Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Can an AI Story Generator Produce Viral Content?

AI story generator

In 2022 a new meme with the hashtag #spedupsounds generated 9.8 billion views. The music genre is known as “nightcore” and first appeared on TikTok. It’s strange but for some reason, people enjoy listening to sped-up songs!

Go figure.

Why does an AI story generator matter?

Coming up with new and exciting stories for content is both an art and a science

Trying out different stories, songs, or content that could attract people’s interest and make them want to share is like taking a bit of a gamble. It’s a fun experiment, but success is not a guarantee.

It’s like playing a game in Las Vegas, where you might hit the jackpot… or not. Unfortunately, not every story tested turns out to be a winner, but that’s all part of the process.

Can we use science to help us get attention?

AI story generators are becoming increasingly popular for creating unique and engaging content for a variety of purposes, such as marketing campaigns, social media, and website content. 

These AI tools use machine learning algorithms to analyze existing content and generate new stories based on specific parameters and guidelines. 

How does social media content gain attention and what types of keywords work best?

Social media platforms use stories to gain users’ attention and traffic by providing a quick, visually appealing, and engaging way for users to consume content. The ephemeral nature of stories, which disappear after a set amount of time, creates a sense of urgency and encourages users to check back frequently to see the latest updates.

In terms of keywords, there are several types that tend to work well in social media stories. These include:

Emotionally charged words: Words that evoke strong emotions, such as “inspiring,” “shocking,” or “heartbreaking,” can be effective in catching the reader’s attention and encouraging them to engage with the content.

Action-oriented words: Words that convey a sense of action or urgency, such as “now,” “urgent,” or “act,” can motivate readers to take action and engage with the content.

Trending or buzzworthy words: Words or phrases that are currently popular or trending, such as “viral,” “breaking news,” or “trending now,” can help to generate interest and drive traffic.

Descriptive words: Words that provide descriptive details or paint a vivid picture, such as “stunning,” “jaw-dropping,” or “captivating,” can help to capture the reader’s imagination and create a sense of excitement.

Ultimately, the most effective keywords will depend on the specific content and audience, and it’s important to keep in mind that overly promotional or clickbait language can be a turnoff for users. It’s best to use language that is authentic, engaging, and relevant to the content being shared.

Going deeper with AI story generator tools

There are many AI story generator tools available on the market, ranging from free to paid options. 

Some popular options include 

  • Articoolo 
  • Writesonic 
  • ShortlyAI. 


This is an AI-based content creation platform that uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate unique articles in minutes. It allows users to enter a topic or a set of keywords and then uses this input to automatically generate high-quality, human-like articles that are optimized for search engines. 

Articoolo offers a range of pricing plans, from pay-as-you-go to monthly subscriptions, making it a flexible and cost-effective solution for businesses and content creators looking to streamline their content creation process.

create unique textual content in a flash


Writesonic is a powerful AI-powered writing assistant that helps users create high-quality content with minimal effort. It uses natural language processing and machine learning to generate content that is optimized for SEO, conversion, and engagement. 

Users can enter a topic or a set of keywords, and Writesonic will generate a range of content options, including blog posts, product descriptions, and social media updates. 

Writesonic also offers a range of other features, including content optimization, plagiarism checks, and content personalization, making it a comprehensive solution for businesses and content creators.

best ai writer for creating facebook ads 

This tool is an AI-powered copywriting tool that helps businesses and content creators create high-quality content in minutes. It uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate a range of content options, including headlines, product descriptions, and ad copy. offers a range of features, including content optimization, A/B testing, and sentiment analysis, making it a powerful and flexible tool for businesses and content creators looking to improve their content marketing efforts.

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It is great to use an AI-powered writing assistant that helps businesses and content creators create high-quality content quickly and easily. It uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate content options that are optimized for SEO, readability, and engagement. 

Shortly AI allows users to enter a topic or a set of keywords and then uses this input to generate a range of content options. This includes blog posts, social media updates, and product descriptions. Additionally, it offers a range of other features, including content optimization, plagiarism checks, and content personalization. This makes it a comprehensive solution for businesses and content creators.

So how do you use an AI story generator tool?

It’s important to research each tool and read reviews to determine which one will best meet your needs and budget. So here are some tips to use these AI story generator tools.

Define your topic and parameters

Once you have chosen an AI story generator tool, you need to define your topic and parameters for the story you want to create. This can include specific keywords, topics, tone, style, and length. It’s important to be as specific as possible to ensure the AI story generator creates a story that meets your needs.

Generate the story

Once you have defined your parameters, you can generate the story using the AI story generator tool. This process can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. This depends on the complexity of the story and the tool you are using.

Edit and refine the story

After the AI story generator has generated the story, it’s important to review it and make any necessary edits or refinements. This can include editing for grammar and spelling errors, adjusting the tone and style to fit your brand, and adding additional information or details.

Publish and promote the story

Once you are satisfied with the story, you can publish it on your website, social media, or other channels. It’s important to promote the story and share it with your audience to maximize its impact.

While using an AI story generator can be a great way to create engaging content quickly and efficiently, it’s important to keep in mind that these tools are not perfect and may require some manual editing and refinement. Additionally, it’s important to use these tools ethically and avoid plagiarism or copyright infringement. Ensure that the content generated is original and not copied from other sources.

Top tips for using an AI story generator

Here are some tips to help you make the most of an AI story generator:

Set clear goals and guidelines

Before using an AI story generator, it’s important to define your goals and guidelines for the content you want to create. This can include the target audience, tone and style, length, and specific keywords or topics. Having clear guidelines will help ensure that the content generated meets your needs and aligns with your brand.

Use high-quality source material

AI story generators work by analyzing existing content and generating new content based on patterns and trends. To ensure that the content generated is high-quality and relevant, it’s important to use high-quality source material as a basis for the analysis. This can include reputable news sources, academic journals, and industry reports.

Be prepared to edit and refine

While AI story generators can create unique and engaging content quickly, it’s important to be prepared to edit and refine the content to ensure that it meets your needs and aligns with your brand. This can include editing for grammar and spelling errors, adjusting the tone and style, and adding additional information or details.

Use AI-generated content ethically

When using an AI story generator, it’s important to use the content generated ethically and avoid plagiarism or copyright infringement. This means ensuring that the content generated is original and not copied from other sources, and giving credit to sources used in the content.

Measure the effectiveness of the content

To determine the effectiveness of the content generated by an AI story generator, it’s important to measure key metrics such as engagement, shares, and views.

Is an AI story generator the solution for attention seekers?

Writing stories is what makes us human. 

The burning emotional experiences of pain, joy and everything in between. Those will still be told. 

We love drama and you may have heard the quote. “Why ruin a good story with the truth

Don’t think that a robot couldn’t write a good headline or an engaging viral story. 

It’s happening in plain sight.

So…use and explore AI to identify new recombined ideas that challenge your calcified thinking.

And use its new algorithms to amplify the creativity that your restricted vision had locked you into in the past.

It is not the solution but a tool to make us more. 

And we still don’t know what that looks like.

The post Can an AI Story Generator Produce Viral Content? appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Ultimate List of AI Image Generator Tools – Create Powerful Visuals for Your Next Digital Marketing Campaign

AI image generator

Humans working with an AI image generator now co-create more than 20 million images every day. The platforms that provide the tech to do this include Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Artbreeder, and DALL-E.

Why does that matter for marketing?

Marketing is both an art and a science. 

A compelling image with a call to action turns attention into clicks and leads for entrepreneurs. But creating art is time consuming and expensive. Until now. 

Niche players like Omneky not only create advertising visuals with AI image generators but measure the success of their digital advertising and AI-powered creative across thousands of ads. 

Digital advertising has become an essential component of marketing strategies for businesses across industries. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), creating effective ads has become easier and more efficient. 

AI-powered tools can help businesses create high-quality images and compelling copy that can capture the attention of potential customers. In this blog post, we will explore some of the top AI image generators for creating images and copy for digital advertising.

The ultimate list of AI image generator tools

The explosion of ChatGPT and “Generative AI” is a forest fire that is challenging and changing how we create images and copy for our digital marketing campaigns. 

Here is a list of some of the most innovative AI image generators:


DALL-E2 is an artificial intelligence language model created by OpenAI that is capable of generating images from textual descriptions. It was named after the surrealist artist Salvador Dali and the Pixar character Wall-E.

The model was trained on a large dataset of images and text descriptions, using a technique called “contrastive learning” to learn to associate the two. When given a textual description as input, DALL-E generates an image that corresponds to that description.

The model can generate a wide range of images, from realistic to surrealistic, and can even create images of objects and scenes that do not exist in the real world. For example, it can generate images of a snail made of harps, a teapot with elephant legs, or a penguin wearing a sombrero and playing a guitar.

DALL-E uses a technique called “neural rendering” to generate these images. Neural rendering involves using a neural network to generate a 3D model of the object described in the text, and then rendering that model into a 2D image.

DALL-E has numerous potential applications, including in the fields of advertising, design, and art. It could be used to generate images for digital marketing campaigns, create custom designs for products or packaging, or even generate artwork based on text descriptions.


Canva is a popular graphic design platform that uses AI to help businesses create engaging visual content for their digital advertising campaigns. 

Canva’s AI-powered platform suggests design elements that can enhance the visual appeal of the content, helping businesses create more effective ads. The platform also offers templates for various types of digital ads, making it easier for businesses to create high-quality ads quickly and efficiently. (also called is an AI tool that allows users to transform photos into artwork in various styles, including Impressionism, Cubism, and Pop Art. 

It analyzes the content and style of an input image and then creates a new image that combines the two. This tool can be used to create unique and eye-catching visuals for your digital marketing campaigns.

Pikazo is a mobile app that uses AI to transform photos into stylized artwork. 

The app allows users to choose from a variety of art styles, including Cubism, Expressionism, and Pop Art, and apply them to their own photos. This tool is particularly useful for creating visuals for social media or website content.

Deep Dream Generator

Deep Dream Generator is an AI tool that allows users to create psychedelic images from their own photos. 

This tool works by using neural networks to recognize patterns in the input image and then generating a new image that exaggerates those patterns. Deep Dream Generator can be used to create unique and surreal images that are sure to catch the eye of your target audience.


Artisto is an AI tool that allows users to apply art styles to their own videos. This tool works by analyzing each frame of the video and applying a chosen art style to it. Artisto can be used to create eye-catching video content for your digital marketing campaigns. is an AI tool that allows users to create custom logos and branding materials for their businesses. 

Brandmark works by analyzing the user’s input and generating a set of potential logo designs. The user can then choose their favorite design and customize it to their liking. is particularly useful for small businesses or startups that do not have a dedicated graphic designer.


DeepFaceLab is an AI tool that can be used to swap faces in videos or images.

This tool works by analyzing the faces in the input images or videos and then replacing them with new faces. DeepFaceLab can be used to create humorous or attention-grabbing visuals for your digital marketing campaigns.

Fotor is a test to image with an AI Image generator.

This feature can be used to automatically enhance the brightness, contrast, and saturation of photos, as well as remove red-eye and blemishes. 

Fotor also has a library of pre-designed templates, including social media graphics and posters, which can be customized with your own images and text.

Go deeper

Using AI image tools is one thing but optimizing them for results and impact is another.

Here are 7 best practice tips for using AI image generator tools.

When creating an AI-generated image, the description you use is essential to producing a great result. The better your description is, the more likely you are to get an image that meets your needs. Here are some tips on how to create a great description for an AI generated image:

1. Be specific

The more specific your description is, the better the AI generator can understand what you want. Use specific details like colors, shapes, and textures to help the generator create an image that matches your description.

2. Use descriptive language

Descriptive language can help the generator understand the mood and tone you want to convey in the image. Use adjectives like “moody,” “sunny,” “romantic,” or “whimsical” to describe the feeling you want the image to evoke.

3. INclude reference images

If you have specific images in mind that you want the generator to reference, include them in your description. This can help the generator better understand what you’re looking for and create an image that meets your needs.

4. Keep it simple

While it’s important to be specific, you also want to keep your description simple and straightforward. Avoid using overly complicated language or too many details that can confuse the generator.

5. Use keywords

Use keywords that are relevant to the image you want to create. For example, if you’re creating an image of a mountain landscape, use keywords like “mountains,” “trees,” “sky,” and “clouds” to help the generator understand what you’re looking for.

6. Think about composition

Consider the composition of the image you want to create. Do you want a close-up of a specific object or a wide shot of a landscape? Describe the composition you want to help the generator create an image that meets your needs.

7. Be open to surprises

While it’s important to be specific, don’t be afraid to leave some room for interpretation. AI generators can sometimes surprise us with unexpected results that can be even better than what we had in mind.

By following these tips, you can create a description that helps the AI image generator create an image that meets your needs. Remember to be specific, use descriptive language, and include reference images to help the generator understand what you’re looking for. With a great description, you can create amazing AI-generated images that meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

AI-powered image generation tools are revolutionizing digital marketing. They can achieve creativity and scale of production that you have never imagined. 

Click the link if you want to read further on the AI art generators from photos available online.

Check also these AI tools out and start experimenting.

The post The Ultimate List of AI Image Generator Tools – Create Powerful Visuals for Your Next Digital Marketing Campaign appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Monday, May 29, 2023

5 AI Art Generator from Text Tools That Will Turn Your Words Into Masterpieces!

ai art generator from text

AI art generators from text are a type of AI generator that uses natural language processing (NLP) techniques to generate unique and creative digital art pieces based on a set of input data. These systems leverage the power of deep learning algorithms and generative models to generate visually compelling visuals that reflect the essence of the input data.

In this article, we will explore the best AI art generator from text available today!

How does an AI art generator from text work?

The first step in generating AI art from text involves preprocessing the input data. This typically includes tasks such as tokenization, where the text is divided into individual units like words or characters, and syntactic parsing, which analyzes the grammatical structure of sentences. These preprocessing steps help the AI system to effectively comprehend and interpret the text.

Once the text is preprocessed, the AI model employs deep learning architectures such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) or transformers to learn the underlying patterns and relationships within the textual input. These models have been trained on vast amounts of data and are capable of capturing complex dependencies between words and phrases.

The AI model then maps the learned representations of the input text onto a latent space, where creative decisions and variations can be explored. This latent space serves as a rich source of potential artistic possibilities. By manipulating different dimensions of this space, the AI system can generate diverse visual outputs, allowing for a wide range of artistic styles, colors, compositions, and interpretations.

To generate the final artwork, the AI model decodes the representations from the latent space back into the visual domain, producing an image or a multimedia piece. This decoding process can involve various techniques such as image synthesis, style transfer, or multimodal fusion, depending on the desired output format.

Click here to explore more AI Tools!

Top 5 AI art generator from text tools


ai art generator from text

DALL-E is an AI art generator developed by OpenAI that creates unique digital images from text descriptions. The software uses a combination of natural language processing and generative adversarial networks (GANs) to generate high-quality images based on user input.

DALL-E can create a wide range of images, from everyday objects to imaginary creatures and scenes.

Features of Dall-e

  1. Text-to-Image Generation: DALL·E can generate detailed and visually coherent images based on textual descriptions provided as input.
  2. Creative Synthesis: DALL·E has the ability to generate novel and imaginative images that go beyond simple replication of existing examples.
  3. Multimodal Understanding: The model can comprehend and interpret complex textual descriptions that involve multiple objects, attributes, or relationships.
  4. Fine-Grained Control: DALL·E provides users with the ability to manipulate and control specific aspects of the generated images.
  5. High-Quality Output: The images generated by DALL·E are often visually impressive, exhibiting realistic details, textures, and overall coherence.
  6. Large Training Dataset: DALL·E has been trained on a vast dataset comprising a wide range of images, allowing it to learn various visual concepts, styles, and semantic relationships.
  7. Exploration of Latent Space: DALL·E operates in a latent space where it can explore and manipulate different dimensions to generate variations of the input description.


StarryAI is an innovative AI art generator app that aims to simplify the process of generating artworks from text prompts. Unlike traditional methods that often demand technical expertise and extensive knowledge of AI algorithms, StarryAI provides a user-friendly interface that makes art generation accessible to a wider audience.

Features of StarryAI

  1. User-Friendly Interface: StarryAI is designed with simplicity in mind. The app offers an intuitive user interface that allows anyone, regardless of their technical background, to create art using text prompts.
  2. Text Prompt Input: The core functionality of StarryAI revolves around the transformation of text prompts into visual artworks.
  3. AI Art Generation: Behind the scenes, StarryAI leverages advanced AI algorithms, such as deep learning models, to process the text input and generate corresponding artworks.
  4. Automation and Simplicity: StarryAI automates the laborious and time-consuming aspects of AI art generation.
  5. Democratizing AI Art: By simplifying the process and making it accessible to a broader audience, the app empowers individuals who may not have formal training or expertise in art or AI to engage in the creative process.

Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion has emerged as a prominent open-source AI text-to-image algorithm that has garnered significant attention and acclaim in the AI art community.

Renowned for its impressive coherence and high-quality image generation, Stable Diffusion has positioned itself as a competitor to other notable models like DALL·E and Imagen. Its capabilities allow users to swiftly create visually appealing and conceptually rich images from simple text prompts.

Features of Stable Diffusion

  • Open-source AI text-to-image algorithm.
  • Highly coherent and visually compelling images.
  • The algorithm maintains visual consistency, resulting in realistic and believable compositions.
  • Fast image generation capabilities, producing results in seconds.
  • Stable Diffusion accepts basic text prompts and transforms them into visually captivating visuals.
  • The algorithm is continuously improved through collaboration and contributions from the open-source community.
  • Stable Diffusion is supported and showcased on NightCafe, a platform dedicated to AI-generated art.


DeepAI utilizes the power of artificial intelligence to understand the words you provide and converts them into captivating visuals. It’s like witnessing magic unfold before your eyes as the AI algorithm interprets your text and generates an image tailored specifically to your description.

The applications of DeepAI are vast. Whether you’re looking to generate AI art that pushes the boundaries of creativity or simply indulge in some light-hearted silliness, this tool has got you covered.

Features of DeepAI

  • Text-to-Image Conversion: Transform text into visually captivating visuals using artificial intelligence.
  • Unique and Tailored Images: Each generated image is unique, tailored specifically to the provided text description.
  • Remarkable Results: While not photorealistic, the generated images deliver impressive and visually appealing outputs.
  • User Creativity Unleashed: The AI Image Generator empowers users to explore novel concepts and bring their textual descriptions to life through visually captivating images.


The age-old adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” holds true, but the advent of AI art generator tools has revolutionized the creative landscape. Tools like the Picsart Text to Image generator have made it possible to create stunning visuals with just a concise text prompt.

This intersection of AI and human creativity amplifies the potential for artistic expression in unimaginable ways.

Features of Picsart

  • Original Content: AI-generated images enable creators and marketers to stand out with unique and captivating visuals.
  • Creative Empowerment: AI-generated images offer endless possibilities for individuals to bring their imagination to life visually.
  • Wide Range of Applications: AI-generated images find applications in personalized social media content, advertisements, designs, and visual storytelling.
  • Simplified Process: The text-to-image conversion eliminates the need for extensive artistic skills or technical expertise.

Wrapping it up

AI art generators from text have made it easier and more efficient to create unique and impressive digital art pieces without any formal artistic training.

These generators use machine learning algorithms to analyze patterns in text data and create original works of art based on the input data.

While each of the AI art generators mentioned above has its unique features and capabilities, they all offer a range of customization options and produce high-quality results.

Regardless of the generator you choose, AI art generators from text are definitely worth exploring for artists looking to create unique and impressive digital art pieces.

The post 5 AI Art Generator from Text Tools That Will Turn Your Words Into Masterpieces! appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Sunday, May 28, 2023

6 Common eCommerce Website Accessibility Mistakes & How to Fix Them

ecommerce website accessibility

E-commerce website accessibility is often overlooked by brands when designing customer experiences.

But, when it’s done well, it can save you thousands of customers and sales you otherwise could have missed. 

As an eCommerce digital marketing agency, we’ve worked with many online stores over the years — and, along the way, spotted some extremely common accessibility issues on these brands’ websites.

In this blog, we’ll list a few of them (plus solutions to fix them!) to help your website improve its accessibility strategy and reach a brand-new audience of shoppers. 

What does eCommerce accessibility mean?

First, let’s get on the same page about what “online accessibility” really means.

“Accessible” means that any website, app, or other online platform can be used by everyone, regardless of their physical or mental abilities. 

It’s not just about making sure the site works well on most platforms; it’s also about making sure that users can understand what is on the page and interact with the site in an intuitive way.

Because this field encompasses so much, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) exist to outline the specific standards that make websites accessible to people with disabilities. These guidelines are organized into 12 principles, which define the minimum requirements for making web content accessible and user-friendly. 

The WCAG provides insightful guidance on assessing each page of a website — not just for accessibility, but also for user experience (UX), which is equally crucial for search engine optimization (SEO) and conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Any sites that fail to meet these standards may be deemed discriminatory by the law — and could be subject to fines and other penalties, as detailed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

Therefore, if your site doesn’t meet eCommerce accessibility standards, it may only be a matter of time before you’re in a world of legal trouble.

6 eCommerce accessibility mistakes to watch out for

So, if you want to make sure your eCommerce website is accessible, where do you start?

Accessibility is an ongoing effort, not just a one-time checklist. It’s a strategy that you’ll need to revisit often to keep up with modern advancements and technologies.

However, when it comes to the basics, we recommend reviewing your site for the following errors.

1. Relying solely on an accessibility plugin

Using an eCommerce accessibility plugin is a great first step to making your site more accessible, but it’s not the only one you should take. 

Every site is different, and accessibility is a continually evolving standard. For instance, the WCAG has been updated two times since its initial release in 2008 and will likely be updated again as new technologies emerge. Additionally, plugins aren’t enough to comply with the ADA.

But that doesn’t mean they’re not a helpful place to start!

Some plugins incorporate widgets that give users the option to change visual aspects on webpages, such as fonts, spacing, colors, contrast, and alignment — all of which can help visually challenged individuals read website content.

That said, these plugins simply can’t cover everything your eCommerce site needs to be truly accessible. To achieve ADA compliance, you’ll also need to support keyboard navigation, optimize for screen readers, correctly tag images, and include form labels.

We highly recommend investing in a manual, human-led accessibility audit. This will provide the most comprehensive overview of your current accessibility status (and reveal mistakes common plugins won’t catch).

Auditing can be difficult, especially for websites that have hundreds of pages of content. Fortunately, you can hire an expert to do it all for you. 

Consider the following accessibility audit testing services to get started:

2. Forgetting to use alt text

Alt text describes an image for screen readers and appears in an image’s place if it doesn’t load. Therefore, it’s critically important for helping people with visual impairments understand what’s on your site. 

Imagine you’re trying to read an article online, but all the words have been replaced with random letters like “ahsdadsda121672.jpg,” so you can’t make out what it says. That’s what happens when someone who’s visually impaired visits your site without proper alt text.

Alt text also helps search engines understand exactly what each image on your site represents. If you don’t include alt text for all your images, search engines may not be able to index them correctly, which could hurt your SEO efforts.

When you run an eCommerce website, you have a lot of images — product images, promotional displays, and more. This means alt text should be the highest priority for your web developers.

You can use certain plugins to identify any existing (and missing) alt text on your site. Then, use the following resources to add alt text where necessary using proper best practices:

3. Choosing irrelevant anchor text

Anchor text refers to the text shown as a clickable link on a webpage or in an online document. It’s the copy that tells screen readers and search engines what the destination page is about, so that when someone clicks on your link, they land on a page that’s relevant to them. 

Many websites, however, are unaware of how anchor text can affect their users. Instead, they frequently link to pages using “click here” as their anchor text — which can be incredibly confusing for those using screenreaders.

With no specific context for anchor copy, users are left to wonder where exactly a hyperlink is going to send them.

Fortunately, by using relevant anchor text, you can create a more positive user experience on your eCommerce site and improve your SEO efforts.

Let’s take this blog post as an example. If we want to direct readers to more eCommerce accessibility mistakes from an external resource, we’ll use that anchor text: “eCommerce accessibility mistakes.”

In contrast, generic wording (such as “click here”) will make it harder for our readers (and Google’s search bots) to understand the purpose of the link.

Be specific with your anchor text, and your customers will thank you for it.

4. Using illogical page structure

A well-structured eCommerce site is one that follows the natural order of things. We’re not talking about your site architecture here; we’re referring to the structure of each individual webpage. 

To make sure your pages are accessible and easy to read, you need to use headings. When used properly, these provide structure and context for the content you’ve included on each page.

Heading tags (H1, H2, etc.) help organize your webpage content into a logical hierarchy. The first and most significant of these is H1, which serves as the page title. 

From there, you can use H2 (and subheadings like H3, H4, etc.) to section out your page content. However, your headings must always follow a logical order; you cannot jump from an H2 to an H5 without confusing screenreaders (and users).

A web developer can help you identify any inconsistencies in your existing headings and subheadings. You should also create outlines for any future content with these headings in place, so you can ensure any new web pages are logically organized.

5. Omitting tab navigability

Most web users navigate websites using a computer mouse. But, for others, this is impossible.

People who are blind or who have low vision may not be able to see a mouse at all. Similarly, those with motor impairments may be unable to use a mouse due to their physical limitations.

Instead, these individuals will use their keyboard’s “tab” button to navigate the web.

If your eCommerce site doesn’t include tab-navigable links to help your customers move around your site, these customers won’t be able to browse, select products, or complete their purchases online.

To ensure a keyboard-accessible website, you’ll need to work with your web developer to:

  • Implement visible keyboard focus
  • Correct tab order
  • Eliminate keyboard traps
Keyboard focus

Keyboard focus allows the user to see where they are in relation to the page’s structure. Website elements with this focus can be triggered or modified with the keyboard. 

Most web browsers automatically provide a focus indicator that shows a border around the item. However, your developer should also implement and modify this feature on your website to make it more obvious.

Tab order

Tab order is the order in which a user can navigate through items by hitting the tab key. 

Proper tab order should be intuitive and match the webpage’s structure, following the way a human would naturally browse the website — left to right, top to bottom.

Eliminating keyboard traps

A keyboard trap occurs when a user is unable to get away from an interactive element on a website by using just the keyboard. 

Elements like dialogue boxes or calendar widgets often contain keyboard traps where users are unable to close them after hitting “tab” or “ESC.”

6. Using improper color contrast

Color contrast is a critical aspect of online accessibility and helps your customers better view your website content.

While certain color combinations can be aesthetically pleasing, they can also make it difficult for anyone with visual impairments to browse your website. People with low vision may have a hard time distinguishing certain colors or perceiving differences between shades of color. 

This is where color contrast comes in.

Contrast is the difference between two colors in terms of their brightness or “luminance.” WCAG 2.0 mandates at least a 4.5:1 ratio between foreground and background colors/images and a 3:1 contrast ratio for large text. (Large text is defined as anything greater than 14-point [8.66 px] and bold, or 18-point [24 px].)

Several online tools can help evaluate color contrast on your site:

  • WebAIM Color Contrast Checker can check if your foreground and background color combination will pass or fail by inputting colors in RGB hexadecimal format. 
  • Color Contrast Analyzer allows you to analyze a webpage or parts of it against the WCAG standards for contrast ratios.

eCommerce accessibility: A journey, not a destination

Focusing on proper eCommerce accessibility from the very beginning can save you a lot of trouble down the line. Retrofitting an existing design to be accessible, however, can be much harder.

If drastic changes can’t be made to your site structure or design, start by focusing on the most important pages of your website — your homepage, product pages, shopping cart page, and checkout page.

And remember that in the end, accessibility isn’t a destination you reach and never consider again. Instead, it’s a journey of constant improvement. 

Plugins may be the place where you start, but we highly recommend saving for and investing in a comprehensive audit to make sure your site is accessible as possible. After all, Americans with disabilities represent $480 billion in collective buying power — and they deserve to feel as home on your eCommerce site as any other shopper. 

Until then, follow the tips in this guide to address the lowest-hanging accessibility fruit for your site, and create a strategic roadmap for the months and years to come.

Guest Author: Entrepreneur and digital marketer Mike Belasco has been the founder and CEO of eCommerce digital marketing agency Inflow since 2007. His background as a web developer and SEO expert built an agency that has worked with major brands like Amazon,, Dish Network, and many more. Today, Mike leads a team of more than 25 PPC, SEO, and conversion optimization specialists as a boutique, fully remote eCommerce marketing agency.

The post 6 Common eCommerce Website Accessibility Mistakes & How to Fix Them appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Explore 4 Examples of AI Drawing Pushing the Boundaries of Creativity

AI drawing

AI drawing refers to the use of artificial intelligence algorithms and techniques to create artwork. As technology advances, AI-generated artwork is gaining increasing importance and popularity.

This article showcases diverse examples of AI drawing, demonstrating the capabilities and creativity of AI in producing various types of artwork. By exploring different techniques such as GANs, neural style transfer, and deep reinforcement learning, we can uncover the potential and impact of AI in the art world.

AI drawing with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a type of machine learning model that consists of two neural networks: a generator and a discriminator.

The generator generates new data, such as images, while the discriminator evaluates the generated data and provides feedback to the generator. This iterative process helps the generator improve its output over time.

GANs play a significant role in AI drawing by enabling the generation of realistic and diverse artwork. Here are examples of AI drawings created using GANs:

Landscape and nature scenes

Image Source

Landscape and nature scenes: GANs can create stunning landscapes, ranging from serene countryside settings to breathtaking natural wonders. These AI-generated artworks capture the essence of different environments, including mountains, forests, and oceans, with impressive detail and realism.

Portraits and human figures

Portraits and human figures: GANs have the ability to generate lifelike portraits and human figures, showcasing diverse facial features, expressions, and emotions. From historical figures to fictional characters, AI drawings created using GANs demonstrate the potential to recreate human likeness with remarkable accuracy.

Abstract and surreal art

Abstract and surreal art: GANs can produce abstract and surreal artwork that pushes the boundaries of imagination. These AI-generated drawings combine unique patterns, colors, and shapes to create visually captivating and thought-provoking compositions. They often evoke a sense of mystery, transcendence, and unconventional beauty.

Through GANs, AI drawing has expanded the possibilities of artistic expression by generating artwork that mimics the styles and subject matter found in traditional art. These examples illustrate the versatility of GANs in producing a wide range of artwork, showcasing the potential for AI to contribute to the art world in innovative and exciting ways.

Using neural style transfer to create AI drawings

Neural style transfer is a technique in AI drawing that combines the content of one image with the style of another image to create a unique composition. It leverages deep neural networks to extract the content and style features from input images. By optimizing the generated image, neural style transfer can produce visually striking artworks that blend the content of one image with the artistic style of another.

Neural style transfer has resulted in fascinating AI drawings that showcase its creative potential. Here are examples of AI drawings created using neural style transfer:

Replicating famous artist styles: Neural style transfer can imitate the styles of renowned artists like Van Gogh, Picasso, or Monet. The AI algorithm captures the distinctive brushstrokes, color palettes, and textures associated with these artists, allowing the generated artwork to resemble their iconic works.

Combining multiple styles: AI drawings can merge multiple artistic styles, resulting in captivating and unique compositions. By blending the style features of different artworks, neural style transfer can create hybrid pieces that showcase a fusion of artistic elements, generating novel and visually compelling results.

Turning photographs into drawings: Neural style transfer can also transform photographs into stylized drawings. This application allows users to give their images a hand-drawn or painterly appearance. By applying the style of a particular artwork to a photograph, AI can produce drawings that evoke a different aesthetic and convey a new artistic perspective.

Neural style transfer provides a powerful tool for artists and enthusiasts to explore new creative possibilities, enabling the synthesis of diverse artistic styles and the transformation of photographs into drawings with unique flair. The examples demonstrate how AI can blend content and style to produce captivating and personalized artwork that merges the familiar with the innovative.

AI tools to create drawings

Various platforms and tools have emerged to enable AI drawing. These platforms provide user-friendly interfaces and access to pre-trained models, making it easier for artists and enthusiasts to explore AI-generated artwork.

Take a look at our roundup of the best AI drawing generators here.

Final thoughts

AI drawing is a rapidly growing field that is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in art. From digital portraits to 3D-printed sculptures, AI algorithms are helping artists create works that are both innovative and beautiful.

While the field is still in its early stages, the potential for AI drawing is immense, and we can expect to see many exciting new developments in the years to come.

To explore more AI tools and AI generators check out these articles.

The post Explore 4 Examples of AI Drawing Pushing the Boundaries of Creativity appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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Friday, May 26, 2023

5 Essential AI Detector Tools You Need to Know About! [May 2023]

AI detector

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer, transforming industries and reshaping the way we interact with the world around us. From improving customer experiences with chatbots to generating text quickly with content generators, AI has demonstrated its potential to revolutionize various domains. However, with the increasing use of AI tools comes the critical need to address its ethical implications and potential risks. Enter AI detector tools!

In this article, we embark on a journey to explore the best AI detector tools available today. Whether you are a business owner, a content creator, or simply an AI enthusiast, this comprehensive guide will provide you with access to the best AI detectors you can start using right now. Let’s get started!

Best AI detector tools ranked

Here are our top picks for AI detectors in 2023.

1. Originality.AI

To kickstart our list, let’s explore the remarkable capabilities of This tool stands out as an exceptional solution for accurately distinguishing between original content and AI-generated text.

What sets apart is its ability to detect AI-generated text from a wide range of renowned models, including GPT-3, GPT-2, GPT-NEO, and even the latest GPT 3.5 (DaVinci-003) model, as stated on their website. With, you can confidently identify the authenticity of content generated by various prominent AI models. Features

  1. Comprehensive NLP Model Support: The AI content detector and plagiarism checker tool accommodate a wide range of NLP models, ensuring compatibility and effectiveness across various frameworks.
  2. Team Collaboration: The tool allows multiple team members to collaborate, enabling seamless sharing of insights and efficient content analysis.
  3. Future Enhancement: The development team is actively working on introducing a full site scan feature, enhancing the tool’s capabilities to scan entire websites for AI-generated content and potential plagiarism.
  4. APIs and Integrations: The tool provides APIs and integration options, facilitating easy incorporation into existing workflows and systems.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness: This tool offers an affordable solution without compromising on its robust features and functionalities. It provides excellent value for the investment, catering to diverse budget requirements.

2. Writer AI Content Detector

Writer is a versatile platform that equips enterprises and agencies with a comprehensive set of tools for crafting captivating content. Notably, it includes a robust AI text detector that assists users in maintaining the authenticity of their content.

Writer gained widespread recognition due to its seamless integrations and broad compatibility with various third-party platforms, such as Chrome, Figma, and Contentful.

Writer Features

  1. Specialized AI Detector: Writer provides a dedicated AI detector that enables users to identify and flag AI-generated content, ensuring the authenticity and originality of their writing.
  2. Reporting Tools for Writing Insights: The platform offers reporting tools that provide valuable insights into writing patterns, trends, and metrics. These insights help users analyze their writing style and make informed decisions to enhance their content.
  3. Styleguide Implementation: Writer includes a styleguide feature that allows users to implement and enforce editorial rules and guidelines. This ensures consistency and adherence to specific writing standards across various content pieces.
  4. Content Strategy Automation: Writer facilitates content strategy automation by streamlining and optimizing various aspects of the content creation process. This includes content planning, ideation, optimization, and distribution, empowering users to create impactful content more efficiently.
  5. CoWrite Tool: The CoWrite tool within Writer enables users to train the AI specifically for content generation based on their unique requirements. This personalized training helps align the AI-generated content with the desired tone, style, and voice, providing tailored assistance in content creation.

3. Winston AI

ai detectors

In recent months, Winston AI has garnered significant popularity among schools and publishers, and rightfully so. This tool offers two highly accurate AI detection assessments that have made it the tool of choice. Firstly, it provides an overall AI detection score, giving users a clear indication of the presence of AI-generated content.

Additionally, it offers a sentence-by-sentence AI prediction map, pinpointing specific sections of the text that are likely to be AI-generated. This level of precision and clarity has made Winston AI a preferred option for those seeking reliable AI detection capabilities.

Winston Features

  1. Exceptional Detection Rate: Winston AI boasts an impressive 99% detection rate, ensuring the reliable identification of AI-generated content.
  2. ChatGPT Compatibility: The tool seamlessly works with ChatGPT, including the latest GPT-4 model, enabling accurate detection of AI-generated text from these advanced language models.
  3. Sentence Highlighting: Winston AI’s advanced capabilities include the ability to highlight sentences that are likely to have been generated by AI. This feature provides users with a clear visual representation of AI-generated content within their text.
  4. Handling Large Documents: Winston AI has the capacity to efficiently scan and analyze extensive documents, including books. It can process and assess content in various formats, allowing users to upload complete files in .word, .pdf, and even scanned documents.
  5. Plagiarism Detection: In addition to AI detection, Winston AI offers plagiarism detection capabilities, helping users identify potential instances of copied content and providing sources for proper attribution.
  6. Free Readability Score: Winston AI goes beyond AI detection and plagiarism checks by providing users with a free readability score. This feature assesses the readability and comprehension level of the text, offering valuable insights for content improvement.

4. Copyleaks

ai content detector tools

Copyleaks, an AI-powered tool, primarily functions as a plagiarism detector. However, its capabilities extend beyond that, as it can effectively serve as an AI content detector, providing precise results.

Notably, according to its website, Copyleaks proudly asserts its ability to detect content generated using cutting-edge models like GPT 3.5 and ChatGPT.

Copyleaks Features

  1. AI-Powered Features: Copyleaks harnesses the power of AI to deliver its functionality, ensuring accurate and efficient detection capabilities.
  2. Comprehensive NLP Model Coverage: The tool covers all major NLP models, including the advanced GPT3.5 model. This broad coverage enables users to detect AI-generated content effectively.
  3. APIs for Scalable AI Content Detection: Copyleaks provides APIs that facilitate large-scale AI content detection, allowing seamless integration into existing systems and workflows.
  4. Chrome Extension Support: The tool offers a convenient Chrome extension, making it easily accessible for users while browsing the web. This extension enhances the user experience and enables on-the-go content detection.
  5. Robust Plagiarism Checker: Copyleaks features a powerful plagiarism checker that thoroughly scans content to identify instances of copied or unoriginal text, ensuring content integrity.
  6. Source Code Checking: In addition to text-based content, Copyleaks includes source code checking functionality, enabling users to detect similarities or plagiarism in code snippets and programming files.
  7. LMS Integration: Copyleaks facilitates integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS), allowing educational institutions and e-learning platforms to seamlessly incorporate content detection capabilities into their systems.

5. Content at Scale

Content at Scale is a dependable solution for text analysis, capable of distinguishing between AI-generated and human-written content. This platform is freely accessible and offers a plethora of additional features, such as content curation and SEO optimization.

Despite being a free tool, Content at Scale possesses robust capabilities to detect content created by GPT-3 and other AI models, and its accuracy is highly reliable, reaching approximately 85%.

Content at Scale Features

  1. On-Demand API Access: The API is readily available upon request, allowing users to integrate the software seamlessly into their existing systems and workflows.
  2. Extensive Language Support: The software provides support for multiple languages, enabling users to analyze text in various linguistic contexts.
  3. Free Software Usage: Users can utilize the software free of charge, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals and organizations.
  4. High Reliability and Accuracy: The software consistently delivers reliable and accurate results, ensuring users can depend on its output for their text analysis needs.

Wrapping it up

In conclusion, AI detectors are becoming increasingly important as AI technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives.

With the help of machine learning algorithms, AI detectors can analyze data and identify patterns or behaviors that are indicative of AI, making them essential tools for businesses, financial institutions, and individuals alike.

The post 5 Essential AI Detector Tools You Need to Know About! [May 2023] appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

* This article was originally published here

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