Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Twitter Ads Playbook for 2024: What’s Everyone Missing?

Twitter is all about real-time engagement and dynamic interaction, keeping conversations flowing. For businesses and marketers, this means a playground of potential. 

Twitter Ads allow brands to insert themselves directly into conversations, reaching active, engaged, and ready-to-interact audiences. Plus, Twitter has fine-tuned its ad offerings to help brands connect in creative ways. This makes it easier than ever to craft compelling stories that drive conversions.

In this article, we’ll guide you on how you can use Twitter advertising to get your brand buzzing and connect with people worldwide.

What are Twitter ads?

Twitter Ads are paid promotional content that you can use to amplify your presence on the platform. These ads are designed to help you reach a larger audience, drive engagement, and achieve specific marketing goals—whether that’s increasing Twitter followers, boosting website traffic, or generating leads. In short, Twitter Ads let you break through the noise and connect with the right people at the right time.

Types of Twitter ads

Promoted ads

Promoted ads on Twitter are paid posts designed to boost visibility and engagement. They blend seamlessly into users’ feeds, appearing just like regular posts but with more reach. Promoted ads can be:

  • Image ads: Highlight your product or service with a single eye-catching photo. Ideal for quick and clear messaging.
  • Video ads: Use videos to tell a story, showcase your product in action, or drive users to your website or app. Great for catching attention and sparking engagement.
  • Carousel ads: Want to showcase more? Carousel ads let you include up to six swipeable images or videos. Perfect for multiple products or promotions in one ad.
  • Text ads: These are simple, native ads that look like any other post on X. They’re a fantastic way to extend your regular posts’ reach beyond your followers to a wider audience.

Vertical video ads


Vertical video ads are full-screen, mobile-friendly videos that take up the entire screen when viewed on X. They play with sound on by default, making your brand’s message impossible to miss. According to X, users are 7x more likely to interact with these ads—whether that’s following, liking, reposting, or clicking a link—compared to traditional ads.

X Amplify

X Amplify lets Twitter advertisers pair their ads with high-quality video content from top publishers, ensuring their message reaches the right audience. It comes in two flavors:

  • Amplify Pre-roll: Choose from over 15 content categories to match your ad with relevant video content. In select markets, you can also access special Curated Categories for even more targeted placement.
  • Amplify Sponsorships: This option provides a 1:1 partnership with a specific publisher during a key moment of your choice. You get post-level control throughout the campaign. 

X Takeovers


X Takeovers are premium ad placements that give your brand maximum visibility across the platform. They help you reach a massive audience on both desktop and mobile. Here’s what’s available:

  • Timeline Takeover: Be the first ad users see when they open X for the day. It’s the top spot to kick off conversations.
  • Trend Takeover: Place your ad alongside trending topics on the Explore tab. Perfect for joining the buzz where discussions begin.

X Live

X Live lets you share your biggest moments with the world in real-time. Whether it’s a product launch, conference, watch party, or fashion show. To use X Live, brands or Premium subscribers need to be verified and can access live video features through X’s Media Studio dashboard. 

You can also use Media Studio to create clips from past live streams for organic posts or future ads. 

Dynamic product ads 

Dynamic Product Ads on X automatically show users the products they’re most likely to buy from you. Here’s how they work:

  • DPA Retargeting: Remind users of items they’ve already checked out—like those left in their shopping cart—but haven’t bought yet.
  • DPA Prospecting: Attract new customers by showcasing products from your catalog that fit their interests.

To use Dynamic Product Ads, you’ll need to upload your product catalog to X Shopping Manager. 

Collection ads


Collection ads let you showcase multiple products in a single, engaging view. You can display up to six items in a carousel, or spotlight one product with a large hero image and different angles. Unlike carousel ads, all product features are visible at once—no swiping needed. Plus, each product can link to its own landing page, giving you more flexibility to drive traffic where you want.

Organic vs. paid content

Organic tweets are content you post without paying. They are visible to your followers and anyone who visits your profile. Their reach and engagement depend solely on your current followers and their interaction with the tweet.

On the other hand, promoted or paid tweets are targeted ads that appear in the timelines of users beyond your followers. Paid content ensures you reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, or behaviors, giving your message more visibility and a better chance to go viral.

Why advertise on Twitter in 2024?

According to a report from July 2024, Twitter (now X) has 611 million active monthly users. Despite all its changes, Twitter continues to evolve, attracting diverse audiences and driving global conversations. 

Just like before, X’s users are actively participating in real-time discussions, making it ideal for brands to join trending conversations and capture attention quickly. Advertising on X means your brand can be part of the conversations people care about—right as they’re happening. So, if you want to stay relevant and reach a global audience that’s constantly talking, Twitter Ads are a no-brainer.

Twitter ads success stories

Thursday Boot Co. 

Thursday Boot Co. is a direct-to-consumer footwear brand known for its high-quality, versatile boots and shoes that transition seamlessly from work to play. They wanted to increase brand awareness and highlight the craftsmanship of their footwear to boost sales in Q4 2023.

X Business

Thursday Boot Co. used X’s Vertical Video Ads to showcase their production process and product quality in a visually compelling format. They paired this with IAS Pre-Bid Optimization to ensure their ads appeared in brand-safe environments. The results:

  • 29% Video View Rate
  • $0.01 Cost per View
  • 100% Brand Safety Rate

Navigating Twitter ads manager

Ready to make a splash with your Twitter Ads? Let’s walk through how to use Twitter Ads Manager—a powerful tool that helps you create, manage, and optimize your ad campaigns with ease.

How to use Twitter ads manager

Step 1: Set up your Twitter (X) ads account

Ready to kick off your ad campaign? First things first, you’ll need an X account. Don’t have one? No worries, just sign up. Already got one? Awesome, log in using the handle you’ll be using to manage your ads.

Head over to You’ll be asked to log in, set your time zone, and choose your country. Once you’ve done all that, hit the “Let’s Go” button, and you’re ready to roll!

Step 2: Pick your campaign objective

Now that you’re in, it’s time to choose what you want your ads to accomplish. Your campaign objective determines the actions you’ll be charged for when folks start interacting with your ad. So, choose wisely!

Simple mode:

Advanced mode:

Here are your options:

  • Reach: Get your ad in front of as many eyeballs as possible.
  • Video Views: Boost those play counts on your video content.
  • Pre-Roll Views: Get your ad seen before other videos.
  • App Installs: Drive downloads for your mobile app.
  • Website Traffic: Send more visitors to your site.
  • Engagement: Increase likes, retweets, and replies.
  • App Re-engagements: Get people back into your app.
  • Website Conversions: Nudge users toward actions on your site, like signing up or making a purchase.
  • Keywords (Beta): Target people based on what they’re searching for.

Once you’ve made your pick, click “Next” to dive into your Campaign Details.

Step 3: Fill in your campaign details

With your ad objective set, it’s time to dive into the nitty-gritty of your campaign details. Here’s what you need to cover:

  • Campaign name: Give your campaign a snazzy name. Make it something you’ll recognize later.
  • Start and end dates: Choose when your campaign kicks off and when it wraps up. Set those dates wisely!
  • Daily & total budget: Set your daily spending limit and, if you like, an overall budget cap. Keep it within your comfort zone.

Depending on your chosen objective, you might have to add a bit more info. For example, if you’re going for app installs, you’ll need to link your app to your X Ads account.

Once you’ve got all the details squared away, click “Next” to move forward.

Step 4: Select your ad group 

Ad groups are like mini-campaigns within your main campaign. They let you set separate budgets, audiences, and schedules for individual ads, all under one campaign roof. If you’re new to X ads, it’s smart to start with just one ad group for now. Once you get the hang of things, you can add more groups to boost your campaign’s reach and effectiveness.

Step 5: Choose your bid type

With your ad group ready, it’s time to decide how much you’re willing to pay for those precious interactions. Here are your options:

  • Automatic bid: Perfect for beginners. This option automatically adjusts your bids to get the most impressions while keeping costs low.
  • Maximum bid: Want more control? Set the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for each engagement.
  • Target bid: This option lets you pay the average cost of all your ad clicks in a day. Bid costs may fluctuate based on how well your ad is performing.

Choose your bidding strategy wisely, as it can impact how often and where your ads appear. Once you’ve set your bids, you’re ready to move on!

Step 6: Specify your target audience

Time to figure out who gets to see your ads. This is where you can zero in on your ideal audience by setting up targeting criteria like:

  • Gender: Choose who your ads are for—male, female, or all genders.
  • Age: Specify the age range that fits your campaign.
  • Location: Target by country, city, or even postal code.
  • Language: Make sure your ads speak the right language.
  • Device type: Pick between mobile, desktop, or both.

Want to get even more precise? You can also fine-tune your audience using:

  • Keywords: Reach people based on the terms they search or tweet about.
  • Conversation topics: Target those chatting about specific topics relevant to your brand.
  • Interests: Connect with users who have related interests.

Feel free to be as detailed as you want, but remember: the more specific you get, the smaller your audience becomes. Once you’re happy with your selection, click “Next” to keep the ball rolling!

Step 7: Add your Twitter ad creatives

Now comes the fun part—creating your ad! You’ve got all the details set, so let’s bring your vision to life.

Choose whether you want to promote an existing post or craft something fresh. Then, select your ad type and start building. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  • Ad name: Give your ad a unique name. This helps you keep track of it later.
  • Destination: Decide where you want your ad to send people—your website, a landing page, or even your app.

As you fill in the details, keep an eye on the preview panel on the right. It updates in real-time, so you can see exactly how your ad will look once it’s live. Tweak things until it’s just right.

When you’re happy with your ad, click “Review Your Campaign” to take one last look before going live.

Step 8: Review and launch your campaign

You’re almost there! Before you unleash your ad on the world, take a moment to review everything. Double-check your:

  • Objective: Make sure it aligns with your campaign goals.
  • Bidding: Verify your bid strategy is set the way you want it.
  • Targeting: Ensure you’re reaching the right audience.

If you want to add more ad groups, now’s your chance. Once you’re satisfied with how everything looks, take a deep breath and click “Launch Campaign!”

And that’s it—you’re live! Get ready to watch your campaign work its magic.

Tips for optimizing your campaigns in Twitter ads manager

Getting your Twitter ads out there is one thing, but making them really shine is another. Here are some detailed tips to help you get the best bang for your buck:

A/B test creatives

Test different images, videos, or GIFs. Compare bright, eye-catching visuals with simpler designs to see what drives more engagement. You can also experiment with tweet copy. Try one version with a question and another with a bold statement. See which gets more clicks.

Lastly, test different calls-to-action like “Learn More” vs. “Shop Now” to find what best aligns with your goals.

Optimize bidding strategies

Let Twitter set the best bid for your goals, ideal for beginners. You can also go the manual route by setting specific bids to control costs. However, monitor closely for competitiveness. Increase bids if impressions are low or lower them if CPC is too high.

Schedule your ads wisely

Run ads during peak times like lunch breaks or evenings when your audience is most active. Another option is dayparting in which you only run ads during specific hours or days to reach your audience at optimal times.

Targeting and audience segmentation on Twitter

Twitter’s targeting capabilities lets you pinpoint your ideal audience based on what they talk about, who they follow, and what they care about. Let’s break it down.

  • Keyword targeting: Reach users tweeting about specific words or phrases. Perfect for jumping into relevant conversations, like targeting “morning coffee” for a coffee brand.
  • Hashtag targeting: Engage users interacting with trending hashtags. Great for joining buzz around events or popular discussions.
  • Follower lookalikes: Target people similar to the followers of specific accounts, like your competitors or influencers. Expand your audience with users likely to be interested in your brand.
  • Interest targeting: Connect with users based on their passions, like sports, fashion, or tech. Use Twitter’s categories to find your ideal audience.
  • Behavioral targeting: Reach users based on behaviors and purchase intent, such as frequent travelers or tech enthusiasts.
  • Tailored audiences: Use your own customer lists or website visitor data to create custom audiences. Find new users with lookalike audiences based on these groups.

Refining your audience for better ad performance

  • Combine targeting: Mix options like keyword and interest targeting to reach users who tweet about “fitness” and are into “healthy eating.”
  • Use exclusions: Exclude irrelevant audiences, like existing customers in a new customer promo, to save budget.
  • Geo and language targeting: Target specific locations and languages, ideal for local businesses or niche audiences.
  • Layer strategies: Combine interests, behaviors, and demographics to create a highly specific audience profile.

Best practices for reaching the right users

  • Start broad, then refine: Begin with broad targeting and adjust based on performance data. It’s like casting a wide net and then narrowing in.
  • Leverage analytics: Use X Analytics to see who’s interacting with your content. Adjust targeting to focus on these key segments.
  • Avoid over-targeting: Don’t get too specific—keep a balance to ensure your ads reach enough people without inflating costs.
  • Retarget engaged users: Re-engage users who’ve interacted with your brand to keep your message top-of-mind and drive conversions.
  • Refresh audiences regularly: Update your targeting to avoid ad fatigue and stay aligned with changing trends and behaviors.

Best practices for creating Twitter ads

Crafting Twitter ads that grab attention and drive action requires a blend of creativity and strategy. Given the platform’s fast-paced, scrolling nature, your ads need to be punchy, visually appealing, and straight to the point. Here’s how to nail it:


When writing copy for Twitter, keep it short and clear. Aim for 50-100 characters, focusing on one main idea or benefit. Use conversational language, addressing your audience directly with “you” and “your.” Include powerful, action-oriented words like “Discover now” or “Don’t miss out” to encourage engagement. Adding urgency with words like “Today” or “Limited time” can prompt immediate action.


According to X, 97% of users focus on visuals. Use eye-catching visuals with high-quality images or videos to grab attention. Keep your branding consistent with subtle logos and brand colors. Limit text on visuals to less than 20% to maintain clarity. Short GIFs or videos (15 seconds or shorter) can convey your message quickly and creatively.

Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

For call-to-actions (CTAs), be clear and direct with phrases like “Shop Now” or “Learn More.” Place CTAs where they’re easy to notice, especially at the end of your ad. Combine your CTA with a benefit, such as “Sign Up for Free Tips,” to make it more compelling.

Why concise messaging matters on Twitter

Twitter is a rapid-fire platform where users skim through a flood of content. You have just a few seconds to make an impression. Lead with your key message or hook right away. Avoid fluff or overly complex language.

Moreover, don’t try to say everything in one ad. Choose a single, strong message and stick to it. Whether it’s a new product launch, a discount, or brand awareness, be clear and focused.

Examples of high-converting Twitter ads

Spotify’s X ads convert well because they use bold visuals, clear messaging, and strong CTAs. The eye-catching graphics grab attention, while concise messages focus on benefits like personalized music or exclusive content. A direct CTA like “Listen Now” or “Try Premium for $ 0.99” makes it easy for users to take action.

K6 Agency

Twitter ads statistics you need to know in 2024

Twitter, now known as X, offers unique opportunities for businesses to connect with a highly engaged audience. However, to truly make an impact, it’s important to understand the platform’s current landscape and advertising potential. Here are some key stats to consider:

Advertising on Twitter remains cost-effective compared to other platforms. Twitter’s cost per click (CPC) is between $0.26 and $0.50, much cheaper than LinkedIn’s $2 to $3 per click. For promoted accounts, businesses typically pay $1.01 to $2 per follow. This makes Twitter a budget-friendly choice for brands aiming to get more value from their ad spend.

Managing and analyzing your Twitter ad campaigns

Once your Twitter ads are up and running, the real work begins: monitoring and making data-driven adjustments. With Twitter’s analytics tools, you can see exactly how your ads are performing and refine your strategy to maximize impact. 

Social Media Today

Head over to to access your campaign dashboard. The dashboard shows you a summary of your overall account activity, including impressions, engagements, and follower growth.

For each campaign, you can view specific performance metrics like clicks, conversions, and cost per result. Use this data to identify trends and patterns in user behavior.

Twitter Ad Metrics to track

Here are the key metrics to track for evaluating your ad performance on X:

  • Impressions: The total number of times your ads have been displayed to users on X.
  • Results: The specific actions taken by users that align with your campaign goals. For instance, if your objective is to drive website traffic, results will be tracked as link clicks. 
  • Engagement Rate: The ratio of user interactions (results) to the total impressions of your ads.
  • Cost-per-Result (CPR): The average amount you spend for each desired action users take as a result of your ads.

Optimizing Twitter ad campaigns using data

Here’s how you can optimize your campaigns based on your analytics:

  • Identify top-performing ads: Focus on ads with high engagement and low cost per result. Analyze what’s working, such as the message, visuals, or targeting, and apply these elements to other campaigns. Duplicate successful ads and make small changes like adjusting the CTA, headline, or targeting to optimize performance.
  • Adjust targeting settings: Refine your audience based on performance. If one group responds better, allocate more budget there. Use Twitter’s insights to discover new interests and behaviors to target relevant audiences.
  • Refresh ad creatives: Low engagement might mean it’s time for a change. Try new visuals, tweak copy, or test formats like videos or GIFs. Use A/B testing to compare different versions and apply successful elements to future campaigns.
  • Monitor budget and bidding: Keep track of your spending to avoid wasting money on underperforming ads. Adjust bids if necessary or use automatic bidding to optimize based on your campaign goals.
  • Optimize timing and frequency: Schedule ads when your audience is most active. Avoid ad fatigue by rotating ads regularly to keep your audience engaged.

Twitter advertising costs: Budgeting and ROI

Advertising on Twitter can be incredibly effective, but understanding the costs and budgeting correctly is key to maximizing your return on investment (ROI). 

Overview of Twitter ad costs

There’s no set amount to pay for advertising on Twitter. It depends on your bid amount, ad type, and competition. The average cost of Twitter (X) campaigns are as follows:

How to set an effective Twitter ad budget

To get the best results from your Twitter ads, it’s important to set a budget that matches your campaign goals and priorities.

  1. Define Your Goals: Identify if you want brand awareness, traffic, app installs, or followers. Align your budget with these goals. For awareness, focus on CPM; for clicks or conversions, focus on CPC or CPE.
  2. Start Small: Begin with $10-$50 per day to test your ads. Adjust based on performance, increasing the budget for high-performing ads.
  3. Set Budgets: Use daily budgets for ongoing control and lifetime budgets for short-term campaigns, allowing Twitter to optimize ad delivery.
  4. Adjust Bids: Increase bids for more impressions and engagement. Lower them if costs are too high while maintaining performance.
  5. Allocate by Objective: Distribute your budget based on campaign priorities. Focus more on follower growth or traffic, depending on your main goal.

Calculating ROI for your Twitter ads

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you calculate ROI and optimize your Twitter ad campaigns.

  1. Track conversions with Twitter’s website tag

Use Twitter’s conversion tracking tool to monitor what users do after clicking on your ad. This includes actions like purchases, sign-ups, or downloads.

  1. Calculate cost per acquisition (CPA)

CPA tells you how much it costs to acquire one customer. You find this by dividing your total ad spend by the number of conversions. For example, if you spend $500 and get 50 conversions, your CPA is $10. If your CPA is much lower than your CLV, your ads are generating good ROI.

  1. Use UTM parameters for deeper analysis

Add UTM parameters to your ad links to track user behavior in Google Analytics. This lets you see which ads drive traffic and conversions beyond what Twitter’s analytics show. Monitor metrics like bounce rates and session duration. This helps you understand the quality of traffic from your Twitter ads.

  1. Reinvest profits for scaling

If your campaigns are profitable, reinvest some of the profits to scale up gradually. This helps test performance impact without drastically increasing costs. Experiment with new ad formats or audience segments. Expand your reach while keeping it relevant to your target market.

Common challenges and how to overcome them

Twitter ads can be a powerful tool, but like any marketing channel, they come with their own set of challenges that can hinder campaign success. Here’s a rundown of common issues and strategies to tackle them head-on, along with tips to ensure you stay on Twitter’s good side.

Issues advertisers face with Twitter ads

  1. Low engagement rates: Your ad is getting impressions but not enough clicks, likes, or retweets. This can be frustrating and is often a sign that your content isn’t resonating with the audience or your targeting is off.
  2. Ad fatigue: Over time, users get tired of seeing the same ad repeatedly, leading to a drop in engagement and an increase in cost per result. This is especially common if you’re running the same creative for an extended period.
  3. Budget inefficiencies: You’re spending money but not seeing a return. High costs per click or conversion might indicate that your ad spend isn’t optimized and you’re not reaching the right audience.
  4. Targeting issues: Sometimes, your audience might be too broad or too narrow, leading to irrelevant clicks or missed opportunities. 
  5. Compliance problems: Getting your ads rejected or your account flagged can be a headache. This usually happens due to violations of Twitter’s advertising policies, like inappropriate content or misleading claims.

Tips to boost your Twitter ad performance

  1. Update your creatives
    Refresh visuals and copy. Try videos, GIFs, or carousel ads to see what works best. Use A/B testing to fine-tune headlines, images, and CTAs.
  2. Refine targeting
    Use Twitter Analytics to find out who engages with your ads. Focus on these segments or exclude irrelevant ones. Test different keywords and hashtags to connect better with your audience.
  3. Rotate ads regularly
    Create multiple ad versions and rotate them to keep content fresh. Use frequency capping to avoid overexposing users to the same ad.
  4. Optimize bids and budget
    Lower your bid or use automated bidding to control costs. Check your budget: too low, and you miss visibility; too high, and you waste money on poor-performing ads.
  5. Leverage data insights
    Analyze top-performing ads to replicate successful elements. Schedule ads during peak engagement times for maximum impact.

How to stay compliant with Twitter’s advertising policies

  1. Review Twitter’s policies regularly
    Stay updated on Twitter’s Advertising Policies to ensure your ads meet guidelines, including those on prohibited content and restricted industries.
  2. Avoid prohibited content
    Don’t use ads with sensitive or controversial content like hate speech or adult themes. Also, avoid promoting illegal products or services.
  3. Be honest and transparent
    Make sure your ads are truthful and clear. If promoting discounts or partnerships, disclose terms and sponsorships accurately.
  4. Target appropriately
    Avoid targeting sensitive audiences, like minors for age-restricted products. Use tailored audiences responsibly and comply with privacy laws.
  5. Monitor your ads for compliance
    Regularly check ads for policy violations. If disapproved, make adjustments and resubmit. Address any account issues quickly through Twitter’s appeal process.

Twitter’s advertising landscape is set to evolve with new technologies and changing user behaviors. To stay competitive, advertisers should keep an eye on the following trends:

  • Enhanced AI and machine learning
    Expect more sophisticated AI-driven ad targeting and optimization, leading to smarter campaign management and reduced costs. AI could also offer personalized creative suggestions for ad copy and visuals based on industry trends.
  • Expansion of video and interactive ads
    Video content will continue to grow, with more interactive formats like augmented reality (AR) and shoppable video ads, allowing users to buy directly from ads without leaving the platform.
  • Increased focus on social commerce
    Look for more integrated shopping experiences in tweets, such as in-tweet product catalogs and seamless checkout options to streamline the purchase journey.
  • Advanced audience segmentation
    Expect new tools for precise audience targeting based on user behavior, content preferences, and engagement patterns, enhancing the ability to reach the right audience.
  • Improved analytics and automation
    Twitter may introduce deeper analytics with predictive insights and automated ad creation features, simplifying campaign management and enabling data-driven decisions.
  • Voice and audio ads
    With the rise of audio content, Twitter might launch new ad formats like voice tweets and audio spaces, offering a fresh way to engage users in hands-free environments.

How to stay ahead of your competition

  • Adopt new formats early: Experiment with beta features like interactive ads and shoppable tags before competitors do.
  • Leverage AI and automation: Use AI tools for bidding and creative optimization to enhance efficiency.
  • Stay agile: Monitor performance closely and be ready to adjust based on real-time data and predictive analytics.
  • Focus on authentic storytelling: Share genuine brand stories and collaborate with influencers to build credibility and engagement.

Wrapping up

Twitter, now X, may have undergone many changes—some for better, some for worse—but it still stands as a powerhouse for social media advertising in 2024. Its massive user base, evolving ad formats, and cost-effective options make it an essential platform for businesses looking to expand their reach and engage with a diverse audience.

Now is the perfect time to dive in and experiment with X ads to see how they can drive growth for your business. Whether you’re a seasoned advertiser or just starting, the potential to connect with your audience in creative and impactful ways is greater than ever. Give it a try, and don’t forget to share your experiences or success stories—you might just inspire someone else to do the same!


Does Twitter have display ads?

Twitter offers various ad formats, but traditional display ads aren’t one of them. Instead, you can use promoted tweets, videos, and images that appear in users’ timelines.

How long are Twitter ads?

The duration of a Twitter video ad depends on the format. Video ads can be up to 2 minutes and 20 seconds long, but shorter videos are generally more effective.

Why choose Twitter ads?

Twitter ads are great for reaching a large, engaged audience, offering real-time engagement and targeting options at a lower cost compared to some other platforms.

Are Twitter ads better than Facebook ads?

It depends on your goals. Twitter is ideal for real-time engagement and trending topics, while Facebook ads offer broader audience targeting and various ad formats. Both have their strengths.

What is the difference between Twitter Promote and Twitter Ads?

Twitter Promote is an automated service that promotes your best tweets to a wider audience. Twitter Ads, on the other hand, offer more customization, targeting options, and campaign objectives.

The post The Twitter Ads Playbook for 2024: What’s Everyone Missing? appeared first on

* This article was originally published here

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The Twitter Ads Playbook for 2024: What’s Everyone Missing?

Twitter is all about real-time engagement and dynamic interaction, keeping conversations flowing. For businesses and marketers, this means ...