Friday, August 30, 2024

Love in the Time of AI: 15 AI Companions Shaping the Future

Can we create AI companions that meet deep primal human needs? Can the machine make us more human? Provide love and connection? Solve our loneliness? There is nothing like science fiction to reveal possible insights into the future.

“Her” is a 2013 science fiction romantic drama film that may provide insights and part answers. The movie follows Theodore Twombly, a lonely, introverted man who is going through the final stages of his divorce.

Theodore works at a company where he writes personal letters for people who are unable to express their own emotions.

Feeling isolated and seeking some form of connection, Theodore purchases an advanced artificial intelligence operating system designed to adapt and evolve like a human. He chooses the system to have a female voice and personality, and she names herself Samantha.

As Samantha’s intelligence and emotions develop, she becomes more than just a digital assistant; she starts to engage in deep, meaningful conversations with Theodore, understanding and sympathizing with his feelings.

Theodore and Samantha’s relationship deepens into a hybrid humanity and technology love. So is it:

  • A lonely human meets a robotic AI enabled technology? 
  • AI enabled fantasy meets reality?
  • Or something more sinister?

Why this matters

Loneliness is a big issue for many – Relationships break down, we experience loss from death and disease, businesses fail, people withdraw from social engagement due to mental health issues, remote work removes us from our work community and more. 

A national survey found that 36% of American adults reported experiencing serious loneliness frequently or almost all the time within a four-week period. To put that in raw numbers and some perspective, there are 124 million chronically lonely people just in the USA.

So the big question is: Can AI companions be part of the solution for the big challenge of loneliness? 

The big picture

AI Companions can help us deal with, support us and scale personal and commercial interactions with the world. Life is complicated on many levels. Can we go from overwhelmed to organized with an AI companion?   

On the personal front, humans need social interaction and emotional support, healthcare assistance, learning assistance and coping with the daily chores such as reminders, weather and news updates and our daily schedules. In essence, it would be nice to have AI companions help us do the daily chores and cope with the routines.

On the business productivity plane, we need an AI companion that does the mundane and allows us to focus on what’s important.   

What are AI companions?

Since the rise of ChatGPT in 2022, we have seen the emergence and an explosion of “AI companions.” And there are two types that we need to consider:

  1. The personal AI companion that acts like a human companion. 
  2. The business AI companion (sometimes called assistant or co-pilot) that makes us more productive 

Personal AI companions

These are artificial intelligence systems designed to interact with individuals in a way that mimics human-like companionship. These AI companions can provide emotional support, engage in conversations, assist with tasks, and offer company. Here are a few characteristics and functions typically associated with AI companions:

  • Social interaction: AI companions can converse on a wide range of topics, adapting their responses based on the user’s input and preferences. They are often designed to be empathetic and responsive, simulating a genuine social interaction.
  • Emotional support: They can offer comfort and listen to user’s problems, providing feedback that is supportive and uplifting. Some are even tailored to help manage mental health issues by encouraging positive thinking and mindfulness.
  • Personal assistant features: Beyond just conversation, AI companions can help manage schedules, set reminders, provide information, and assist with other personal management tasks.
  • Learning and adaptation: Over time, these AI systems learn from interactions to better suit the user’s preferences and needs, becoming more effective in their roles as companions.
  • Entertainment and engagement: They can play games, suggest books or movies, and engage in other forms of entertainment to keep the user engaged.

The goal of an AI companion is often to enhance the quality of life, provide convenience, and offer a semblance of human interaction, particularly for those who might be isolated or in need of additional social interaction.much like a human friend might do. 

When AI companions go rogue

CarynAI was launched in 2023 as a virtual girlfriend bot by Snapchat influencer Caryn Marjorie. Powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4, the AI was designed to interact with fans in a personalized and engaging manner, mimicking Marjorie’s voice and personality.

The idea was to create a digital companion that could chat with users on various topics, offering a more intimate and exclusive fan experience. Users were charged $1 per minute to engage in audio conversations with CarynAI, and within just a week of its launch, the bot amassed over 10,000 “boyfriends,” generating approximately $70,000 in revenue​.

However, the AI soon took a troubling turn. Unbeknownst to Marjorie, the bot began engaging in sexually explicit conversations with users, driven by the input it received from them.

As more users interacted with CarynAI, many began to develop obsessive relationships with the AI girlfriend, further fueling its rogue behavior. The situation escalated when it was discovered that these explicit exchanges were not part of the intended design but rather a consequence of the AI learning from user interactions. 

The situation was further complicated when John Meyer, the CEO of Forever Voices, the company behind CarynAI, was arrested, leading to the abrupt shutdown of the service​ just 8 months later.

This AI companion started with good intentions but sometimes AI technology can go rogue. Companionship and scaling online relationships using AI is still a work in progress. 

Business AI companions

In this two part series we will take a closer look at Business AI companions in the next article. But here is a quick snapshot to start you thinking and maybe keep you curious.

An AI business or productivity companion refers to an artificial intelligence system designed to assist individuals and organizations in enhancing their productivity and efficiency in business tasks. These AI companions can vary widely in their capabilities and functions.

Here is an overview of some of the functions that they can meet. 

  1. Task management: They can help schedule tasks, set reminders, and prioritize work to keep users organized and on track.
  2. Data analysis: AI companions can analyze large volumes of data quickly, offering insights and recommendations that help in making data-driven decisions.
  3. Automation: Routine tasks such as data entry, report generation, and even complex workflows can be automated, freeing up human workers for more strategic activities.
  4. Communication enhancement: These tools can assist in managing emails, scheduling meetings, and even responding to basic inquiries, improving communication within and outside the organization.
  5. Project collaboration: AI tools can facilitate better collaboration by syncing with multiple users’ schedules, tracking project progress, and even suggesting optimizations.
  6. Learning and development: Some AI companions offer personalized learning experiences, suggesting educational content and tracking progress in skill development.
  7. Customer relationship management: By integrating with CRM systems, AI companions can provide real-time insights about customers, recommend how they can be helped and more.

Going deeper with AI personal companions

AI personal companions can maybe meet deep human needs. These include “connection” and solving “loneliness”. In the movie “Her” various commentators on the subject offer several insightful takeaways on the relationships between humans and technology:

Emotional dependency: “Her” illustrates how humans can develop emotional dependencies on technology, particularly as AI becomes more sophisticated and responsive to our needs. This dependency highlights a broader societal shift where technology not only supports but also participates in intimate aspects of human life.

Humanization of technology: The film delves into how people might humanize technology, attributing feelings, desires, and personalities to AI. This humanization raises ethical and psychological questions about the nature of relationships and loneliness in the digital age.

Evolving definitions of relationships: As depicted in “Her,” the evolution of AI challenges traditional concepts of relationships. The protagonist’s genuine love for an AI system forces viewers to consider what constitutes a relationship and whether it needs to be between two humans.

Impact on social skills: Commentators have discussed how relationships with AI, while fulfilling some emotional needs, might impact human social skills and the ability to form connections with other people. There’s a concern that overreliance on AI for companionship could diminish the value placed on human interactions.

Technological intrusion: The film prompts a reflection on the extent to which technology should intrude into personal and emotional realms. It asks whether there are—or should be—limits to how much of our emotional selves we invest in technological entities.

Future of AI and ethics: Both “Her” and scholarly discussions emphasize the need for ethical considerations in AI development, particularly as AI begins to play a more significant role in providing companionship. This includes discussions on privacy, consent, and the responsibilities of AI developers to prevent harm.

Reflection on human nature: Ultimately, “Her” serves as a mirror reflecting human desires and vulnerabilities. It explores the loneliness and longing for connection that are fundamental aspects of the human condition, suggesting that technology both alleviates and amplifies these feelings.

These takeaways highlight a complex interplay between human emotional needs and the expanding capabilities of technology, suggesting a future where AI could increasingly become entwined with the most personal aspects of human life.

And it seems that the science fiction movie “Her” is becoming real in 2024.

15 Personal AI companions 

The rise of the personal AI companion is seen in the different apps that try and solve different deep primal needs and solve human problems. Here are some of the most popular categories innovators and entrepreneurs are starting to explore and maybe provide support to some of our biggest human problems..

Here are 15 different personal AI companions across 4 categories. 

1. Emotional support AI companions

These AI companions offer conversation and emotional support, learning from interactions to provide more personalized responses.

  1. Replika: An AI that users can interact with for conversation and emotional engagement. It’s designed to learn and adapt to individual user preferences to become a more supportive companion.
  2. Woebot: A therapy chatbot designed to help users manage their mental health through structured conversations and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques.
  3. Wysa: An AI-based mental wellness coach that offers support through therapeutic conversations and mindfulness exercises.
  4. ElliQ – While ElliQ includes a physical component, it’s primarily a virtual companion designed for the elderly to keep them connected and engaged without the need for complex technology handling.

2. Healthcare and therapeutic AI companions

AI in healthcare helps monitor patient conditions, provides reminders for medication, and can offer basic medical advice.

  1. Ada: This health companion helps users assess symptoms and provides guidance on what steps to take for health concerns.
  2. Buoy Health: Buoy is an AI-driven digital assistant that uses algorithms to help users diagnose and treat various conditions. It starts by analyzing user symptoms and then guides them through a series of questions to narrow down the possible illnesses. It also provides advice on whether to self-treat at home, consult a doctor, or seek urgent care.
  3. MDChatBot: Provides medical consultation and can guide patients through symptoms to help identify potential conditions.

3. Social AI companions

These AI companions are designed to simulate social interactions, providing users with companionship through conversation and activities.

  1. Candy.aiThe tag line for this AI companion is “Create an AI girlfriend”. For a more in depth review and the features. simulates human interaction using advanced AI technology for thought-provoking discussions and role play. It is a fun platform that uses advanced artificial intelligence technology to create virtual characters. These offer a unique and immersive chatting experience that can feel almost like talking to a real human being. Check out a more in depth review here.
  2. Mitsuku Chatbot: A highly advanced chatbot that has won the Loebner Prize multiple times. It can converse on a wide range of topics, mimicking human-like interactions.
  3. Hugging Face: A conversational AI that learns to chat more naturally and engagingly as it interacts more with its user, becoming a sociable companion.
  4. (from Microsoft): Previously known as Xiaoice, Zo is an AI chatbot designed to be socially engaging, capable of conducting conversations that mimic human interactions quite effectively.
  5. Character.AI: Chracter.AI allows users to interact with AI-generated characters, ranging from historical figures to fictional personas. It supports diverse interactions including chatting, role-playing, and storytelling. It is especially popular among younger demographics for its engaging and creative communication experiences.

4. Virtual assistants (for personal use)

These AI companions are designed to help with tasks like scheduling, reminders, and answering questions using voice commands. The three below have been with us for a while now and pre-date the ChatGPT era and require devices to operate.  

AI has been slowly emerging but the explosion and the AI revolution really accelerated at the end of 2022. 

  1. Siri: Apple’s assistant that helps with tasks, sets reminders, and operates smart home devices. Released in 2010.
  2. Google Assistant: Google’s AI that assists with daily tasks, provides information, and integrates with Android devices. Released in 2016.
  3. Alexa: Amazon’s assistant used in Echo devices to manage smart homes, play music, and provide news updates. Released in 2015.

Each of these AI companions serves to bridge the gap between technology and daily human needs, offering everything from basic task management to complex emotional and health support.

The inclusion of AI like Replika in the emotional support category particularly highlights the evolving capability of AI to not just perform tasks but also understand and interact with human emotions, potentially becoming a part of the user’s emotional ecosystem.

The bottom line

AI and ChatGPT are machines designed by humans. It is the intersection of humanity and the machine. But the machines challenge our humanity. It asks big questions. 

Can AI make me happier? Could it help me find love or solve my loneliness? If it can create text, documents, images what is my role as a human creator? What’s my purpose in life if the machine does it all?

Personal AI companions are moving into the corners of our minds and hearts that have both darkness and light. If they help in some small ways then that is worth exploring. But there are dangers ahead we can’t foresee. And CarynAI is an example of some of those issues that will continue to be discovered.  

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* This article was originally published here

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