefit] Than Your Competitors

#60. The Quickest and Easiest Way to Get [benefit]

#61. The Exact Process We Use to Get [benefit] Without [negative outcome]

#62. Here’s a Quick Way to [benefit]

Avoiding a negative outcome

#63. The Unfortunate Truth About [topic]

#64. Why You Need to Stop [topic] Before It [negative outcome]

#65. Never Suffer From [negative outcome] Again

#66. The Hidden Risk In Your [topic]

#67. If You Don’t [topic] Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later

#68. [topic] May Be Causing You to Lose Out On [benefit]

#69. To People That Want to [benefit] But Can’t Get Started

#70. Get [benefit] Without [negative outcome]

#71. Why you shouldn’t [topic]

#72. What Your [topic] Won’t Tell You And How It Can Save You [topic]

#73. The Sooner You Know [topic] The Better

#74. No [negative outcome] Just [benefit] Everyday

#75. Get Rid of [negative outcome] Once and For All

#76. Why [topic] Fails and [topic] Succeeds

#77. Forget Everything You Know About [topic]

Blog post headline formula - example 6

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#78. What Your Competitors Wish They Knew About [topic]

#79. Warning: Ignoring [topic x] Could Seriously Damage Your [topic y]

#80. Why You Are Wasting [resource] and What to Do About it

Facts, statistics and examples

#81. How [big number] Got [benefit] in [time]

#82. [case study or example] Reveals X Ways to [benefit]

#83. How [big number] Got [benefit] Without [negative outcome]

#84. The [benefit] That [case study or example] Is Talking About

#85. [topic] Hacking With [case study or example]

#86. Join [big number] of Your Peers That Got [benefit]

#87. Like [case study or example] You Can [benefit]

#88. Why [big number] of People are Starting to [topic]

#89. X% Of People Got [benefit] From [topic]

#90. Here is a Method That is Helping [case study or example] to [topic]

Blog post headline formula - example 7

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#91. How [case study or example] Increased [benefit] In X Days

#92. How I Got [big number] [benefit] Using [topic]


#93. Take X minutes to get started with [topic]… you won’t regret it!

#94. What Everybody Needs to Know About [topic]

Blog post headline formula - example 8

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#95. Don’t Try [topic x] Without [topic y] First

#96. You Don’t Have to be [respected expert] to Achieve [benefit]

#97. The Ultimate Guide to [topic]

#98. The Definitive Guide to Getting [benefit]

#99. Everything You Ever Need to Know About [topic]

#100. The Only Thing You’ll Ever Need to Master [topic]

#101. Who Else Wants [benefit]?

#102. Your Competitors Don’t Want You To Read This [topic]

#103. Answered: Your Burning Questions About [topic]

#104. Do You Know the X Warning Signs of [negative outcome]?

#105. How Many Times Are You Willing to [negative outcome] Before You Try This?

#106. What’s More Effective [topic x] or [topic y]?

#107. How Do You Get [benefit] Without [negative outcome]?

#108. The Smart [job title’s] Guide to [topic]

#109. Revealed: The [topic] Strategy No One Has Told You Yet

#110. Smart [job title’s] Should Do [topic]

Use these 5 free tools to brainstorm even more awesome headlines

Headline formulas really do work, which is why there are plenty of helpful tools out there that will generate headlines and even analyze your own ideas. Here are five you should check out:

  1. Inbound Now – Type in your content topic and get SEO-friendly headline suggestions.
  2. SEOProcessor Blog Title Generator – This generator asks you to describe your content in more detail to suggest relevant headlines.
  3. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer – This tool will grade your headline ideas (A, B, C, D) based on what elements make an engaging headline.
  4. Emotional Headline Analyzer – This tool analyzes the emotional marketing value (EMV) of your headlines, and tells you want kind of emotions your headline evokes.
  5. Impact Blog Title Generator – This tool can help you generate content ideas and awesome headlines together.

How do you come up with blog post headlines? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Guest author: Will Blunt is the Editor here at Connect with Will on LinkedIn and Twitter.

The post 101+ Blog Post Headline Formulas You Can Swipe and Deploy appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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